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CAO Brazilia Piranha


New Member
Nov 18, 2003
I just got done smoking a tremendous cigar. The C.A.O Brazila Piranha its about 4 1/2 inches long. Unsure about the ring gauge, I'd guess its about a 46 or 47. This is the second one that I smoke in 2 days. Could not appreciate the first as I smoked it at my local shop and was a bit distracted with all the conversations. The second though, I smoked in my yard with no distractions.

Let me say that this cigar is tremendous. It is a bit on the expensive side for a cigar of this size, but damn is it good.

Construction was very good. Not very veiney. Draw was excellent. Ashed it twice, first ash was about 2 1/2 inches long. Nice gray ash. Lots of blueish thick smoke. Nice long finish. What stands out though about this cigar is the complexity of flavors it has. It started out kind of spicy, with some hints of nuts, I'd say about the first 1/3 of the cigar. Then it lost all of its spiceness, and it develop a kind of burnt coffeeish, cocoa flavor. This lasted till about a little past the halfway point of the cigar. Its finish was amazing as it had a kind fruity, citrusy flavor and then right before I put it out, I'd say the last 2 or 3 puffs it developed the nutty flavor again. When I finished the cigar, I thought I had just had some walnuts, as that was the taste that it left in my mouth.

To think that I bought 3 of these cigars yesterday just to get a CAO mesh cap that the rep from CAO and Perdomo that I know told me I had to buy in order to get the cap.
Glad I did it. For those who like a Med to Full bodied cigar, this ones a winner on the list of short smokes.
Funny, I was just talking to Jorge about these. When the CAO Mx2 were put out I told him that I wasn't a huge CAO fan. I've tried three and the only one I liked was the Pirahna. Actually this was the "small" cigar that made me realize that it was possible to have tremendous amounts of flavor in a small cigar.
The Brazilla line is pretty good. My favorite of the line is the Samba - give that one a try next time and elt us know what you think.

I took Sergio's advice and tried one. WOW! this was a great little smoke. Powerful, yet smooth.Small, but complex. I will be taking home a few of these from the shop! :D