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**** Edicion Limitada ****

Damn!!!! What a pass! I will be dreaming of all them naked brown skinned ladies for some time.
At the advice of a friend my take is the Davidoff Chateau Margeaux 88'
I noticed that Devin's container will be way to small by the time it gets back to him so I put another in the box (besides my puts are not worthy to share the same box)
I have sent a gift to the next two guys in the pass in separate packages, (this is something that I designed and made first for Devin) sorry I couldn't do this for everyone but my time is limited. Michael's is USPS conf.#0300 1290 0003 0869 8577, Wades Conf.# is 0300 1290 0003 0869 8560.
I have tried to be fair with my puts but due to my lack of experience I may have come up short, if this is so could someone please email me so I can correct it.
My Puts:
Cuaba Mille. reserve. 00'
RyJ Prince of Wales 01' x 2
Upmann super corona 01' x 2
Trinidad fundador (sp?) 97'
RyJ LE Churchill 01'
Untold Story x 2

Thanks Devin for letting this little dog play with the big boys. :D
**************:0  :0    WOW!!!    :0  :0**************

Bro, simply incredible! You have gone WAY overboard my friend! Your puts are truly first class. You were meant to take at least 3-4 cigars, not one... ??? And then to put almost half a box of cigars back in the pass, I am almost speechless.

I thought my container was quite large enough, but the way you put cigars in, I can see why you did not think so....LMAO

It also was most generous of you to send the next two pass members gifts, as I know they will love theirs, as much as I love mine.

Bro, thank you! If there is anything I can ever do, please let me know. I look forward to the day when we can smoke some fine cigars together out in Oregon.

                            :)  :D  :thumbs:  :D  :)
Bruddah Wade, coming at you............. :)
A smoke with Devin. :D Now that would be sweeeeet :D

A brother on another posted this one but I thought it would fit right in.
A guy walks in to a bar with his pet monkey. He orders a drink and while he's drinking the monkey jumps all around the place. The monkey grabs some olives off the bar and eats them. Then he grabs some sliced limes and eats them. Then he jumps on to the pool table, grabs one of the billiard balls, sticks it in his mouth, and to everyone's amazement, and somehow swallows it whole.
The bartender screams at the guy, "Did you see what your monkey did?. He just ate the cue ball off my pool table - whole!"
"Yeah, that doesn't surprise me," replied the guy. "He eats everything in sight, the little bastard. Sorry. I'll pay for everything."
The man finishes his drink, pays his bill, pays for the stuff the monkey ate and leaves. Two weeks later, he's in the bar again, and his pet monkey is with him. He orders a drink and the monkey starts running around the bar again. While the man is finishing his drink, the monkey finds a maraschino cherry on the bar. He grabs it, sticks it up his ass, pulls it out and eats it. The bartender is disgusted. "Did you see what your monkey did now?" he asks.
"No, what?" replied the guy. "Well, he stuck a maraschino cherry up his ass, pulled it out and ate it!" said the bartender.
"Yeah, that doesn't surprise me," replied the guy. He still eats everything in sight but, ever since he swallowed that cue ball, he measures everything first."
LOL @ Vern!

Bruddah Vern... I'm doing the pee-pee dance in anticipation! I can hardly wait Bruddah! :D


I had no idea that entertainment was being provided in this pass!! Great jokes guys!!

Vern, those were some amazing puts!! Nice job!!
Good one, Vern!

Another one for everyone's enjoyment.......

There was a man sunbathing on a beach naked. A naive young woman came along and pointed to his dingly dangly and asked, "what is that?" He replied, "It's my bird!" She walked away to go swimming. The man fell asleep. zZzZzZz. Later he woke up in hospital with pain around his groin. He did not know what had gone wrong. He thought back maybe the young woman might know, so once he was out of the hospital he asked her. She replied, "I played with the bird and it spat at me so I cracked its neck, broke its eggs, and burnt its nest."
Gentlemen of CigarPass,

As you can see I appreciate a joke, so........

