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Cello or no cello? Real or Fake?


Bueller.... Bueller...... Anyone....... Anyone?
Mar 15, 2004
So, I joined this forum specifically for the purpose, to run a contest in search of my favorite answer to these questions. They have been puzzling men since the dawn of the day Columbus landed on an Island in the Caribbean sea. By the way I think it is Columbus Day tomorrow. Answer one or both or any other question you care to pontificate about and I will send out an assortment of some decent, above average sticks, some with cello some without and all will be real, none will be imaginary.

My favorite answer will get the package. I'm not going to lie, totally subjective. Open till midnight CT one week from today. Hopefully the title was an attention grabber. No answer is wrong and none is right. The point of contest is entertainment and creativity....period, and you guys and gals do a great job of that on an ongoing basis.
Oh, great! Now i have to worry about fake cello.
"Is this Cello fake or real?"

Who gives a shit?
RE: Cellos on or off
Dear fucking idiot-box who goes by the ultra-noob name BlackNMild4eva -
Let me impart a knowledge bomb on you, not because you deserve even a microbe of wisdom from me, Elder-Cigar-God of our amazing forum - Fuente'd My Balls Off -- but simply because you asked the dumbest question on the planet and I was feeling generous enough to answer it. That's right, hold the fucking appluase.
A quick search of "cello on or off" returns the following stellar results -
http://cello-online.com/index.html - This is a cleaning company. It's useless for finding your answer. Despite what you might think, these asshats don't clean your cello's for you. That's something you'll have to do yourself every 3 days like the rest of us. And before you ask, clean them with fucking vinegar. Jeez. Just answering your damn question makes me stupider.
http://www.stogiefresh.info/edu-cigars/articles/cello-on-off.html - Some ass-hat named "The Doc" wrote this article. It's unverifiable and worthless but good for a laugh. Read it, noob, and laugh like a fucking hyena who just had an ounce of cocaine shoved up his rectum (that's professional speak for asshole - my dad is a doctor, so you'll have to get used to big words at FMBO).
http://www.cigarpass.com/cigars-cello-on-or-off-it-depends/ - Now these guys are usually right, but screw them. Bunch of pretentious pricks. They kicked me off their stupid site a week ago because I wanted them to verify if my buddies cubans that he got from a beach vendor in the dominican were real. Of course they are. They come in a glass-top box and they fucking say "Habanna, Cuba" on the side. Shit. Is it too much to ask for a helping hand? But no, they had to hoard all the fucking knowledge. But it's okay because I just wanted to make them jealous of my epic stash.
Fuck the internet. Here's the truth.
You see, cello on or off is all related to the moon-cycle. When the moon is full, the alpha rays from the sun deflect off the giant gray cookie-in-the-sky and land on your precious humidor, causing pulsating interior stability syndrome. Sounds harmless enough, right? WRONG! You see, a good batch of P.I.S.S. can really fuck up your cigar stash. You don't want your gars sitting in your humi without protection while there's PISS everywhere (well, actually because you're a noob you probably already let them sit in PISS like some kind of fucking shit-stain). Now, when you leave the cello on, you deflect the PISS and your cigars are safe.
That is... until you have a new moon. Now, I know you probably didnt' take an astronomy class in high school like me, but the moon phases relate directly to the position of the earth. When the moon is new, that's because we've flipped all the way around the moon and we're staring at it's naked asshole. That's right, the Moon is literally mooning us during a new moon. Because of this hemispherical shift, not enough gamma rays hit your humidor so now you've got a bad case of the subvertical hemospheric ionization table which is the reverse of the pulsating interior stability syndrome. And let me just tell you, you don't want your cigars sitting in the S.H.I.T. either. That's just bad news. During this period of time, you need to make sure the small amount of gamma rays being directed by the new moon hit your humidor and your gars to properly keep them aging.
Some people will tell you about humidity and fucking temperature like they have anything to do with aging cigars, but they don't. I mean seriously, do people in humid countries age faster just because theres some fucking hot and humid air floating around? No. I didn't think so. They just don't know about moon cycles and planetary motions and SHIT and PISS like I do. 
So the correct answer is this - keep your damn sticks in the cello a few days before, during and after the full moon, and keep them out of the cello a few days before, during, and after the new moon. That'll keep them fresh and help you avoid a whole SHIT or PISS situation.
I know your brain just exploded from the mass of knowledge i just shoved into your ear-holes, but follow this advice and you'll be well on your way to some premium smokes in no time.
And noob, please tell me you have some Gurkhas. Everyone knows they're the best.
Probably should have posted NSFW on the above... but then again, not sure anyone elses was really safe for work either... :) Definitely got a funny look from a passer by while scrolling through this thread. :)
And PS, that abomination above is an entry and doesn't reflect my personal feelings or knowledge of space, planets, the moon, gamma rays, cigar pass members (who've been nothing but awesome) and piss and shit.
Hope it was good for a laugh! :)
MNBrian said:
Probably should have posted NSFW on the above... but then again, not sure anyone elses was really safe for work either... :) Definitely got a funny look from a passer by while scrolling through this thread. :)
And PS, that abomination above is an entry and doesn't reflect my personal feelings or knowledge of space, planets, the moon, gamma rays, cigar pass members (who've been nothing but awesome) and piss and shit.
Hope it was good for a laugh! :)
No need to post that it is anything but an entry as this whole thing is pure foolishness in pursuit of a few cigars and entertainment value. :thumbs:
MNBrian said:
