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A contest is coming soon


Staff member
Jan 4, 2001
How would you like to receive a FREE CigarPass.com tshirt? Stay tuned, we will be starting some sort of contest once every month, in which the winner will receive a free tshirt. :)
Sounds like a plan to me:) Oh, nice job on the new board it will take some getting use to but it will deffinately work! You the MAN!!!!
any hints on what kind of contests, rod?(Edited by djm at 6:36 pm on Jan. 5, 2001)
I just came up with a contest... The winner will receive a free CigarPass.com t-shirt. There will be a few cigar related questions you have to answer. If you are the first to submit all the correct answers, you will win the t-shirt. The contest will be out monday, so stay tuned...Rod
As promissed, the CigarPass.com Contest is now in place. Click here to play: http://www.cigarpass.com/cigarcontest.htmPlease do not discuss your answers in the forum until the contest has ended. The first person to submit all the correct answers wins a FREE CigarPass.com t-shirt. Good Luck...Rod
Just let me know when you need my snail mail. :)Would it be cheating if I knew where those questions came from?
CONTEST ENDED, WE HAVE A WINNER!!!The winner is: Art Van HoutenCONGRATULATIONS!Dustin also got all the correct answers, but Art's submission came in at 4:14AM Pacific, and Dustin's came in at 7:14AM Pacific, making Art the winner. Great job Dustin (but I think you already saw the answers somewhere else anyways. :))We'll have another contest in March. The contest in March might be totally different, who knows, wait and see. Thank you to everyone who played...Rod
The answers have been posted on the CONTEST page, so if you'd like to see the correct answers, visit the CONTEST page...Rod
Thanks, Rod! Makes it worth having to get up for work this morning, while the rest of the office has the day off (I'm here for "system maintenance," the kind of stuff I can't do when people are working).Do you need my address, or is it recorded somewhere in the cigarpass.com archives?
Well now, don't I feel like an ass. :) Oh well, it's definately not the first time. And I know it won't be the last.Thanks for the contest Rod. And yes, I found where you got the questions.(I think)
LOL. Dustin, I'll have to come up with new ones for next month. I'll do my best to make 'em hard for ya. :) Thanks for playing.Rod :cool:
It has been a while since I have dug up something from OLD.

This is the oldest post that I can find on this particular "version" of the board.

I know that the posts before Jan 2001 were not brought over to this version, so this is not the first posts.

If you have not went back in time, I suggest you do. There are some cool conversations. Way before the PuroBrat days.

Enjoy searching.

Oh, Rod, can we have this contest again? :whistling:
Hell with the free T-Shirt, what's a guy gotta do to buy a CP T-Shirt?
