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BBQ Herf, Thread for plans and roster

Man, what a great time yesterday!!!

It was an extreme pleasure to finally have met you all. Thanks to Dennis who was a very gracious host! (great piece of property bro!)

Thanks to Erik for making the haul with the pig, it was wonderful bro (also a big thanks to Jen & you parents for helping out with the cooking as well!)

Thanks to Shane for not talking too much and for smoking the White Owls so we didn't have to :laugh:

I won't thank Junkman, cookie, avb, mrjingles & ddepaola for taking my money at poker though :D

Thanks again Dennis for having us, I can't wait for the next one! (You missed out Alex :), I had a nice smoke all lined up for you (ask Dennis & Erik what it was) so you'd better make the next one bro! )

Pics to follow

Just returned home -

What a great time - Can never begin to thank Dennis and his wife, and Erick and his wife (and his parents) enough for all their hard work. The food was terrific - the setting was great - my kids loved swimming in the river. I did donate to the poker game, but it was great playing with you guys. I thought I would never lose my chips - I told the wife the game would last about an hour, 6 hours later I still had chips. Once the wasp came in, they got me out of the game :laugh:

For all of you that missed it, you missed a great time.

As usual I met several great BOTL's. The friendship just continue to grow.

Steve thanks for the great payoff from the online poker game.

Mark thanks for the special delivery of your great products.

Once again, thanks to Dennis and Erick and their families. :thumbs: :thumbs:
I want to thank everyone for coming out. Thanks to Hillbilly (Erick) and Mrs Hillybilly (Jen) And there folks for all their work.

Thanks to Shooter for the smokes and laughs, and Dan for keeping you in check. I love you man!!! Hope we didn't bust your balls to bad. :whistling:

Thanks to Mark for that great smoke it was above and beyond man, thanks. :thumbs:

I also want to say thanks to all the great BOTL who gave me smokes. To many to name them all. Plus every time I turned aroud someone was handing me something. Thank you but, I could only smoke so many this weekend. I will get to them as fast as I can. :D

When I told my wife we were doing this herf. She thought I was supplying the smokes. She said "GOOD we can get rid of some of those stinky ass cigars" At the end she was saying " what the hell are you going to do with all of those?" My reply "New Humi?" ???

Thanks to safecracker (Brian) and my brother Steve for helping with the set up, running to the house for me over and over, and with clean up. You guys are the best. ;)

All in all this was a GREAT time. So for you biatchs that didn't show. You missed it Alex, Steve, Andrew, and Bill. We did missed you.

And thanks to CP for making this all possible. I love this community. And if my grammer isn't to good or my spelling is off. Sorry I have only had a few hours of sleep this weekend. :p

Edited to say. Thanks to Mrs Cookie for the jelly. I love that stuff. And Thanks to Cookie for suppling the rags for cleand up.
Really hated to miss the herf but woke up early on Saturday with a Crohn's attack and suffered all day with it and was still feeling lousy by evening. Thought it was better not to venture out for the herf. Glad to hear everybody had a good time.
The wife and I would like to thank Dennis for the abuse of his land, Erick & family for the cooking, Swissy for sending the fine fish, everybody who handed me a stick (just about everyone!) Dan for the bottles and all the new friends that we made. Great day with great people!
I'll have some pics up in a little bit. I have a "special" one of Erick, butt I'll need his permission to post it.... :whistling:
Well, we just returned home. Man, what a great time it was meeting all of you guys and hanging out down by the river....

Shooter, "Let me hear you say uuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhh!" :laugh:

Dennis and Co., what a beautiful piece of land you guys have! I really enjoyed being there.

Ray, it was nice meeting you and Anna, thanks for the bottles!

Mark, thanks for the awesome stick!!

Cookie, It was great meeting you and your family, I was really overwhelmed with the gift and then the hand made cards from your daughters! They were great!!

Melski, I really enjoyed talking with you last night. I hope to try one of those sticks you were telling me about sometime!

Dan, you know what I love :love:

Brewmeister, Stevehawk, MrJingles, and everyone else I left out....it was awesome meeting all of you. When can we do this again :D

EDIT, almost forgot....A huge thanks to swissy for sending the care package of fresh fish goodness. THe salmon spread was a hot item!!
First off, thanks to Dennis and family for hosting this!!!

Thanks to Erick and his family for all the great grub!!

Thanks to Tim and Steve for helping me with my 1st poker game, and not getting pissed at all my questions!!

Thanks again to Dennis for taking all my chips at said game (we all decided to let him win since it was his house ;) )

Thanks to Swissy for sending the wonderful salmon, and getting me hooked on yet another food!!



The river behind the Hawk Plantation. Erick and his dog taking a much needed break


Reverend Hawk just before the baptizin' began



Now you know where the "steaks" in Hillbilly Steaks came from :sign:

My family and I had a blast! It was a great weekend! :thumbs: :thumbs:
Well, the Kentucky contingent has found it's way home. Everything went well except for a small antifreeze leak, found when we arrived home.

WOW, what a weekend! It was a pleasure meeting everyone.

Thanks Dennis (and Shelly) for hosting the event, it was a blast. You have a great home and family. I will have several memories of the event, (good and bad i.e. Shooter in a towel).

