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Big stink about Shuji


Can't Re- Member
Nov 16, 2003
Reaction score
Gulf Coast, Florida
This is not meant to be pointed at any one person directly, so please don't take it as such.

I just think we all need to cut the man some major slack.

If you've never been in his shoes, then you cannot even imagine what that is like. I have, so I know what he is going through. He will get back on his feet and get through this.

I know it must be hard worrying about what might have happened to 'my' cigars, and wondering if you may have lost them or might not get what I'm owed. Looking at his past history, I don't think that should even be a consideration.

This too shall pass, get it - pass ;)

I've even had someone in chat tell me they heard Shuji might have made off with someone's pass. :(

And that is not what this board is supposed to mean to us. Starting to accuse others with a sound background of this sort of thing. Things will work out.

Sorry if this seems a little too long, but I just had to say my peace.

Charlie, take care and keep you spirits up and keep looking towards the future.


Thanks, John.

Actually, thanks to *everyone* who has sent me PMs being supportive of my current situation.

Just a little update.

A little over a week ago, my wife decided that she wanted the house. She came home (still had house keys, obviously, because we were planning on seeing a counselor) and changed all the locks. I was out of the house without even the ability to get my clothes, and no help from her. She chilled out yesterday and I was able to go home again.

We are not seeing a counselor. I am getting divorce papers ready, and she doesn't want the house. My wife is bipolar. It has been hard on us in the 5 years we have been together and the 1 and a 1/2 that we have been married. But, I do love her with all of my heart, and fought with everything I had to make things work. They just *didn't*.

To those of you that accused me of stealing someone's pass, etc., all I can say is that I am very disappointed you felt that way. None of this has been my fault (save that I didn't take Toaster up on his offer of shooting by my house to pick up the packages for me ... but how was I to know that she'd do that?), and it bothers me that anyone would think of me that way.

As a result, I have pulled out of all pools, passes, trades, splits, etc. until further notice, and am still deciding if I should stick around here after all of those are caught up. Yes, I have seen the logs of my 'friends' saying that I took off with a pass, or bolted with my end of a box split, etc. and it is *not* cool.
I guess there's not a lot to say besides the usual "keep your chin up" type deal. Truly sorry to hear that you weren't able to work things out with your wife. Like geldor said, we have no idea what you're going through. Hopefully, things will at least come to a conclusion soon and that you may return to a somewhat normal life again.

In regards to the 'friends' and the issue with the cigars, much like us not knowing how you were or what you were going through, the same could be side vice-versa. When this much time goes by, (I'm not defending nor accusing... merely stating) one can't help but wonder about what might've happened... friend or no friend.

Charlie, I hope you stay. But if you choose to leave, I wish you well...

The FOGs have spoken... seems like I've sugar-coated my response. ???
With all due respect, after reading a few threads I've gotta say BS. I've been through the big D....twice. It may turn ones world upsidedown but it sure doen't make it stop! I counted several post that actually said "I'm taking this to the PO tomorrow"..... and then nothing. Giving someone a break is a few days...maybe even a week. He was given a break and took more advantage of it. There is absolutely no excuse, short of a death in the family, that would excuse someone for holding on to a pass this long and continueing to string people on about it being shipped. It takes what, 30 minutes to dump a box at the PO? Total lack of oweing up to his responsibility period and deserves to be called out on it.

I understand there is also a Group Buy that he has headed up and actually has people's money. Same as above...... after this much time, no excuse that it hasn't been handled. Communicating with the participants frequently or just plain giving everyone their money back.

Time to put up or shut up.
Shuji said:
Yes, I have seen the logs of my 'friends' saying that I took off with a pass, or bolted with my end of a box split, etc. and it is *not* cool.
Think what you want...but these guys cut you more slack than you even deserved. Personal problems or not...you've held someones pass for nearly 2 weeks, have not made good on a group buy you organized for over a month and haven't sent payment on a BTL buy that appears happened back in December. If anything you should be praising these guys for being the most understanding individuals on the face of this earth. The fact that you would post such nonsense about these peoples actions not being "cool"..just goes to show what kind of character you have.
After reading Sushi's post I have to say that my post is NOT refering to him stealing the pass...... its about taking care of it and moving it along as he stated he did several times.

Also, the part about "Its not my fault"...... made me sick! What an excuse!
I updated Triple_D on his pass *every* time I had access to actually be here online. Most of this was in PM.

