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Ebay Cabinet


New Member
Feb 26, 2007
I have been doing some research on various box storage solutions and recently came across an inexpensive cabinet on ebay, http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...em=300089269946. I had a hard time finding individuals who had heard of or had direct knowledge of the cabinets so I dug around some more. I noticed some of the other auctions from the user ‘robustohumidors’ said the items were located in Monroe, WA. I live within 10 miles of Monroe so I felt it was a good opportunity to get in touch with the ebay seller and find out more.

After contacting Greg, aka robustohumidors, I asked if he had any cabinets I could look at. He said I could come down to his shop where he had builds each one and take a look. Greg gave me permission to snap a few photos and didn’t mind if I published my impressions.

The general design is a box within a box. The outside box, shown below, wraps an internal box made of ¼” spanish cedar. This outside of the cabinet is made with cherry plywood, basically a piece of MDF sandwiched by ~3/8” cherry. The end cuts are cleaned up with a cherry veneer. Greg believes the MDF serves two purposes; it is less expensive then solid would and the structure of the MDF is resistant to warping due to high humidity.


Between the internal and external box is ~3/4” an air gap. Greg believes the trapped air acts to insulate the interior box from temperature changes on the outside. The pieces are glued and fastened using either finish nails or staples, depending on the fastened piece. Below is a picture of a cabinet without the door and shelf.



The outside of the cabinet is stained and then treated with polyurethane. Unfortunately Greg didn’t have any finish products with the door attached but walked me through how they are installed and most importantly sealed. He uses sticky backed close cell foam that he applies around the inner box’s edge. The foam slightly protrudes and is compressed when the door is closed. Though I would feel more comfortable after testing the seal with using the dollar bill and flashlight methods, I don’t see any faults in his method.


Overall the cabinet is nice looking and would make a decent end-table. I don’t see it as something you would hide in the garage but also wouldn’t make it a center piece in a room. The construction looks sturdy but a little rough is some areas. I personally will likely own one once I have a need and get the OK from the wife, especially if you take into consideration the price these sell for on Ebay, the fact they are built 10 minutes from me, and my overall positive impression of the cabinet.

If you have any additional questions about my personal opinion, please let me know. If you would like to contact Greg, he can be reached at gandr.osborne(at)verizon.net or through ebay.


I have no personal or professional relationship with Greg outside of the one described in detail above.

That’s a very nice price on a no frills storage solution for people who don’t want coolers around the house, I just have a very hard time buying something like this off of ebay.
That’s a very nice price on a no frills storage solution for people who don’t want coolers around the house, I just have a very hard time buying something like this off of ebay.


Ebay is a haven for shiesters and people who don't stand behind their sale. Just like Ebay themselves! Try to contact Ebay some time regarding a transaction......you better have several drinks and several cigars ready cause it ain't happnin!
I had seen these on eBay also. Very reasonable for good size storage space. I get the impression they are of decent quality, but not a high end show piece. I was very, very close to trying one of these out. I may have to give them a shot. I also read that you can add shelves, etc. per your order.

I have ordered a smaller humidor for robustohumidors. I believe it was a boughten (not made) humidor. I was not excited about the quality, and he offer to refund my money. Very good to work with. Just an FYI.

I'd love to have a high end cabinet by Staebell, but this looks very nice and at a fraction of the cost. Good started until I can afford a Humi by Bob!!

Hey everyone, I'm that dude in Chad's photos who desperately needs a hair cut. Chad can tell you I was reluctant to step in front of the camera, but what the heck, it's my humidor so I may as well fess up to it. I'm happy to answer any questions or talk about custom work, or just regular humidor chit-chat.

Hey everyone, I'm that dude in Chad's photos who desperately needs a hair cut. Chad can tell you I was reluctant to step in front of the camera, but what the heck, it's my humidor so I may as well fess up to it. I'm happy to answer any questions or talk about custom work, or just regular humidor chit-chat.


Nice work Greg! :thumbs:
Welcome to CP!!! I'm a few mile north of you in Arlington!!!
Hey everyone, I'm that dude in Chad's photos who desperately needs a hair cut. Chad can tell you I was reluctant to step in front of the camera, but what the heck, it's my humidor so I may as well fess up to it. I'm happy to answer any questions or talk about custom work, or just regular humidor chit-chat.


Greg, it's a nice lookin' humi there, do you make any larger and with drawers?
Hey everyone, I'm that dude in Chad's photos who desperately needs a hair cut. Chad can tell you I was reluctant to step in front of the camera, but what the heck, it's my humidor so I may as well fess up to it. I'm happy to answer any questions or talk about custom work, or just regular humidor chit-chat.


Greg, it's a nice lookin' humi there, do you make any larger and with drawers?

This is the only one I am making now, but that is just because I have several orders to fill, it does not mean that I will not make anything else larger and with drawers. I have several ideas rattling around, just little time to act upon them. If you have a custom job in mind I'm interrested in hearing it. gandr.osborne@verizon.net
Well, the thing is...I'm the kinda guy that keeps a lot of singles and just a few boxes around. So box storage isn't as necessary as single storage.

I'd be in the market for something the same size or larger, but with multiple drawers (like 4). Just curious what you're capable of.
I actually have a humidor on order with Greg. I would have interest in drawers also, but can make do. I ordered the extra shelf and the lock set. Greg was going to try to add a new option, the glass door. Hopefully that works out. I would wait a few extra weeks for that.

I will post some pics when it arrives. I had mentioned put a router to the molding and table top to add some character. This was a Shaker style cabinet, so it did not fit with Greg's original design.

I am excited about this. I will let you all know when it arrives!! Thanks again Greg.

Thanks for the review Chad. I have one on order now with Greg because of your post.
Thanks for the review Chad. I have one on order now with Greg because of your post.

I am glad I can contribute to the board. I saw your other post regarding humidification. I think beads would be fine for a cabinet this size. You may wish to get an accurate measurement from Greg on the internal dimensions then order the right amount of beads. Report back on your impressions once you get the cabinet.

I'll be sure to post pics of the humi once it comes in and give some more details on it. ~Brian