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Roasted Sauce, a yearly event


Lobstah; the other white meat!
Feb 24, 2008
IMG_0238.JPG IMG_0240.JPG IMG_0243.JPG IMG_0245.JPG A bushel of plumb tomatos from the local farm stand chunked up. Add oregano, basil, garlic, bay leafs, salt and pepper. Drizzle with olive oil and mix it up. Bake for 3 hours at 350. When it cools down blend it with a submisable blender. It's better alittle chunky. We bag it for freezing and use through the year. When wanted we ussally add a small can of past to thicken it and often a can of whole peeled tomatoes to stretch it. We did two bushels this year and ended up with 21 bags for the freezer and one dinner last night.

Edit; I forgot bay leafs.