As for the Box split, I have sent the DC numbers to both participants in the split.

As for the other split (not the one I started), I updated the split originator last night.

With all due respect to the FOG's here, you don't know what the hell has been going on in my life except what I have told you, so you have no idea whether the world or life stopped or not.

I guess I got my answer about staying here. I will communicate in PM with those that I still owe shipments to (Super Bowl). Other than that, it's been fun, guys.
Sushi, I'm afraid I do know what you're going through and to be honest, I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. I'm very sorry you're having to deal with it but the best advice I can give to you is deal with it and do not let your other responsibilities suffer because of it. You'll get past this...... trust me!

I'm glad to hear you are settling all of your deals. That in itself is a step in the right direction. No one here is pushing you out the door. Quite the contrary...... you were called out to take care of business and has been stated previous, given ample time to deal with it. The better person steps up and says I f'd up and makes good on his responsibilities...... not offer up excuses. Your personal problems bought you an extra week......after that, you were totally in the wrong.
If you dont' understand why someone would be at least curious about where you went, then you obviously don't understand why anyone would be upset. We can all understand your problems, but now your attitude, which is probably tainted because of what's going on in your personal life, is really pretty piss poor.
I sincerely hope you hang around Shuji. If not, then our lose...I hope you find the solutions you need for your personal issues. Take care and keep your chin up!! Things happen for a reason and usually work themselves out. I think we just get used to daily/hourly/minutely updates on passes and such and people get nervous when that suddenly stops. Please don't assume "we" turned our collective backs on you in way. I certainly do not speak for anyone but myself. This board, like life, can only be as good as we make it. To leave would not do anything in your life, except leave a another gapping whole that needs filling. I believe there are brothers here who have you in their prayers and who wish good things for ya. So give the nervous among us a break. Take care and have a blessed day.

gr8full2day said:
To leave would not do anything in your life, except leave a another gapping whole that needs filling.
OMG...... that has got to be the funniest thing I've read today..... do you work for Hallmark? :sign:

This post was not about people getting nervous about being updated every few minutes, hours or days....... this pass has been out of circulation for almost 3 weeks and a lot of the communication indicated that the pass was being sent tomorrow! There comes a time when you have to stop excepting excuses. Some of you will never get it! ???
I am flabbergasted at some of the responses on this thread.

To people who have been paying attention, Shuji's life has pretty much turned upside down a few weeks ago, and he has been letting us know he's not doing so well. For me, even though I haven't heard from him regularly, it was pretty obvious what was going on and I knew things would get worked out eventually, whether tomorrow or next week or next month.

I would just like to say that if after three months from today Shuji has unfulfilled obligations with any member of this board I will personally meet them all. Just tell me the approximate value of the unfulfilled obligation and there will be money delivered to you by the method of your choice, within reason.
Lumberg said:
I am flabbergasted......
OK, I've had enough..... this is the last I have to say....or maybe I should say this is what Shuji had to say. For those of you on the "I got locked out" bandwagon, note that he said he had the pass back 6 days after first saying he was sending it. For those of you who need it in plain english...... He was sitting on the pass. Stop trying to defend him. He's a big boy and can stand up for himself. Jeeeez people, this is not that hard.

Posted 1/13 1:49am ……. this is going out tomorrow. DC to follow.

Posted 1/13 4:10am …….. DC to come tomorrow after I hit the PO.

Posted 1/13 3:47pm …….It will be on its way to you shortly. I just finished sealing the box, and am headed to the PO soon! I'll post again once it's on its way!

Posted 1/19 4:39am ……She had the package in her car. I now have it back..Will post the DC soon.

Posted 1/22 11:45pm …..I have made arrangements for my mother to drop all of this at the post office tomorrow, along with a box that is going straight to Triple_D

I know some of you feel like we're kicking somebody when they're down...... had this been outed a week or two ago I would agree but it has been near 3 weeks and no action had been taken. This was more about kicking him in the balls and telling him to get his sh*t together. If you can't see the difference you really need to look harder. I'm out!
Shuji said:
To those of you that accused me of stealing someone's pass, etc., all I can say is that I am very disappointed you felt that way. None of this has been my fault (save that I didn't take Toaster up on his offer of shooting by my house to pick up the packages for me ... but how was I to know that she'd do that?), and it bothers me that anyone would think of me that way.

