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Airbags Hurt When You Crash :(


Previously, on Battlestar Galactica...
Oct 26, 2008
Moment 1 = happy as can be
Moment 2 = assclown misses right turn
Moment 3 = crosses in front of me, hard braking to try to make said turn


Jezebel is dead. Sigh.

I'm sore as shit all over, getting hand sutured in a couple places.

Anybody got a Jeep for sale?

HORRY SHEET!  Glad you are relatively alright.  That looks like a HARD hit.  How's the other dude?
You can buy Fireball for a wicked good price.  You just gotta come get it... :D
Seriously, though, glad you are ok.  That could have turned out much worse...
Glad to hear you're ok.  Ass clowns tend to make a mess don't they.
Whoa that looks like a hard hit. Here's hoping you are ok.
Wow. I hope you heal up soon. If the other guy is ok I'd break his legs.... I hope he has insurance.

Whoa! Damn glad you're not "seriously" hurt. Hope you heal up fast. Sorry about the Jeep. 
Thanks, Gents. I'm okay. Stiff and sore all over...ended up with 7 stitches in two places on left hand. No idea what I hit...gauge panel maybe? Tears more than slices. Not quite there yet on Jez being gone...many good times in her. Looks like my cigar budget just went to hell! Bleh.
 All happened much more suddenly and was done faster than I would have thought possible....sorta like those Russian dash cam vids. No one seriously injured as far as I know. Truck in front was big P/U dually job with 6-7 dudes crammed inside. I'm pretty sure one of them went to go get checked out, but the first few minutes after the impact are pretty blurry.
note: The fiver HERFador I had survived without a scratch. Made for an interesting long smoke at the house this evening...
- Trey "SWERVE" MacGillicutty
Damn, sorry to hear.  Glad that you're generally ok though!
Fortunately, your bumper seems undamaged.  ???
Get well and good luck finding a new toy.
Woa there, dang Trey, thought the Red Barron ruled the road. Glad you are walking and talking.
Spad31 said:
note: The fiver HERFador I had survived without a scratch. Made for an interesting long smoke at the house this evening...
- Trey "SWERVE" MacGillicutty
Glad to hear you're okay. Sucks to hear about your ride. Reminds me of my last fender bender. I had just received a nice bottle of beer and had it loose on the passenger seat. On the way home I smacked another car. Once I realized I was not injured I was happy to see the bottle survived as well.
Poor Jeep!  Glad you are safe.
I have a JK 2door that Im thinking of selling so I can upgrade....just saying.
Yikes! That looks like it hurt. Glad you and the cigars survived relatively unscathed.