Erick, you da man, it was a pleasure meeting you and your wife Jen. Also thank your mom and dad for their help. It was a wonderful meal, you guys worked hard and it paid off! I hope you guys were able to find some time to enjoy yourselves.

Steve thanks for making us feel at home.

AVB thanks for the poker marathon and sharing your knowledge of the distilled spirit.

Cigardawg- Thanks for everything, especially a few good sticks and a few good laughs.

Junkman, Cookie, Brewmeister, Mr wolfe, n2adventure, MrJingles, Melski,and safecracker it was wonderful meeting you all, and getting to play poker with a few of you.

Shooter- You gotta be F____ing Kidding me! It was a blast.


Oh yeah, almost forgot to thank Swissy for sending the delicious treats!!
I was going to thank Scot but didn't know how to spell Mojito's. LOL :sign: Scot thanks for everything, You are a true BOTL.
Did we all have a good time....


Hell ya we had a good time.. We would have a better time had I not been so hungover on Sat. The heartburn got my ass, but two nights of me hitting on all cylinders is more than most people can handle. Those that were there Friday night can vouch for that.

Thanks again to Dennis and Shelly for having us, I am marking it down for next year. I mean there is gonna be a next year right?

Scott I will try to get that bottle of four roses out to ya tomorrow. Sorry I drank most of it. Have to get my car in the shop tomorrow. Dan "Parnelli Jones Depaola" was straighten' the curves on the way home.

For those of ya that missed the fashion show Sat mornin, well you missed it.

It wasn't the White Lighting that got me but the four roses. The shine caught up with you all Sat night. Oh and thanks for letting me get some sleep and next time a drunk chick wants to "straddle me", well anyway.

Once again it was great meeting you all, and the green apple white owl was unbearable, ACK.

Thanks to Erick for all the hard work and sorry I kept you guys up friday night. Sat mornin was worth it though.

Thanks to Scott for the smokes and to AVB for the stick.

Oh yea it was "B*LLSH*T" I lost in poker.

Time to catch up on sleep..... CYA
Wow, what a great time! One of the best things about a herf is the opportunity to meet some great BOTLs -- and this herf filled that bill very well! It was a pleasure and an honor to meet all of you and I hope to see you all at another event sometime down the road. :)

For those that did not get a chance to attned, I will be returning to Idaho later this week and will post up some more pics (with names) at that time.

Thanks, Den and Shelly, for hosting this thing. I know it was a lot of work for you guys but I think everyone had a great time! Den, a man couldn't have a better bro. :love:

Erick/HBS, you, Jen and your family put on a great pig roast and meal. Totally awesome! Thanks again for the Shark... I'll fire it up in your honor at the next weekly CP poker game.

Shane/Shooter -- Sorry (okay, not really) about pulling that 6 on the turn. It made my A-6 just a bit better than your A-7, and "I am not f*cking kidding you!" Lots of love to you, bro.

Dan/ddepaola -- It was a pleasure to finally meet you and play a game in person. I'm glad I wasn't at your table on Saturday night! If you ever make it out to Boise, you've got a place to stay. Take care and I hope to see you again soon.

Rob/Cookie -- It was good to meet you again, and I hope to meet up with you again at some time. You've got a great looking family there -- I know, they look like their mother! ;)

Carl/Junkman56 -- Thanks for having Den and I over to your lovely house and for the great smoke! I'll give you a holler (we do that in WV) the next time I'm in WV.

Tim/Brewmeister -- It was good seeing you again! One question though --> where the heck did you go, brother???

Mark/N2Adventure -- It was a pleasure to finally meet you. Thanks for the great cigar! (In case anyone was wondering, Mark's just as nice in person as he is online.)

Dan/Mr. Wolf -- You did well for a newb at the poker table! It was nice to finally meet the man behind that great sig pic! Say "hey" to your wife and son for me!

Scot/cigardawg -- A complete and total pleasure meeting you and your lovely wife! I hope we can get together again in the not-too-distant-future for another herf or just a smoke on the porch.

Brian/Safecracker -- Not sure if you'll ever see this, but I'm glad we got a chance to meet. It was nice we could share some of the pain of being so close to Dennis. BTW - How did you and Miss Bernie "really" get along??? Inquiring minds (mine) want to know... :D

Ray/AVB -- It was great finally meeting the man behind the Cigar Girls! You're close enough to WV that we might even be able to meet again the next time I'm on the right coast. It's an opportunity I look forward to.

Jim/MrJingles -- I wish we could have talked more! What little time we spent was great, tho! Take care and I hope to see you again at a future herf.

Melski - Sorry for having to chase you around to take your pic, but the guys on here wouldn't have it any other way. Thanks for being a great sport!

Ludwig/Alexgtp/gtphale/Shadow - You bastids missed a great time! :p
Brian/Safecracker -- Not sure if you'll ever see this, but I'm glad we got a chance to meet. It was nice we could share some of the pain of being so close to Dennis. BTW - How did you and Miss Bernie "really" get along??? Inquiring minds (mine) want to know... :D

I think Brian is eventually going to crack that safe. We (Shelly and I) spent all day Sunday with them. Like two school kids. Sorry Brian, but the boys needed an update.