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Acronyms for young and old


Jesus of Cool, I'm bad, I'm nationwide
Nov 14, 2003
I believe I stole this from cbid a year ago but I thought some newbies and FOGs might find it useful here too. Feel free to post more cigar related ones that you know.

898 varn = 898 Varnished
AF = Arturo Fuente
AF 13 = Fuente 13's (rare) ~ still hoping to try one!
AFAIK = As far as I know
AFK = Away From Keyboard
AKA = Also know as
asc = alt.smokers.cigars (a USENET Newsgroup)
bb (or bbs) = bulletin board or forum
BBF = Bolivar Belicoso Fino
BGM - Bolivar Gold Metal
Big Smoke = cA's cigar events.
BLTTW = Be less trouble that way
Bol CG = Bolivar Coronas Gigantes
Boli CG = Bolivar Coronas Gigantes
BOTL = Brother of the Leaf
BS = Hemingway Best Seller
BTDT = Been There, Done That or the long version BTDTGTT Been There, Done That, Got The T-shirt
BTL = Hemingway Between The Lines
BTW = by the way
CA = Cigar Afficianado
CAB = Cabinet, usually a SLB (slide lid box) of 50 cigars
cammie = Cameroon
CF = Cigar Family
Connie = Consuegra (seconds to Punch, HdM, ERDM)
CS = CigarSnobs (or sometimes ClubStogie) personally I've never seen "CS" used to represent "Connecticut Shade"
CS = Conneticut Shade Wrapper
CTBL = Connecticut Broadleaf
CUL8R = See you later
D4 = Partagas D-4 (Robustos)
Davi MB = Davidoff Millennium Blend
DBAD - Don't be a D*ck
DC = Don Carlos, Double Corona, or Diamond Crown
EPI 1 = Hoyo de Monterrey Epicure No 1 (corona gorda)
EPI 2 = Hoyo de Monterrey Epicure No 2 (robusto
ERD M = El Rey Del Mundo
FAQ = Frequently Asked Question
FCOL = For Crying Out Loud
FFOX = Fuente Fuente Opus X
FNG = F***ing New Guy
FOAD = F*** off and Die
FOG = F***ing Old Guy
FUBAR = F***ed up beyond all recognition
FWIW = For what it's worth
FYA = For your amusement
FYI = For your information
GOF = God of Fire
HDM = Hoyo de Monterrey
Hemi MP = Hemingway Masterpiece
Hemi Sig = Fuente Hemingway Signatures
Herf = A gathering of people enjoying cigars and the company of each other
IBTL = Fuente In Between the Lines
IBTL = Hemingway In Between the Lines
IHNDIWTFYATA = I Have No Damned Idea What The F*** You Are Talking About
IMHO = In My Humble Opinion
IMNSHO = In my not so humble opinion
IMO = In my opinion
INWAP! = I'm Not Wearing Any Pants!
IRT = In regard to
ISOM = Island South Of Miami
J/K = Just kidding
JL = Juan Lopez
JL S2 = Juan Lopez Seleccion No 2 (Robustos)
L = Laugh
L8R = Later
LGC = La Gloria Cubana
LL = LaLuna
LL AF = LaLuna African Fuerte
LL LHB = LaLuna Little Havana Blend
LL MF = LaLuna Maduro Fuerte
LMAO = Laughing my a** off
LMK = Let me Know
LOL = Laughs Out Loud
LRE = La Rosa Especial
Lusi = Partagas Lusitanias
LVR = Hemingway Limited Vintage Release
M&B = Moore and Bode
Mac = Macanudo
Mad or Maddie = maduro
MMMM = Maria Mancini Magic Mountain
MMP = Hemingway Masterpiece Maduro
Monte = Montecristo
MP = Hemingway Masterpiece
Nat, Nattie = natural (cameroon, Conneticut Shade, etc.)
OF = Old Fashioned (seconds to Partagas, Cohiba and Macanudo)
OTT = Off The Truck
PAM = Padron Anniversario Maduro
PAN = Padron Anniversario Natural
PBP = Punch Black Prince
PERF X = FFOX Perfexcion X
PL = FFOX Petite Lancero
PP = Punch Punch
QdO = Quai d'Orsay
RAG = Ramon Allones Gigantes
RASCC = Ramon Allones Small Club Corona
RASS = Ramon Allones Specially Selected
RC = Bolivar Royal Coronas
RdC = FFOX Reserva de Chateau
RG = Rafael Gonzales
ROTFL = Rolling on the Floor Laughing (also ROFL)
ROTFLMAO = Roll on the floor laughing my a** off
RyJ = Romeo & Julietta
RyJ CF = Romeo y Julieta Celestiales Finos (panatella)
RyJ POW = Romeo y Julieta Prince of Wales
Sams-a-dor = a cheap, but nice, humidor, purchased at Sam's Club
SC or SCdlH = San Cristobal de la Habana
SD4 = Partagas Series D #4
SDB = Standard Dress Box
SIG = Hemingway Signature
Sig 4 = Fuente Siglo IV
SLB = Slide Lid Box (this is the slide box or mini-cab with the slide lid top)
SLR = Saint Louis Rey
SS = Hemingway Short Story
SSDD = Same Sh*t, Different Day
TFAMGD = Time for a Miller Genuine Draft
TIA = Thanks in Advance
TOP = A way bring attention to a msg thread without addding content
TTFN = Ta Ta for Now
TTYL = Talk to You Later or Type to You Later
UPP SW = H Uppman Sir Winston
UTS = Hemingway Untold Story
VR = Vegas Robaina
VR DA = Vega Robaina Don Alejandros (prominente)
VSG = Ashton Virgin Sun Grown
WOAM = Hemingway Work of Art Maduro
WOAN = Hemingway Work of Art Natural
WRT = With regard to
WTF = What the F**k?
WYBS What you been smokin?
xXx = Opus X^3 (Power Ranger)
WOA = Hemingway Work of Art