I am having a contest for the funniest joke. Starting Wednesday, May 1st at 6 AM, and running until Wednesday, May 8th, 6 AM. The winner of this contest will receive one Partagas Salamone in its own coffin. I will be the one and only judge....... :thumbs:

Good Luck!
You Limitados are too funny!

Cool, another contest...

Two men were walking through the woods and came upon a big black, deep hole. One man picked up a rock and tossed it into the hole and stood listening for the rock to hit bottom. There was no sound.  He turned to the other guy and said "that must be a deep hole...let's throw a bigger rock in there and listen for it to hit bottom." The men found a bigger rock and both picked it up and lugged it to the hole and dropped it in.

They listened for some time and never heard a sound. Again, they agreed that this must be one deep hole and maybe they should throw something even bigger into it.

One man spotted a rail-road tie nearby. They picked up the tie, grunting and groaning, and lugged it to the hole. They tossed it in. No sound. All of a sudden, a goat came flying out of the woods, running like the wind, and flew past the men and jumped straight into the hole. The men were amazed.

About that time, an old hayseed farmer came out of the woods and asked the men if they had seen a goat. One man told the farmer of the incredible incident they had just witnessed...they had just seen this goat fly out of the woods and run and leap into the big hole. The man asked the farmer if this could have been his goat.

The old farmer said "naw, that can't be my goat...he was chained to a railroad tie."
Ok.. I have a request! I am going to be away from home from Wednesday until next Monday!  SO I need the pass to go to Kelly then back to me... if that's not to much trouble?


Now for a Joke!

Fred is coming home from work and see's he is getting a new nieghbor. He goes over to introduce his self to a man unloading some boxes from a pick up. They make some small talk as Fred ask the new nieghbor Albert what he does for a living.

AL says, "I am a professor at the college"

Fred: "so what do you teach?"

AL: " I teach deductive reasoning"

Fred: " What's That?"

AL: "Well I was in my back yard and I looked over the fence, and I noticed you have a dog house.. so I asume you have a dog?"

Fred: "Yeah !"

AL: "And next to the dog house, I saw you had a swing set.. so I asume you have a kid?"

Fred: " Yeah, two boys! "

AL: "Since you have kids... I asume your married? "

Fred: "Yeah, been happily married for 8 years!"

AL: " Ok, and since your married, I asume your hetrosexual?"

Fred: with his boldest voice " Of corse I am !!"

AL: "Well that's deductive reasoning"

Fred: " Ohhhh, I see"

They finish chatting and Fred goes home. A little while later fred is taking the garbage out and runs across his nieghbor on the other side Ken.

Fred; " Hey Ken!"

Ken: " Hey Fred... I see you have a new nieghbor next door!"

Fred: " Yeah his name is AL and he is a professor at the college."

Ken: " Yeah... what does he teach?"

Fred: " Deductive reasoning. "

Ken: " What the hell is that?"

Fred: " Well... ok... do you have a dog house?"

Ken: " No..."

Fred: " Fag!!"

:p  :p
Wooohooo! Thank you very much Bruddah Vern! Sorry fellas... the box didn't arrive but an awesome gift from Vern sure did! It's a gorgeous desk plaque with inscribed with my nickname, name, two tobacco leaves and "Brothers of the Leaf"! It's beautiful... gold highlights inscribed on a charcoal colored marble background!

You've done it now Vern.... this definitely calls for a "little" thank you "Aloha-Pack"! It will go out when I send out the box Bro!

And for the rest of the Bruddahs... I'll post back as soon as the Box Pass arrives! While we're waiting...

