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Search results

  1. K

    The Elephant in the Room

    Oops.. can we get an admin to locate it appropriately..?
  2. K

    The Elephant in the Room

    . . . Did I mention that I'm prolific in all ways artistic? :blush: :laugh: :p
  3. K

    Partagas Petit Bouquet

    Ah, yes, I remember now! I managed to savor mine and make it last a good forty or fifty minutes! Yeah, it hasn't been pretty from what I've seen on teh internets, but I managed to get one for a price that was simply dirt cheap in Montréal not two months ago, strange thing... Anyone else had one?
  4. K

    The Elephant in the Room

    Hello everyone, I'm a bit nervous, here, coz I've made a rather abrupt entrance for most of you here in the CigarPass community. While I've been asked several times to make an introductory thread, I've waited until now to use it as an opportunity to help bury the thread which did the dirty...
  5. K

    Partagas Petit Bouquet

    Forget that! Has anyone else here had a Petit Bouquet? I'd very much like to hear the thoughts of reputable CP voices of wisdom on the subject.
  6. K

    Commemorative Smokes for the 50th Anniversary of the Cuban Revolution

    Agreed. Why don't I just start up an introductory thread for myself to help get things moving in that direction? I'm deeply sorry, once again. I accept full responsibility for bringing us all so unpleasantly here, so please, allow me to make amends.
  7. K

    Commemorative Smokes for the 50th Anniversary of the Cuban Revolution

    This is no ad hominem attack; I am not attacking him on a personal level. I am criticizing the substance of his argument, and nothing more. All I said was that he is infringing upon my liberty and bankrupting the very concept of liberty in doing so. I am in no way implying that his notions and...
  8. K

    Commemorative Smokes for the 50th Anniversary of the Cuban Revolution

    No, I agree, and I'm sorry it got this far. Hell, I'm sorry it even started! If I'd known that it would've ended like this, I wouldn't've posted this thread in the first place. I really am here for the purpose of cigars, not my agenda. There are other forums I go to for that. I merely felt the...
  9. K

    Commemorative Smokes for the 50th Anniversary of the Cuban Revolution

    Well, you know, I found this place because I had a really nice Habano; a Partagas Petit Bouquet, and it was so good, I wanted to locate more, and when I googled it, a couple pages later, I found a CP thread asking about it. I had written a review on cigars-review.org the same day, so I thought...
  10. K

    Commemorative Smokes for the 50th Anniversary of the Cuban Revolution

    First of all, I'm an American Citizen. It's not a matter of a stay in this country. I am this country. And don't talk down to me about freedom. I may know more about freedom than you can conceive of. I'm not hurting anybody; I'm not being antagonistic in the slightest, all that I've done is ask...
  11. K

    Commemorative Smokes for the 50th Anniversary of the Cuban Revolution

    Yes, I know; I'm always controversial, but that's just me. I am indeed a communist, and I see no sense in hiding it; it's bound to be found out sooner or later, and what would you think of me then? It would only look more conspicuous and suspicious. But I'm no troll. C'mon! Trolls go to much...
  12. K

    Commemorative Smokes for the 50th Anniversary of the Cuban Revolution

    Cool! I'd be way into that. I was actually considering PMing you anyway for just that reason. I meant that I don't want to open up another can of worms like I did when I started this thread!
  13. K

    Gum Tragacanth and Cigar Repair

    Yeah, I would have to concur with you. There wouldn't be a point in putting it on a product which was only gum tragacanth and water, unless, of course, there's a tertiary ingredient which is indeed harmful to ingest. I'm still considering it, but if I decide to give it a shot, I will of course...
  14. K

    Partagas Petit Bouquet

    It really was a very good smoke for such a small figurado. Does anyone else have experience with the Partagas Petit Bouquet? I'm interested to know what other CP members think about this one.
  15. K

    Commemorative Smokes for the 50th Anniversary of the Cuban Revolution

    No, I understood what you were saying. I was acknowledging that when I said that I respect your point of view and your smoke of choice. I would like to comment, but I'm afraid that I will just open up another can of worms. As I've said, I'm honestly not here to troll, so I'll avoid politics...
  16. K

    Commemorative Smokes for the 50th Anniversary of the Cuban Revolution

    Now hold on a moment. I do not deny this. I said that I was trying to avoid the overt political nature of the question, not that I was avoiding politics altogether. Yes, I made no attempt to be discrete. But what I'm saying is that I was attempting to focus on Habanos, and not on the...
  17. K

    Commemorative Smokes for the 50th Anniversary of the Cuban Revolution

    The reason I'm not good at it is because I'm not here to troll! I wasn't just trying to start a shit-fit, though that appears to be what I've succeeded in... I was trying to discuss the potential smoking of Habanos this Thursday. I was attempting to avoid the overt political tones of it, but...
  18. K

    Partagas Petit Bouquet

    1. I understood that when I started that thread, and actually, I was not committing an act of parody. I know that there really wasn't any way to approach that subject (the subject of the Victory of the Cuban Revolution) from an apolitical standpoint, and thus should not have even "gone there,"...
  19. K

    Partagas Petit Bouquet

    :laugh: Yeah, comedy tends to do a better job of breaking the ice. I dunno, I was just kinda goin' with a theme for this account. Lame? Maybe. Fun? Why not? Oh well, you readin' me ok? :p Oops! My end reported an error in posting, so it came out twice!
  20. K

    Partagas Petit Bouquet

    :laugh: Yeah, comedy tends to do a better job of breaking the ice. I dunno, I was just kinda goin' with a theme for this account. Lame? Maybe. Fun? Why not? Oh well, you readin' me ok? :p