Just to clearify my standpoint... I'm not involved in Triple_D's pass- and I didn't benefit from getting that pass moving again in anyway, but I have personally met Shuji face-to-face, and judging by his character (what I saw anyway) I was pretty certain he didn't steal anything from anyone.... just to make that clear. (however I will admit, I did want to see the pass moving again for Triple_Ds and his players sake)

I only offered to drive over and pick up the pass and sent it out, not because I didn't trust Shuji, but for 2 reasons, A) I thought a little company might cheer him up and do him some good, and I knew getting the pass moving again would definitely cheer up Triple_D and the other players of his pass :) and B) I also have a pass "out there" right now :) and have had a similar situation with a previous pass I did on ASC... I know had this "situation" come up in my current pass, I would have very much appreciated some local intervention (sp?)- so I offered to help 2 people at the same time (Shuji and Triple_D).

My offer was far from an accusation.

:thumbs: Toaster
We all need to just back off a bit. I will admit that I was concerned about Shuji falling off the radar. He is now back, albeit worse for wear, but he's back. Hey, it's just cigars (I know, blasphemy. :) ) Everbody take a chill pill and relax. Better yet, grab a stoge and fire it up. :thumbs:
If people want to jump on some of the older guys here for making valid points then so be it. But, remember, we've been around and seen this happen more than once. The point is not to pile on Shuji for his indiscretions, brought on by some bad stuff happening in his personal life, it is to make sure it doesn't happen again or at a bare minimum it makes someone think twice about ignoring their obligations. What if he hadn't shown up until next week, or the week after that? What if it was YOUR money or cigars that was being held up?? To me it wouldn't matter who it was, FOG or FNG, I'd be a bit upset if someone was holding up something of mine without some sort of communication. Now, if there was communication between Shuji and the pass orginator or the other folks he was indebted to, then shame on them for not making sure everyone was kept abreast of the situation.
Mattr... the last time I checked, you weren't in this pass. I, however, am and I'm willing to cut the guy some slack. No disrespect intended, but it seems like the loudest hens in the coop aren't even involved with this pass.
This goes to a person's reputation on the forum. I have no problem cutting someone some slack and if it was confined to one box pass it would be a bit different. My reading has shown that it is not only confined to a box pass, but also a group buy and a purchase. I do not want to see someone run off the site. This is not my intention. I also wish only the best to Shuji for the future. I hope his problems are straightened out. But, this goes to a bigger picture. Like I said earlier, a lot of you folks have not been around here long enough to really get the reason some of the older members of the board are getting upset about this. This is a somewhat self-regulating forum, or was in the past. We need to look out for each other in all aspects.
Shuji - don't leave us. I don't know exactly what was said, but don't take offense by those who might have questioned whether or not you could have run off. This is the internet - as much as we all want to think we know each other on here, the bottom line is that we don't. People have gone to much, much more trouble to create elaborate online personalities and gotten nothing out of it (ala Nowheremom or Kaycee Swenson). The fact is that it would be easy for someone to spend a few months on here enough to get in on a couple passes and bail with them. All but the FOGgiest of FOGs would have had the same questions raised about them if they hadn't been heard from.

So - please stay. You're a good guy and no one is going to hold anything against you for something that happened during a hard time in your personal life. Plus, those Texans down there need you - our Minnesotan ranks on here have been growing lately.

I wish the best for you - at the very least if you decide to leave, please stop back every once and a while.
Gator and I were talking about this today and I originally said I wasn't going to comment...so much for that idea:

Look, I'm definitely not a FOG, but I'm hoping I'm not a newbie either, hopefully I'm somewhere in the middle. With that said, this thread is turning into yet another FOG vs Newbie war.

An outsiders view if you will: No one is accusing Shuji of stealing anything. No one is saying Shuji hasn't had a rough time. All they are saying is that there comes a time when being granted the benefit of the doubt turns into taking too fricken long. In my opinion this board wouldn't be where its at if it wasn't for FOGs looking out for it. Does that mean that Shuji is stealing everyone's ****, NO! It means that although Shuji is going through something not too many people can relate to, at some point he needs to take care of business.

Please do not turn this into an "us vs them" discussion. The FOGs are looking out for their site which they've built up. They are making sure things like this don't become status quo. As a newer guy I appreciate this, because I know if I'm in the right at some point they will back me up. But at the same time, I know if ever I need a kick in the ass to get going, I will receive that kick in the ass.