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Bill Clinton

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dixieland_conjunction said:
Indeed you both crossed the line. Given that Dawn's post had already been edited by the mods, that point had been made.

CP is my online home. I'm trying do my part to keep it running as close by the house rules as possible. :)

There is no room for vulgarity OR off-color remarks in here. Please take it outside :)

99% of the time, I keep it in the boxing ring. Once in a while, I slip up.

P.S. - As a matter of precision, if you are really as dedicated to the rules as you represent, the exception to the point is still posted in all its glory by way of Dawn's post being quoted within others' posts, mine included.

But, your point is appreciated and, as I take everything ever told to me, I don't take it personaly and won't find fault with you for saying it. :)
dixieland_conjunction said:

So, What's your favorite Maduro?

Wow, that's an open-ended question. Many really. Everything from Partagas, Punch, Hoyo, La Gloria Cubana, Leon Jimines, Avos to even cheap-ol Sancho Panzas. Although perhaps not a true maduro per se, I also love the Don Tomas Corojos (Fat Toros) and the Camacho Corojos.
MiamiCubano said:
dixieland_conjunction said:

So, What's your favorite Maduro?

Wow, that's an open-ended question. Many really. Everything from Partagas, Punch, Hoyo, La Gloria Cubana, Leon Jimines, Avos to even cheap-ol Sancho Panzas. Although perhaps not a true maduro per se, I also love the Don Tomas Corojos (Fat Toros) and the Camacho Corojos.
Good, now I know what to send....check your PM :D

dixieland_conjunction is right about this, and it's why a lot of flame wars begin in the first place. A few people get to posting and then you slowly, but surely, fall off the narrow, thin strip of validity that the topic had. That being said, does anyone have information as to what brands a given president enjoyed? Is anyone buying Clinton's book and enjoying a good smoke with it? :thumbs: I like to smoke while reading....anyone else?
MiamiCubano said:
Wow, that's an open-ended question. Many really. Everything from Partagas, Punch, Hoyo, La Gloria Cubana, Leon Jimines, Avos to even cheap-ol Sancho Panzas. Although perhaps not a true maduro per se, I also love the Don Tomas Corojos (Fat Toros) and the Camacho Corojos.
PM me, I would be interested in trading a punch or one of the formerly mentioned Partagas brands for a La Gloria Cubana or Avos. :thumbs:
Bill Clinton's book should be interesting but I'm not much of a book fan myself.

While I personally don't think much of Bill Clinton's philandering, he didn't really break any laws until he lied under oath which is a felony and THAT'S why he got impeached.

As you all probably know by now the Governor of Connecticut resigned yesterday under a cloud of alledged ethics violations, etc. They started impeachment proceedings which I thought was ludicrous since he had not committed any crimes. Questionable ethics are not necessarily impeachable offenses, they may be issues for the next campaign but not a reason to remove someone from office. I think we all should have waited for the completion of any federal investigations before any impeachment procedings were started but the Legislature in its infinite wisdom started to ball rolling anyway.

The Connecticut Governor's problem was that since he treated people IN HIS OWN party so poorly, they were all set to hang him out to dry so he threw the towel in yesterday and resigned.

Now Clinton (who I don't really care for) at least was liked and respected by his own party so when the House impeached him (for lying under oath, not because he was having affairs with interns), all the Democrats in the US Senate voted against removing him from office.

This is where I give Clinton some credit, at least his took care of business with people in his party and they thought enough of him to stand behind him. I suppose if he did resign or was removed from office, Gore would have been an incumbent and may have won in 2000 against Bush, oh well, gee.......

Anyway, I'd bet his book is probably very intereting reading. I am indeed interested on his perspective and views of how and why he did what he did.
oak said:
I was always very impressed by Clinton, and saw him speak and work a room on a couple occassions. He was very effective, but like pretty much all presidents - he was destined to be disliked or outright hated by about 50% of his peers, if not 50% of the public. Tougher job than I could handle, that's for sure.
Agreed. The thing about Clinton is that I can't really recall what he did. He was in office for 8 years, for for the life of me, I can't remember anything beyond Monica, an aborted attempt by his wife at nationalized healthcare, and lobbing some missiles into the Sudan/Afghanistan.