RE: Cellos on or off
Dear fucking idiot-box who goes by the ultra-noob name BlackNMild4eva -
Let me impart a knowledge bomb on you, not because you deserve even a microbe of wisdom from me, Elder-Cigar-God of our amazing forum - Fuente'd My Balls Off -- but simply because you asked the dumbest question on the planet and I was feeling generous enough to answer it. That's right, hold the fucking appluase.
A quick search of "cello on or off" returns the following stellar results -
http://cello-online.com/index.html - This is a cleaning company. It's useless for finding your answer. Despite what you might think, these asshats don't clean your cello's for you. That's something you'll have to do yourself every 3 days like the rest of us. And before you ask, clean them with fucking vinegar. Jeez. Just answering your damn question makes me stupider.
http://www.stogiefresh.info/edu-cigars/articles/cello-on-off.html - Some ass-hat named "The Doc" wrote this article. It's unverifiable and worthless but good for a laugh. Read it, noob, and laugh like a fucking hyena who just had an ounce of cocaine shoved up his rectum (that's professional speak for asshole - my dad is a doctor, so you'll have to get used to big words at FMBO).
http://www.cigarpass.com/cigars-cello-on-or-off-it-depends/ - Now these guys are usually right, but screw them. Bunch of pretentious pricks. They kicked me off their stupid site a week ago because I wanted them to verify if my buddies cubans that he got from a beach vendor in the dominican were real. Of course they are. They come in a glass-top box and they fucking say "Habanna, Cuba" on the side. Shit. Is it too much to ask for a helping hand? But no, they had to hoard all the fucking knowledge. But it's okay because I just wanted to make them jealous of my epic stash.
Fuck the internet. Here's the truth.
You see, cello on or off is all related to the moon-cycle. When the moon is full, the alpha rays from the sun deflect off the giant gray cookie-in-the-sky and land on your precious humidor, causing pulsating interior stability syndrome. Sounds harmless enough, right? WRONG! You see, a good batch of P.I.S.S. can really fuck up your cigar stash. You don't want your gars sitting in your humi without protection while there's PISS everywhere (well, actually because you're a noob you probably already let them sit in PISS like some kind of fucking shit-stain). Now, when you leave the cello on, you deflect the PISS and your cigars are safe.
That is... until you have a new moon. Now, I know you probably didnt' take an astronomy class in high school like me, but the moon phases relate directly to the position of the earth. When the moon is new, that's because we've flipped all the way around the moon and we're staring at it's naked asshole. That's right, the Moon is literally mooning us during a new moon. Because of this hemispherical shift, not enough gamma rays hit your humidor so now you've got a bad case of the subvertical hemospheric ionization table which is the reverse of the pulsating interior stability syndrome. And let me just tell you, you don't want your cigars sitting in the S.H.I.T. either. That's just bad news. During this period of time, you need to make sure the small amount of gamma rays being directed by the new moon hit your humidor and your gars to properly keep them aging.
Some people will tell you about humidity and fucking temperature like they have anything to do with aging cigars, but they don't. I mean seriously, do people in humid countries age faster just because theres some fucking hot and humid air floating around? No. I didn't think so. They just don't know about moon cycles and planetary motions and SHIT and PISS like I do. 
So the correct answer is this - keep your damn sticks in the cello a few days before, during and after the full moon, and keep them out of the cello a few days before, during, and after the new moon. That'll keep them fresh and help you avoid a whole SHIT or PISS situation.
I know your brain just exploded from the mass of knowledge i just shoved into your ear-holes, but follow this advice and you'll be well on your way to some premium smokes in no time.
And noob, please tell me you have some Gurkhas. Everyone knows they're the best.
Can we get this stickied because no one would ever have to ask this question again if this knowledge was readily available to the masses. Going to update my lunar calendar with "cello on" and "cello off" notations. Brb.
Lezanstar said:
Can we get this stickied because no one would ever have to ask this question again if this knowledge was readily available to the masses. Going to update my lunar calendar with "cello on" and "cello off" notations. Brb.
I vote yes. ;)
Spad31 said:
*slow clap*
I do my best! :)
Am I the only one who found that post distasteful and absence of any humor whatsoever?
CigSid said:
Am I the only one who found that post distasteful and absence of any humor whatsoever?

Somehow, this text reminded me of a certain DB who's no longer in charge of a certain FL cigar ship who now, I believe still goes off on a radio show about political rants.

I'm i different, I get the "shock value" if you will, but there really are DB's like this in the cigar world. That is a sad sad thing.
CMontoya79 said:
Am I the only one who found that post distasteful and absence of any humor whatsoever?

Somehow, this text reminded me of a certain DB who's no longer in charge of a certain FL cigar ship who now, I believe still goes off on a radio show about political rants.

I'm i different, I get the "shock value" if you will, but there really are DB's like this in the cigar world. That is a sad sad thing.
I hear ya Cid! I actually came up with this based on some pretty terrible personal experiences on other sites and in other venues, both witnessed and endured.  The internet is as cruel as it is friendly. It's actually a little relieving to know you were offended by it (sorry about that by the way) because it means people still do find reactions like that to be totally over the top and perhaps we're all not so desensitized by it after all.
tomthirtysix said:
It's definitely plume. 
I think it's plumold, a combination of mold and plume, caused by extreme aging in a humid environment. Very illusive. Contrary to popular belief I feel mold imparts a wonderful spice character in tobacco. That combined with plume is pure heaven. Just my two cents.