WOAM - Hemingway Work of Art Maduro
WOAN - Hemingway Work of Art Natural


AFK - Away From Keyboard
Sup - What the hell you up to, Dawg
DBAD - Don't be a D*ck
LMK - Let me Know

and then of course, we shan't forget PB - Purobrat :D

and maybe the most used of all....AIP - Addy in Profile :sign:
Oh yeah, also.... My favorite cigar

AFCBSG - you can figure this one out for sure ;)
Hey, thanks for the lingo lesson. Sometimes I would sit there and try to figure this our, but felt too stupid to ask!

M. Gipson ???
IRT - in regard to
WRT - with regard to
BTW - by the way
NAVY - the Best job in the world!


Sorry, had to get that in there.
You have got to be kiddin'!

L8R? ta ta for now? Come on... :p

Aside from the cigars. Most of that looks like it came out of the AOL Instant Messenger. What ever happened to writting out what you need to say? ???
Oh and...

SUP Dawg?

Away from Keyboard? How the hell would you type it if you were away!?

I hope we're not going down that road.
we already WENT down that road Steve, and I would have answered you sooner, but unfortunately, I was AFK :D
PuroBrat said:
we already WENT down that road Steve, and I would have answered you sooner, but unfortunately, I was AFK :D
OMG :(


It's really not funny, but I had to laugh. :)
Brother Steve, have you really got a major problem with Acronyms, or you just tryin' to start some Chit? :angry:

I have a bad case of Arthur, and anything I can do to shorten the typing involved in saying what I want to say, is heaven sent.

So bro, STFU :p

J/K :0 :love:
PuroBrat said:
Brother Steve, have you really got a major problem with Acronyms, or you just tryin' to start some Chit? :angry:

I have a bad case of Arthur, and anything I can do to shorten the typing involved in saying what I want to say, is heaven sent.

So bro, STFU :p

J/K :0 :love:
Chit? ???
Arthur? ???
STFU? ???
j/k? ???

I don't understand that language Bro. ???

:p You got me dead to right PB. (that is short for PuroBrat) :) I am trying to start trouble with you. I am checking to see if our meds are still working. Meds is short for medication. :sign: :sign: Although, I still hope that I don't see grown me say Ta Ta For Now. :(

How am I doing? :p

You are doing pretty good so far bro (that is short for brother :p )

Actually, it might be interesting to know that all of my meds were inadvertantly left at my In-Laws farm about 200 miles from here. I have not had them since Saturday. :(

I am holding together fairly well I think. I have only gotten angry a few times. Hopefully I have done no damage by it, you would have to check with AVB (short for...uh...AVB, I guess) :p

And Arthur is short for Arthritis, also untreeted for almost a week :(
Bwahahahahahahahahaha! That's (that is) short for Ha! Ha!. :p

Thankfully, I've (I have) had my meds (medications.)

You're (you are) doing just fine without yours.

Y.H.A.N.D. :D
Where's incubimmer when we need him? :sign:

Oh AVB, I got a couple more for you:

CAB = Cabinet box (usually 50 cigars)
CTBL = Connecticut Broadleaf
SC = San Cristobal de la Habana ;)

Maybe you could expand on "898" which means a box of cigars with 8 in the first row, 9 in the second row and 8 in the third row in case some people don't know what that means.
coventrycat86 said:
Maybe you could expand on "898" which means a box of cigars with 8 in the first row, 9 in the second row and 8 in the third row in case some people don't know what that means.
Okay, I'm whipping it out for everyone to take shots at, but thanks. I had no idea that was the case. Incredible that after all this time carefully reading and occasionally posting here I never picked that up before! :0
You know, when you start discussing cigars with acronyms, it may be time to find another hobby. You could take up nitting (NTG), or NASCAR (oops, already an acronym - thank god, we would never know how to spell it otherwise), or maybe even line dancing (LD - interchangeable with learning disabled).

I have to admit, I think the overuse of acronyms contributes to the "dumbing down" of society. Moreover, it annoys me. But, I will get over it, and now it is time for me to STFU. :)