What exactly did Clinton do? It's a mystery to me.
texasaggie said:
The problem FMF, is that the economy you made so much money under, had absolutely nothing to do with Clinton, the economy is impossible to change overnight, you were benefitting from Reagon and Bush 41. Those were the changes that took hold during Clinton's time, if you look at economics, it takes roughly 8-10 years to change an economy, so the reason you're losing so much money is because of Clinton, hopefully Bush 43 will get us back on track. We were seriously derailed by Clinton and his absolute disregard for anything other than his own narrow minded issues.
I love it when my parents bring this up. So what you are REALLY SAYING IS:

Nixon was given his economy by JFK/LBJ

Ford received his from Nixon

Carter received his from Ford

Reagan received his from (I love this) CARTER! :0

Bush #41 received his from Reagan :0 :0 :0

Clinton received his economy from Bush #41

Bush #43 (aka "Boy George" :p ) current up swing economy is due to CLINTON!!!


moki said:
What exactly did Clinton do?  It's a mystery to me.
He did a lot of talking... most of which was used to daze and confuse the public into thinking he knew what he was doing. I'll give him credit for this... he's a damn good speaker and he's got charisma (for the lack of a better term) that people relate to.

While the economy prospered under his tenure, as texasaggie stated, it was only a byproduct of the administration before him. (I can't believe I just agreed with an Aggie) :D With that said, I won't blame our current economic valley solely on the Clinton administration. Any time a sudden shock is to be absorbed (ie: 9/11 and the war on terrorism), all conventional rules to which we adhere normal assessments are no longer applicable. In short, we're working in an economy almost completely separate from that which we were used to during the Clinton years. Will we ever see the full effects of Clinton on our economy? No, and thus the argument that Bush is worse for the economy than Clinton was is irrelevant.

This may be a Republican view on the politcal makeup of this country, but as I've seen it (and as I've studied), the Republicans are in office and set forth the necessary and appropriate (albeit often times unpopular) programs that push our country in the right direction. But at the same time, they're fighting against building skepticism due to a flailing economy that's been left behind by the previous Democratic administration. After 8 or 12 years, with little change being felt (much of which due to public perception and reluctance to participate), the Republicans are replaced with Democrats. With this new change in place, people feel optimistic and thus begin participating in the very programs set forth by the administration they just ousted. When the benefits are being reaped, the current administration is lauded as the savior when in fact, they were just the beneficiary of good timing. Over the course of the next 8 years, the Democrats lack the fundamentals to keep the system afloat and thus their "hands-on" tactics lead to the eventual collapse of the economy. With this future at hand, the money of America lead the charge to put back the Republicans to straighten out the ship, that has been lead awry. The Republicans are back in control just as the bottom falls out and thus back to fighting their uphill battle.

*added* With the above being said, the point being made is not that the economy is being handed off, per se, but it is at the root of why this country goes through periods of alternating Democratic control with Republican control. I'd be happy to share research material and lecture notes from various professors and well-known guest speakers in this field to anyone who's interested. That edumacation was well worth it. :p

This was clearly just a brief overview. There's FAR too much detail involved to get into here, but I just wanted to share my POV on this. With all that said... and back to the point of Clinton, I don't think he did much at all. He just hid behind his ability to speak. Unfortunately for Bush 43, he does not have that same luxury. :D
Well said phishy, much better than I fumbled to say. And Ag's are very agreeable people. :D :D
fllbrent said:
I love it when my parents bring this up. So what you are REALLY SAYING IS:

Nixon was given his economy by JFK/LBJ

Ford received his from Nixon

Well, in effect, yes. I don't agree with the 8-10 year timeframe, but the american economy is a hell of a big ship. The basic point is that economies don't turn on a dime. It took years for the stock crash of '29 to turn into the great depression. People seem to have the idea that a President enters office with a clean slate, and when he leaves office his influence is over.

And, to get back on topic, i'll probably buy a used copy eventually...
vewyphishy said:
...he's a damn good speaker and he's got charisma (for the lack of a better term) that people relate to.
I'm going to take the same stand that I've taken many times before: Image may not be everything, but when you're the President of the United States it damn sure is something.

Bill Clinton had charisma, was a witty man, and was a fine public speaker. Gee-Dub looks like an absolute fool, is an even worse speaker, and strikes me as being moderately intelligent but not in any way exceptional.

As the President of the United States of America I believe you should be exceptional. With a population of nearly 294,000,000 people to choose from we should easily be able to find a far better canidate for President than what we currently have and our present other option.
This nonsense has gone on long enough. And you guys wonder why we say no political discussion?
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