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Just . . . just . . . woah.

Oct 8, 2008
Go see this movie. :eek:


I guarantee you've never seen anything like it. Sure, same as Besson's seminal "The 5th Element" the plot's basically an extended chase scene with a MacGuffin.

You won't mind.

The visuals, the aliens, the effects, the jaw-dropping bits that are basically just little throwaway background details . . . it just keeps coming at you on maximum overload the whole time.

"Valerian & the City of 1000 Planets."

It's a packed weekend for blockbusters & new releases. Try to find time for this one. You're going to wish you'd seen it big screen and 3D if you let yourself wait for the video. I promise.

My regular theater---the one with the IMAX---inexplicably scheduled its only 3D showings for 9 in the morning and 11 at night! I mean, I get that Dunkirk, Planet of the Apes and Minions 3 all opened this weekend too, but c'mon! :confused:

Caught it in 3D at the Alamo Drafthouse Cinema instead, which serves beer. :D But if Century 16 gives it an IMAX 3D slot I'm seeing it again.

Don't think it will be there long, so go see it soon. It bombed at the box office this weekend.
Watched it Friday night. It was ok and I did enjoy it, Bri however fell asleep about 20 minutes into it.
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I would like to redeem myself by saying that I was up very early for my interview and tired from all the lack of sleep from preparing....but I am kind of an old lady when it comes to movies at night :D

It wasn't a bad movie at all, reminded me of Star Wars a little here and there.
Hey, its a great to see original sci-fi pictures, instead of a retread or prequel/sequel to an existing. I'll see if I can't squeeze in a showing some point
Don't think it will be there long, so go see it soon. It bombed at the box office this weekend.

Yeah. I can't believe they stacked it against Dunkirk, Despicable 3, and the latest Planet of the Apes installment. Crazy bad studio move.

OTOH, The 5th Element did badly at the box office too, and twenty years later it's a cult classic and I've watched it like 100 times.

Luc Besson deserves better. Man's a fucking genius.

Edited to add: Checked iMDB and noticed Spiderman: Homecoming ALSO opened this weekend---and earned more at the box office than #2 and #3 combined. Valerian got barely more than half the next-to-last place finisher's total. :(

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Y'know, we all complain about franchises and remakes, but . . . this is why Hollywood goes in for them so heavily. People want the comfort of a known quantity before forking over $16 for an IMAX ticket (and $20 for a popcorn and soda!)

What's it about?

It's based on a famous series of French graphic novels that Luc Besson grew up loving. What's every Star Wars movie about? Blowing up a Death Star. What's every Mad Max movie about? A chase scene. What's every James Bond film about? A villain.

This is like those. ;)

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It's based on a famous series of French graphic novels that Luc Besson grew up loving. What's every Star Wars movie about? Blowing up a Death Star. What's every Mad Max movie about? A chase scene. What's every James Bond film about? A villain.

This is like those. ;)

An action flick. Summer fun. Reminds me of when I was a weekend Dad in Philly and the movies were often part of beating the heat.
Lordy, those were some hot summers. We had one heat wave of eight days over 100 plus stifling humidity. Of course, the electric shut down on my block, my youngest had a cast, so off we went to see a summer action flick. Don't remember which one but it was nice and cool.
Yep. Like a lot of 'em, the plot is just enough to hold the action and special effects together. :D

Trust me, you won't mind. Watch a trailer. The ENTIRE movie is that good. The inventiveness and mind-blowing quality of the visuals is just . . . non-stop. They didn't pack the trailer with all the good bits like some movies. It's really just a long chase scene centered around a MacGuffin with couple plot holes you could drive a truck through, but you won't care. It's that amazing.

Saw Dunkirk with Mrs. Kann on Wednesday night. I may go with my daughter to see this sometime in the coming week before school starts again. I think that the local theater knew it wasn't going to do well against the competition, and it isn't slated in any of their bigger theaters. Dunkirk is on the IMAX screens everywhere around here.