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An open apology

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emodx said:
Considering how he is banned, he should have very little influence here. But when people bring up what he says in emails or what he does on another board, it brings us back to square one, dealing with Scrotty. Keep this crap in emails, and let's stop posting on this thread. Surely there is something much better to talk about.


Well first off, I thought we were still addressing my request of CalisAnos for WTF he was talking about.......

However on the subject of Scotty, again I personally feel that his actions, lies and overall BS SHOULD be indeed brought up as necessary and talked about until no one wants to talk about it anymore, just like any other thread here.

He just recently slammed this forum AND me on his stupid blog.
He obviously is emailing people who don't know him or his sordid past in an attempt to cast himself as some poor little baby boy who's been bullied by the likes of people like me and others here who are looking out for the best for this board.
Guys, I don't want to look like a pest, but what the hell am I missing here? I still can't figure this out.

By the way, if anyone has this guy Scotty's IP addy, would you please send it to me in pm so I can see if he has tried to set up over at CF. Thanks
emodx said:
He is a POS, yet you want to publicly debate what he said privately? ??? That just gives the loser free air time. Am I missing something important here?


Actually, yes I do want to debate publicly what he said (because I'm 99% sure it was about me and CigarPass) privately.

As I said, I'm sick and tired of this underhanded, devious smear campaign that he continue to engage in and while it may give him "air time" it's not good air time. ;)

I think you are indeed missing something important here....
coventrycat86 said:
Matty_Vegas said:
I have been asked not to post it

And you've been asked to post it!!!

You don't know Scotty from a hole in the wall.

He sends you an unsolicited email most likely trashing individuals (at least me for sure) AND probably this whole board with WHAT some expectation of privacy? LMFAO, oh that's a good one!!! :laugh:

Scotty has been BANNED from FOUR cigar boards.

Would you rather satisfy Scotty's request or mine?

Again, if you don't want to post it, please forward it to my email address. Personally, I'm sick and tired of this worthless slimeball trashing me by whispering to people in PMs and emails. At least when I raise issues about him, I do it PUBLICLY where it can be debated and argued.

Members (of cigarpass) who opinions I respect have asked me not to post it. I am not saying I do not respect yours CC...I think that posting it would be bad form...and since I have done enough of that lately...I am gonna quit while I am ahead..I took everything he said with a grain of salt (BS)
Matty_Vegas said:
I realized what I ahd said was very stupid. Lee had voiced his concerns of the validity of the email, and did not want to be taken as someone who was stirring the pot..so I was gonna show it to him to prove to him that is was real...I also realized this would be fruitless...that is why I edited my post...not to cover my tracks..but to catch myself before something even more ridiculous happened

...I think that posting it would be bad form...and since I have done enough of that lately...I am gonna quit while I am ahead..I took everything he said with a grain of salt (BS)

Too late. ??? :whistling:
How nice I found a feature on this forum that I really like. It's called the ignore button. Lee,Coventry Cat and SamClemmens will no longer have any effect on me. Should bring the fun back to this board.
emodx said:
Am I missing something important here?


Yup. It drives scotty up a wall he can't respond on the forums to try and relieve some of the anger he has brought on himself. He is getting banned or run of every forum he goes to and all he has left is stogiechat, his blog and behind the scenes emails to try and enlist aid for his losing battle. Posting his email for open debate here would send him into a complete meltdown and the resulting posts on his blog and stogiechat would entertain us all for weeks.

Yes, it is somewhat twisted, but you can't put a value on potential entertainment like that.
Thanks Lee. LOL

I personally don't see anything wrong in posting an email sent from some slime ball. I think it is the receivers obligation to post the email so we can all see what is being said.
gtphale said:
How nice I found a feature on this forum that I really like. It's called the ignore button. Lee,Coventry Cat and SamClemmens will no longer have any effect on me. Should bring the fun back to this board.

Steve, why do you keep doing this?

Please put me on ignore as well...
gtphale said:
How nice I found a feature on this forum that I really like. It's called the ignore button. Lee,Coventry Cat and SamClemmens will no longer have any effect on me. Should bring the fun back to this board.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
Oh this is just too funny!! How many times have we seen this? First off hale, what's the purpose of your post, to be a whining bitch? Yep, once again, you showed us all how pathetic you really are!! You simply could have placed us on your "ignore" without the post but your maturity (or lack of it) prevented you from keeping your mouth shut.

Secondly, guys like you CANNOT RESIST the urge to see what me, Lee and Neal have posted so you're going to make your simple life yet even more complicated by having to click the "To view this post, click here" to read our posts.

Have things been going THAT badly for you lately at the can factory? You seem awfully combative and short tempered as of late. If so, you have my condolences. ;) :thumbs:
Jeffro600 said:
Peekay said:
This needs to stop. ;)

It wont...and it will just end up as another thread locked by Rod..... :rolleyes:
I vote we make jefferoo a mod, what say ye? :rolleyes:
Jeffro600 said:
Peekay said:
This needs to stop. ;)

It wont...and it will just end up as another thread locked by Rod..... :rolleyes:

You're absolutely right - Particularly when people post more nonsense like this...
Hillbilly Steaks said:


I hope that's just some random young lady's picture you found on the web, 'cuz I'm about to have some "fun" with it..... be back in a few....
gtphale said:
How nice I found a feature on this forum that I really like. It's called the ignore button. Lee,Coventry Cat and SamClemmens will no longer have any effect on me. Should bring the fun back to this board.
gtphale said:
nope they can have the last statement cause i'm done

Does the first quote contain as much truth as the second?
Get the childish BS off the open forum and take it to E-Mail. Don't even use PM, you'll just be cluttering up our resources for frivolous nonsense.
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