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Star in a Reasonably Priced Car Pass

How are we doing on the P/T's? Take the time that you need, but keep us in the loop.
How are we doing on the P/T's? Take the time that you need, but keep us in the loop.


Sorry, it's been busy around here. I'll be doing my P/T's today while the three year-old takes his nap.


Quick update:

Sean's going to be busy with work commitments until the end of the week. I would prefer to not have the pass delayed (in other words, this isn't carte blanche to keep it for a week!) but I would like to have him participate and he was gracious enough to ask first, so I've given him the flexibility to make p/t's at the end of the week.

I will, in turn, update and send him my spreadsheet of pass values. This will help him approximate p/t's more quickly, and therefore get the box out sooner. For all others, however, you might want to think about your possible puts and takes; even if a few get taken ahead of you, you're ahead of the game if you have a list on hand.
Thanks for the update Marco, I'm good with Sean keeping it for the week I'm just happy to hear something.
Definitely nice to hear how things are going. I'll go ahead and plan some possible p/t's as you suggested. It is a good idea.
Just an FYI for everyone: I've noticed in a few other passes, and it's encouraged in my own that you work out your puts and takes before the box comes to you. I think it's becoming the expected procedure. Despite all of our best intentions quite often someone's proposed puts and takes need revision or reconsideration, and that takes time. You probably know what the sticks are that you'd like by looking at the list, you don't need them in front of you. Waiting until the box shows up to start working on your puts and takes, in my opinion, is borderline inconsiderate of the pass host and other players. And then something like this happens where someone has had the box for over a week and hasn't even started their puts and takes because they're "busy".

The pass order is posted. You will know when it's getting close to you. If it's almost your turn and all of the sudden you have family coming, or a busy work week, or a baby due, or whatever, plan ahead! Contact the pass host and make arrangements for the pass to skip you and come back later. Just don't put yourself in a situation where there's a box of cigars sitting in the corner of your living room for a week.
Just an FYI for everyone: I've noticed in a few other passes, and it's encouraged in my own that you work out your puts and takes before the box comes to you. I think it's becoming the expected procedure. Despite all of our best intentions quite often someone's proposed puts and takes need revision or reconsideration, and that takes time. You probably know what the sticks are that you'd like by looking at the list, you don't need them in front of you. Waiting until the box shows up to start working on your puts and takes, in my opinion, is borderline inconsiderate of the pass host and other players. And then something like this happens where someone has had the box for over a week and hasn't even started their puts and takes because they're "busy".

The pass order is posted. You will know when it's getting close to you. If it's almost your turn and all of the sudden you have family coming, or a busy work week, or a baby due, or whatever, plan ahead! Contact the pass host and make arrangements for the pass to skip you and come back later. Just don't put yourself in a situation where there's a box of cigars sitting in the corner of your living room for a week.

Andy, I don't know what I've done to merit your ire today. So far, you've posted an inconsiderate message in a public and unrelated thread, a violation of board etiquette known as threadjacking. Now, you post in the pass thread, using italics and quotes to imply that you question the veracity of my statements.

To be clear, when I realized that I would be unable to turn the pass around in the normally-expected timeframe, I contacted Marco and asked for his guidance. As the pass owner, he has the authority to tell me to forward the pass immediately, and I would have done so upon his request. He decided that it was more important to have me participate this week than to have a quick turnaround on the pass.

By bringing this up publicly, in an attempt to shame me, you overstep your authority in the pass and are generally behaving boorishly.
Yeah, shame on me for a little threadjacking. I'd certainly hope that's the only time it's happened on the board today. :rolleyes:

Yet on the other hand you can't find 10 minutes over the course of 8 days (quite a few more considering you've known what cigars are in the pass for quite some time now) to propose some puts and takes? Yeah, I guess I'm the one who's in the wrong here.

Your actions (or lack thereof) in this pass reflect poorly on the pass host, who has been generous enough to allow you this BS, your actions reflect poorly on the board, since hopefully no one out there is reading this thinking it's actually acceptable pass behavior, and your actions reflect poorly on you as a member of this board.

I can't wait to see what you're coming up with for puts and takes, this ought to be real good.

Life gets busy sometimes. We all have commitments, whether they are family, school, work or whatever. But I find it real hard to believe you don't have any idea what's currently in your humidor, and you couldn't be working on your puts and takes right now instead of reading all these threads.
Here we have two distinguished members of CP at each other's throats. This is supposed to be a more relaxed pass, people. :)

The problem is that both Seanholio and Gonz are right.

Sean did everything right: volunteered to move the pass on (twice), asked permission first rather than waiting for later, he set the timeline upfront rather than asking for a day, then another day, then another day, then another. I've passed with him in the past and he's always been a standup guy, so he has a substantial reservoir of goodwill. In other words, I know the pass is in good hands, and I don't begrudge him the time ... because he asked.

Gonz is doing everything right too: He's maintaining the standard. He's setting the expectation; it's not a coincidence that two experienced members are going first. There's an expectation that you should be ready to go as soon as you get the box. If you hold it for a few days, it should be because you're revising puts and takes and asking for advice.