There was an elderly man who wanted to make his younger wife pregnant. So, he went to the doctor to have a sperm count done. The doctor told him to take a specimen cup home, fill it, and bring it back the next day. The elderly man came back the next day and the specimen cup was empty and the lid was on it. Doctor: What was the problem? Elderly man: Well, you I tried with my right hand...nothing. So, I tried with my left hand...nothing. My wife tried with her right hand...nothing. Her left hand...nothing. Her mouth...nothing. Then my wife's friend tried. Right hand, left hand, mouth....still nothing. Doctor: Wait a minute. You mean your wife's friend too?! Elderly man: Yeah, and we still couldn't get the lid off of the specimen cup.



From the State where drinking and driving is considered a
sport, comes a true story....Texas.

Recently a routine police patrol parked outside a local
neighborhood bar.

Late in the evening the officer noticed a man leaving the
bar so intoxicated that he could barely walk.

The man stumbled around the parking lot for a few minutes with
the officer quietly observing.

After what seemed an eternity and trying his keys on five different vehicles,
the man managed to find his own car which he fell into.

He was there for a few minutes as a number of other patrons left the
bar and drove off.

Finally he started the car, switched the wipers on and off (it
was a dry night), flicked the hazard flasher on and off, tooted the
horn and then switched on the lights.

He moved the vehicle forward a few inches, reversed a little and
then remained stationary for a few more minutes as more patrons
left in their vehicles.

At last he pulled out of the parking lot and started to drive slowly
down the street.

The police officer, having patiently waited all this time, now
started up his patrol car, put on the flashing lights, promptly pulled
the man over and carried out a Breathalyzer test.

To his amazement the Breathalyzer indicated no evidence of the
man having consumed alcohol at all!

Dumbfounded, the officer said "I'll have to ask you to accompany
me to the Police station this Breathalyzer equipment must be broken."

"I doubt it," said the man, "tonight I'm the designated
Great ones, my brothers!!!! :D

Michael, not a problem, as another pass member needed the box to arrive within a certain time frame and it was going a bit too quickly. I am sure Wade would not mind holding on to the box for a few days, and mailing it out to you on Friday. That way, it should arrive to you just at the right time. :)

The family wheeled Grandma out on the lawn, in her wheelchair, where the
activities for her 100th  birthday were taking place. Grandma couldn't
very well, but she could write notes when she needed to communicate.
After a short time out on the lawn, Grandma started leaning off to the
right, so some family members grabbed her, straightened her up, and
pillows on her right.
A short time later, she started leaning off to her left, so again the
grabbed her and stuffed pillows on her left. Soon she started leaning
forward, so the family members again grabbed her, then tied a pillowcase
around her waist to hold her up.
A nephew who arrived late came running up to Grandma and said, "Hi
you're looking good! How are they treating you?"
Grandma took out her little notepad and slowly wrote a note to the
"They won't let me fart."
One from my daughter....... :)

When I was younger I hated going to weddings ... it seemed that all of
my aunts and the grandmotherly types used to come up to me, poking me
in the ribs and cackling, telling me, "You're next."

They stopped that crap after I started doing the same thing to them at

Great stuff my brothers!!! Let's see if I can add one.

As I am driving home from Utah last week there is a guy hitchhiking with a dog in Wyoming. I stop and tell the guy he can ride but that the dog is not allowed in my car.

He says: "No problem my dog will just run right along with us."

I said: "Sure." "Right."
Knowing I have made a supreme mistake and picked up a loony.

Well I get the car back up to around 60 and say:
"Hey where is your dog??"

Hitcher: "He is right here next to the door!"

Sure enough I look in the side view mirror and here is a a 'object smaller than normal' dog running next to my car.

So I fire it up to around 70 thinking that will take care of this dog thing. I look in the mirror and there is the dog running right next to the car!

Well I figured I would see how fast this dog will go so I wind the car up to around 100. I look over there and the dog is still right with me!!! I couldn't believe it!!!!! :0

So I slam on the brakes to take a closer look at this dog. I say to the hitcher:

"Man that is some dog!! Tell me what this red collar is around his neck."

The hitcher says: "Yea he is fast but that is no collar."
"That's his asshole he is not used to stopping that fast!!"

:p :p :p