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Bush to veto new tobacco tax bill

When the President vetos and it goes back for an override vote, we get on the PHONE! Emails, faxes, and the ilk will have far less impact than a phone call.

Between faxes, emails, phone calls and letters, WRITTEN LETTERS from constituents have the most effect.

Phone calls probably have the least effect because there is no written record unless someone on the other end makes one for you and when legislator's offices are being bombarded with phone calls believe me, the staffers aren't writing anything down.

My information is pretty good because I've spent years working for legislators on the receiving end. ;)
I do not mean to bump up an old thread or anything but I found an article that is relevant and berry berry interesting.



Buncha God damned Democrat Governors being typical blowhard, partisian, insincere, two-faced, scumbag asswipes...... :angry:

ALL of those states have Democrat Governors and this is NOTHING but them being partisian. If they think it's such a great freakin' idea to insure all these poor, downtrodden little kiddies, then RAISE YOUR STATE TAXES TO COVER IT. Oh gee, if those spinless focks did THAT in their states, they'd be tossed out on their ass so yeah, here's the plan, let's blame the Bogey Man, GEORGE BUSH, sure why not, everyone hates him!!

BTW, I'm not being "political" here so I don't wanna hear any whining from the "left."
Naturally, the headlines will read something similar to "Bush vetos health care for poor children". When in reality the health care was intended as a

The tax will hurt the poorest Americans the most and provide health care to middle class kids. The money would come from smokers of which 32% fall below the poverty line. Under the plan a family making $83,000.00 a year would be able to drop their private health care and sign the kids up for SCHIP. So in effect the poor will pay for the health care for the children of middle class. Kinda backwards IMO.
IMHO...this bill was simply a band aid on a wound that needs stitches. Instead of taxing tobacco, they should be taxing, candy, fast food, and soft drinks...things that actually are contributing to child hood health problems, such as obesity. What really needs to be addressed as to why health care is so expensive, and how to fix the system. I am very glad this is defeated, but GB is gonna take a whipping with the spin the media will put on it.
"Mommy, why does Bush want me to get sick?" - I can just hear the ads now that PRESIDENT Bush has vetoed threactionary piece of legislation.
My dear sainted Grandmere had a saying - "If you ride for free, you don't get to steer the boat." I think the Congress should start requireing the people receiving government assitance to lay off the cigarettes, fast food, copious amounts of alcohol, and get up and exercise, read, learn to prepare healthy meals, and take some personal responsibility to minimize the costs to the tax paying public. I'm sure some ACLpUke will cry that the rights of the recipients are being violated. How about my rights as a tax paying citizen to not haver my tax money go to some fat, lazy, whiner? I've received help from my Family in the past and I always felt a duty to not squander or abuse that help. The politicians in D.C. are hypocrits taking money from tobacco farmers and the anti-smoking/universal healthcare lobby at the same time. We've made it past this battle, maybe even won this one, but have a rough road ahead to protect OUR rights from those that would remove the rights of many to benefit a few.
BTW, I'm not being "political" here so I don't wanna hear any whining from the "left."

whine whine whine whine

OK - If you insist: a '68 Bordeaux preferably a CLFR, any 90's Turley, Valpocella Pitsicatta (sp?) 1998, Red Truck Red, and a M. Cosentino CigarZin 2002 Zinfandel Lodi. Enough? :sign: :p :D :laugh:

edited to add an f
"Mommy, why does Bush want me to get sick?" - I can just hear the ads now that PRESIDENT Bush has vetoed threactionary piece of legislation.
My dear sainted Grandmere had a saying - "If you ride for free, you don't get to steer the boat." I think the Congress should start requireing the people receiving government assitance to lay off the cigarettes, fast food, copious amounts of alcohol, and get up and exercise, read, learn to prepare healthy meals, and take some personal responsibility to minimize the costs to the tax paying public. I'm sure some ACLpUke will cry that the rights of the recipients are being violated. How about my rights as a tax paying citizen to not haver my tax money go to some fat, lazy, whiner? I've received help from my Family in the past and I always felt a duty to not squander or abuse that help. The politicians in D.C. are hypocrits taking money from tobacco farmers and the anti-smoking/universal healthcare lobby at the same time. We've made it past this battle, maybe even won this one, but have a rough road ahead to protect OUR rights from those that would remove the rights of many to benefit a few.

Your Grandmere was a very intelligent and well spoken woman. I could not agree more! :thumbs:

Same goes for those who do not vote. If you do not vote you have no right to complain.
My response to the letter I just got from my congresswoman.

It is obvious that either my letter was not read, or simply brushed aside. Sorry to have disturbed you.

Matt Burtchaell

Denver, 80220


From: degette@mail.house.gov [mailto:degette@mail.house.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, October 09, 2007 12:20 PM
To: mmburtch@burtchaell.net
Subject: Response from Congresswoman DeGette

Dear Friend :

Knowing of your interest in the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP), I wanted to give you an update on the latest Congressional action.

Please click this link to read my e-newsletter from last week on President Bush's veto of SCHIP.


If you'd like to receive updates like these from me in the future please sign up for my e-newsletter here.


Thank you for contacting me on this important issue. I look forward to communicating with you again in the future.
Now THAT is one pathetic constituent services operation. :rolleyes:

I'll bet they handle all their mail that way.

That's someone who should be soundly defeated next time out just for pure laziness.
Allow me to enlighten you. The response you received was not read, as most people who work in a congressional office are mostly concerned with sending you the correct form letter. That is possibly the worst form letter I have ever seen. He should win an award.