If there's a lesson in here, it's to be open, clear and professional. Tough to do, but pays off in the end.
I'm not trying to jump on Sean at all, but this is not the first time this has happened. As much as we might want to participate in all of the affairs of this community, sometimes we just don't have the time. We all know what our personal situations are, and we have to bear in mind that sometimes consideration for others must take precedence over what we want. If time does not permit the few minutes it takes to inspect and swap a handful of cigars and put a box in the mail the same week you receive it, then out of respect for all of the others involved maybe it's best to postpone involvement until circumstances change. The real problem arises with regards to new members that witness this type of behavior and think it's acceptable because no one questions it! Barring some unforeseen catastrophe or genuine unexpected hardship, there really is no reason that anyone should take almost two weeks to get a pass turned around.
I'm not trying to jump on Sean at all, but this is not the first time this has happened. As much as we might want to participate in all of the affairs of this community, sometimes we just don't have the time. We all know what our personal situations are, and we have to bear in mind that sometimes consideration for others must take precedence over what we want. If time does not permit the few minutes it takes to inspect and swap a handful of cigars and put a box in the mail the same week you receive it, then out of respect for all of the others involved maybe it's best to postpone involvement until circumstances change. The real problem arises with regards to new members that witness this type of behavior and think it's acceptable because no one questions it! Barring some unforeseen catastrophe or genuine unexpected hardship, there really is no reason that anyone should take almost two weeks to get a pass turned around.

Well as all of you know I am new here and this is only the second pass I am involved in. I am not saying that I condone Sean's actions ( by needing to keep it for a week ). Marco has said a couple of times Sean wanted to send the pass on without his participation just to keep it moving and from what I understand Marco told him to keep it for the week and get it out as soon as he can, which is fine with me. Now I don't believe that this is ok with all passes but if the host says it is ok then it is ok as far as I am concerned. The last thing I want to do is stir up some crap on my second pass but I just felt that I needed to have myself heard on this. I would love to see this pass moving right along but as a father of 3 I can understand that things come up that take over everything. Maybe I am just not used to all of this yet but I just had to say something before it got out of hand.
I agree with you, in2. Nicely written.

Marco Polo has handled this with the utmost decorum and class. He and Sean had this worked out and unfortunately, another issue got turned up for flame-bait. Uncool. Post #86 is where this was resolved in the pass and any further discussion should have been taken off-line in PMs or via another thread. But hey, that's just my opinion.

Oh, and when someone attempts to set an expectation, we should all be prepared to examine whether that expectation (and the implied consequences) is reasonable, constructive, and generally conducive to the growth and welfare of the community. This place seems to be drifting ever further to the right via attempts to turn this into something like an honor code institution. For the record, I have no problem with the goal, just the means employed in an effort to achieve this.

Marco, sorry for taking up a post in your pass thread. I think you and I understand each other on this issue. I'm just saddened to see the drama bus make a stop here.

BTW, there is a thread here that I think is entirely appropriate to use as a focal point for discussing pass issues and customs in general. I'd rather see issues hammered out there than have the banter pollute a pass thread. If the discussion is worthwhile, then it's worth documenting in the general thread and not left to disappear into the mists of time anchored to a completed pass.

Wilkey, thanks for the plug, that means a lot to me from a member like you.


Edit to add: that was a good read and one that i did go over a few times.
So at what point in this thread did Sean post letting us know he would not be able to turn this around in a timely fashion? He's holding onto a pass (albeit with the host's permission) for going on two weeks and hasn't even had the courtesy to say something to the other pass participants? Here's a great example, "Hey guys, I had a bunch of things come up unexpectedly and at Marco's insistence I'm going to hold onto the pass and get my puts and takes done by the end of the week, sorry for the delay"

I haven't seen anything close to that yet, and in fact the last time I checked today could qualify as the end of the week, yet no puts and takes. If a guy has time to log onto the board and post elsewhere then I think he certainly has time to work on some puts and takes.

Why does everyone always insist that issues like this be worked out privately? Are you trying to hide something from the rest of the board that you don't want aired publicly? Does Sean not want the rest of the board to know that he's holding onto a pass for almost two weeks without even proposing some basic puts and takes?

If anyone has issues with me or thinks I'm not handling this properly you'd better pm me and we can discuss it privately, I'd hate for the entire board to find out that someone thinks I've done something wrong. :rolleyes:
Sean's going to be busy with work commitments until the end of the week. I would prefer to not have the pass delayed (in other words, this isn't carte blanche to keep it for a week!) but I would like to have him participate and he was gracious enough to ask first, so I've given him the flexibility to make p/t's at the end of the week.

To be clear, when I realized that I would be unable to turn the pass around in the normally-expected timeframe, I contacted Marco and asked for his guidance. As the pass owner, he has the authority to tell me to forward the pass immediately, and I would have done so upon his request. He decided that it was more important to have me participate this week than to have a quick turnaround on the pass.

I think those two posts spell it out pretty clearly.

Sean has made arrangements with the pass host, the pass host has made a clear statement as to what the deal is, if Sean doesn't follow through then there's an issue, but until then this seems to have been handled in the best possible manner.