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Lanceros with a few years on them have been the best Cohibas I've had. Close behind are the Sig II, IV, III, and the rare CoRo when it's bursting with sweet vanilla.
Others with way more Cohiba experience than I can chime in, but I've smoked a decent variety of them lately and the little Maduro Secretos have impressed me more than anything. I mentioned in another thread that to me they taste like a heavier bodied Cohiba with a Mexican San Andres wrapper...that's the best description I can come up with.
Personally Cohibas are way overpriced. Much comparable smokes for 1/3 the price.
I am personally a fan of Partagas, Ramon Allones, RYJ, Upman, HDM.

I hav never had a Cohiba and thought wow that was so worth the money. Or have I had the top shelf Non ISoMs and thought wow that was a stunner. Less than 10 percent of the time most cigars in the over 20 dollar range leave me thinking it was an over priced nice cigar.
I am not calling pricey cigars junk. Just not my thing. I have smoked waaaaaay to many of them and thought they were only thing to smoke.
Once I got over having to have flagship smokes and came back to earth I realized there are many smokes that satisfy that don't have the price tag.
Like I said very few cigars are worth more than 20 bucks... Very very few.
I get they are not for you. That doesn't make them overpriced nor are any of the cigars you mentioned 1/3 the price or comparable in flavor.

I agree Cohibas are an expensive cigar. I only reach for them when I am craving the flavor profile they offer. As I don't see the point in smoking one just to say I had a Cohiba. However the sensory experience is one that I have never had duplicated with any other marca.
No sense in comparing opinions. Please don't tell me that your opinion should be mine.

Ok maybe not 1/3 .. Good grief the point is much cheaper cubans that do it for me. Didn't mean to rain on your Cohiba parade. I never said they weren't for me... Maybe with 5-7 yrs on em... Other than that they have a grasssy profile young. Spend your money and reach for em.

Wave your Cohiba flag high and hopefully that flavor profile continues to blow your skirt up.
Not raining on my Cohiba parade at all. As I said I don't smoke them that often. Nor was I telling you that you had to have the same opinion. However the point of the forum is to discuss opinions and personal tastes without getting butt hurt.

I tend to smoke most Cuban marcas and most of them more often than the Cohibas as price is often prohibitive on them for a regular rotation stick.

Nice attitude on return though. Can't figure out why you'd get all butt hurt when I asked your opinion on which cigars are comparable to a Cohiba at 1/3 the price as you stated. I was genuinely curious if there happened to be one that I have over looked or haven't experience myself even if you for 2/3 the price. Yet all you offered was the names of other Cuban marcas which bear no similarity to a Cohiba profile and then get all pissy when asked about it.
No one is pissy... Or butt hurt. Keep up with the name calling though it is very becoming. Might want to calm down it's starting to affect your grammar and punctuation. Maybe take a breath or reach for a Cohiba and step away from the keyboard.

If you can't take differing opinions don't engage. I don't sugar coat anything. If you're looking for that reach for an Acid flavored cigar instead arguing opinions on a forum.
Has nothing to do with a difference of opinion. Nor has there been any name calling. Maybe back up your opinion instead of trying to throw childish insults that have nothing to do with the posts made.

Still waiting for the comparable cigars for 1/3 the money.
Personally, Cohibas are way overpriced. Much There are many comparable smokes for 1/3 the price.

I am personally a fan of Partagas, Ramon Allones, RYJ, Upman, and HDM.

I have never had a Cohiba and thought, "wow, that was so worth the money." Or Nor have I had the top shelf

I really don't care about minor grammar and punctuation, but since you decided to get on me about it, maybe you should check yours before posting. Here's just a few of the many, but I don't have time or the desire to be a grammar Nazi.
Good Googly Moogly you are fired up. Let's change the comparison to women, or scotch or music.

You like your Cohibas... I have found other smokes that cost less that do it for me. Why you insist on comparing opinions is beyond me and a healthy debater ye are not. Some one disagrees with you and next thing you are running around naked with your hair on fire, spraying napalm. Hopefully with Cohiba face paint on.

I'll move along and let you have this one. You can have the ball.

Btw redheads, and blues are better than what you like. There is nothing comparable!
I really don't care about minor grammar and punctuation, but since you decided to get on me about it, maybe you should check yours before posting. Here's just a few of the many, but I don't have time or the desire to be a grammar Nazi.

You don't? You just did! Haaaaa you're something man.
Once again has nothing to do with a difference of opinion. I'm genuinely interested in a comparable cigar to a Cohiba flavor wise, as you stated was possible yet have not been able to provide one.
I can't think of anything comparable to a Cohiba. It isn't necessarily my favorite, because I love a smoke that is more spicy.
I find Cohibas highly refined and elegant. If you have the money, smoke them all day, and you're taste buds will still work, and your mouth won't taste like an ashtray.
Couldn't agree more, Danno. For me Cohiba's have some very distinct flavors that I haven't found (consistently) in other marcas. When they're on, they're out of this world. When they're not, well, they're just another cigar. While I can't justify hoarding boxes of them, I certainly keep a selection of them in the humi for those times when nothing else will compare.*

*Individual tastes and experiences will vary
I have only had a handful of Cohibas. I have some resting, but just have sampled here and there. I will say, that the ones I have had, have certainly been worth the money to me. I do feel as though the most consistently flavorful smoke comes from Cohiba....in my admittedly limited experience with them.

The lancero may be the best I've ever had...though my Monte Esp's are smoking fabulously as well. The only Behike I've had was the 52, and I had it after the Blackhawks won the Stanley Cup....I found it easily worth the money....easily.

I've had all of the Siglo's and love the CoRo. But I've yet to get a full box of anything.

I can't say that I find other less expensive smokes "comparable", but I do believe for quite a bit cheaper I can get more of some great sticks that get close. The PSD4 is a good example. It's quite a bit less expensive, and gets very close to the quality/flavor I expect out of a CoRo.
The best Cohibas I've had were:

Sublimes (I wish I would have stocked up and bought a couple boxes)
Piramides EL 2001 (These were incredible)

Outside those, I really enjoy Cohibas, but generally stick with the smaller ring gauge. They tend to be in my price point more often, then not.