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  1. B


    I found an Opus X in upstate NY a few weeks ago, and I'm waiting until my birthday to smoke it (July 5th)....and to celebrate our great nation! I like how conveniently close they are....
  2. B

    Boston B&Ms?

    If your going to be near Worcester at all, the Owl shop on main street is great, and then theres Victory Bar and Cigar which is a higher class bar and cigar store...they rip you off too!!
  3. B

    Noob to Cigar smokin

    A good starting smoke that I like is the Gispert. Its a mild-medium smoke and has a pretty good flavor. I'm a huge sopranos fan too, and those are great smokes, but I'd try some lighter stuff before starting off with the boss one.
  4. B

    Oliva G Series

    I could have been on an empty stomach...I've smoked worse cigars than that and been fine.
  5. B

    Oliva G Series

    So today was a lovely day, and I decided I'd go outside and do some reading and finally smoke the Oliva I've wanted to. I smoke about 3/4, and couldn't take anymore. I had a wicked bad headache, and I thought I was going to be sick. It was a delicious cigar, but wow it packed a punch. That...
  6. B

    why are they so expensive

    Did someone say that ordering cubans online in the US is legal, or did I misread that?
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    Gun Cost

    I've lived in both VT and NH...those were much happier times.
  8. B

    Gun Cost

    I thought that they were the same too. My mom is pretty small, so I don't know how she'd do with a shot gun. I know shes shot a gun before (I have not...thats what you get for living in mass.) so maybe she would have better aim than me. But isn't it a lot more difficult to get a revolver than...
  9. B

    Gun Cost

    Thanks so much for all your advice guys. I knew that the people on here must be more knowledgeable than me. I'll take your advice into deep consideration, but it sounds as if I need to talk to my mother first...
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    Gun Cost

    Lately I've been thinking about getting a gun for my house. I'm in college, and my dad is away on business a lot, and its just my mother and my grandmother. I worry about them, because if anything were to happen to them, they really wouldn't have a way to defend themselves. On that note, I...
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    Acid Cigars

    When I first went to try cigars (3 months ago...when I had money ;)) the owner of my B&M was real excited about them, and was talking about how I should go to his ACID event he was having. I was going to buy one, but it was more than I wanted to spend for just trying cigars. From the looks of...
  12. B

    Any suggestions for cigarillos/miniatures/puritos?

    CAO Italia Piccolos are my short smoke.
  13. B

    Long Drive

    Thanks for your advice guys. I'll definitely make myself a traveldor. Time to load up on some drivin' smokes :)
  14. B

    Cigar Bands

    For some strange reason, I've taken to wearing them around one of my fingers when I smoke, I don't know why I do it. Then I save them in a bag to remember what I've smoked and enjoyed.
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    Long Drive

    I'm going to be driving to upstate NY in a couple of weeks to see my girlfriend, and its about a 5 hour drive from where I live. I wanted to get a couple of good, long smokes. Any suggestions? Nothing too strong, I don't want to get a headache after all. I was thinking maybe a CAO Italia or...
  16. B

    Anti-Smoking Friends

    Thanks, I moved it away because I didn't want to hear it. I'm just so sick of people acting like I've committed some crime. Smoking isn't real big here in Mass. I swear, freedom isn't legal in this state :p
  17. B

    Anti-Smoking Friends

    ya, thats what I was thinking. thanks for the advice!
  18. B

    Anti-Smoking Friends

    I just got my humidor in the mail today, and I was in the process of seasoning it by the window, when my friend/roomate tells me to move it because its bothering him. This kid doesn't like doing anything slightly harmful, and he sure doesn't let anyone else do it without feeling guilty. Then I...
  19. B

    Cigar etiquette vs your personal habits.

    I'm definetly a brute. CAO Italia, I smoke it still I couldn't hold it any more... On a similar topic, I am always concerned that I'm not lighting it right. I don't touch the flame to the cigar, but I also don't slowly rotate it until all the sides are lit, I kind of just skip around and get...
  20. B

    Your age group...

    Thats because we were taught that cigarettes are bad! No one ever said anything about cigars though.... I'm 19, and still waiting for that wonderful age where I can drink and smoke