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Elitist Fog's

As a newb (only been here a few months), I want to say, completely unsolicited, that I think that everyone I've dealt with here is on the level. People don't come here for ego, this board is about having fun, having a smoke, and enjoying life. If you don't find this place either enteraining or relaxing, then it's not for you.

I am no karma whore, I'm not here to 'make friends', I'm here because it's a fun, open place for people of like and sometimes dislike interests where we can all get along. I live in Ann Arbor, home of the Elitist Ashhole. I don't see that attitude in this forum. FOG or otherwise, I have NOT encountered atttitude on this board. You want to see a mess with bad attitudes, post padding, ego, nepotism, etc, check out genmay. Here at CP I find a wide ranging lot, but they're all here for the same reason, to have a smoke and enjoy the day. Live and let live.

Peace Out.

OK First of all most people in this thread know that Allofus123 and I have had our issues. That's over with. I'd also like to state that I'm no big fan of PB either.

However if you look at that thread (and here it is for those who want to have a fresh read)


Allofus is being openly belligerent and baiting.

mhn makes a baa post, coventrycat says hey it's all about fun, then Allofus comes back with a biting, sarcastic, negative comment. Still directed in no-one in particular. I guess you could go and look at everyone's profile and fgure out who exactly is averaging 40 posts a day but whatever. TO most people it's a general comment. THen PuroBrat comes in and makes a joke AT HIS OEN EXPENSE (at least that's how I saw it). Almost like he is trying to diffuse the tension with humor, and is willing to make himself the object of it. Then Allofus (to me at least) goes the classless route and makes a nasty (albeit smiley-punctuated) comment. At that point PB gets his hackes up and starts defending himself.

of course then the cavalry comes in and it turns into an argument.

Allofus keeps saying to keep the topic on topic. Well what exactly was the point of the thread in the first place? It seemed to me like an ill-disguised attack on certain memebrs of the board. And Allofus doesn't exactly seem like a peacemaker, at least from what I've seen in my short time on the board.

I know I'm a newbie and I probably don't know the whole history. But from a relatively objective standpoint, that's what it looked like to me.

-Mr Thick Skin
PB - You posted that crap and now you think it should all be forgotten. You made general statements which were meant to smear the reputations of long time members here and figure I should just let it go. Not going to happen. Kenny's post may have been a troll but it was also addressing the fact that guys were doing one word posts simply to increase their post counts and not because they had anything pertinent, entertaining, or informative to say. Let me say this again... Post padding is stupid. It wastes time and bandwidth and should be frowned upon. It is tedious, mindless, and moronic and it makes it difficult to get to the meat of any given conversation.
Only the naive care what you think. You have become a pariah but your repetitive grievances that have no basis in reality. Your persecution complex is just tiresome.
The guys you are calling elitist are the guys with spotless reputations, guys who are thoughtfull and friendly. Rather than allow you to influence the newer guys it is essential that you are exposed for what you are. You don't want me jumping down your throat all the time, fine, keep it closed.
Don't start nothin', won't be nothin'.

Emo - This is not a flame war. This is an exposition. It is important to air this in the open rather than allow this individual the anonymity of private messaging. He spouted his negativity in public so why should this conversation suddenly go private? This may be unpleasant to some her but it is necessary.

gibu - Nice try but it is in fact PB's fault. He made it personal by questioning the integrity of folks that he considers "insiders". These guys he is talking about have paid their dues here, have been found generous and honorable and have not recieved a single black mark in all their time here. I'm quite certain he wasn't talking about me or I wouldn't have justified his posts with a response. No, I won't let something like this drop and have the newer guys think anything goes here. Everyone here needs to know that they are accountable for what they say. There are consequences.

EdGar - Okay. But you need to say something unfair and offensive first cause if you continue being a good guy it makes things difficult.

Shadow - Well...uh... I love you man!

Rod - Oh sure, PB pm's you and he gets a public acknowledgement. I pm you and I get thundering silence. Talk about elitist.

Lumberg - The purpose of the thread was to get people to realize that padding is a pain in the ass. The only people that took it as a flame are the ones it referred to.

PB - You say the things you said and when I call you on it you get all conciliatory and extend the olive branch and get all cozy. Careful, you may draw back a nub.

Right is a minute
Wrong is a forever.

Lumberg, I will respectfully disagree with your post above. I hope that in retrospect, you saw this post in the thread you posted a link to above:

: Nov 1 2003, 01:11 AM 

Super Member

Group: MePostedmbers
Posts: 2157
Member No.: 384
Joined: 2-April 02

Actually, I spent the day smoking Cigars and driving different vehicles around a road track at the speedway. It is amazing what a Z06 Vette will do for the adrenilin (sp)  Might do it again tomorrow so I can come start more fights  .

This is the kind of passive agressive bull**** that has been going on for almost 2 years here with this guy.

When you've been here a little longer and have experienced what I have here, then I'll consider your opinions. Honestly, you have no merit that warrants an opinion on this topic.
Leebo8-9-8 said:
This is the kind of passive agressive bull**** that has been going on for almost 2 years here with this guy.
Sounds exactly like someting a therapist would say... :p Textbook answer, anyting else you can pull from the old textbook? LOL

Lee. If you are going to quote me and try to make it look like it was a serious statement, you did well to leave out the emoticons that clearly marked it as a joke.

But do me a favor, quote it again WITH the emoticons so that your readers can see that it was in fact a Joke. Please
I'm not going to read all of this ****.. I just got back form vacationa nd don't want to mess witn it. But, I will have just one thing to say.... I am the original FOG elitist and all hail me. :)
I bow to you Matt, as elite as it gets. But your Humi is a thing of dreams. I do hope you enjoyed the Vacation!
This disturbs and irritates me. I will infact "quote" you PB. First off I'd like to say, it did seem in the chatroom yesterday that you might have turned a corner in your attitude a bit....which was very good to see, when I was in there chatting with you SamGuss, Melly, ect. I did however scroll back through the chatroom to briefly catch up on what had been said in there the last few days...that's when I found this:

A brief layout for everyone...this is PB in a conversation with someone logged in as "guest" not sure if they were legit or troliing or what....but that really has no relevance to the point here. PB (bold) / guest (italic) PB refered himself as "LazyAss" and the guests name was apparantly Dick.

I take it, it must take alot to get booted from this site?

yes Dick, it does, we are a friendly and flexible community

that's probably good for you LazyAss

even troublemakers can stay, they may not be real popular, but they can stay... and if they are a real asshole, we make Moderators out of them

would consider yourse;f a trouble maker?...you seem to be one

not me, I find trouble, but I don't make it, I am more of a trouble Seeker

a trouble seeker? That is different how?

It is different because I don't Cause the trouble personally, I just just exploit trouble caused by others, see?

WTF PB...this is so far off base? You're claiming that it is ok to cause trouble, you won't get booted for it, Leebo and myself are apparently "assholes", and you openly seek out trouble.


1. Is this how you think the board is?

2. Is this what you expect from this community?

3. Do you want members to "seek out" trouble"? and do you find this a positive position here in the community?

4. Can you find anything acceptable in these comments?

I WANT REPLIES!!! This is it. We're going to find out what kind of community you guys want. We either grow in a positive direction or this board is headed into the unknown. MAKE UP YOUR MINDS.
See why I resigned myself from being a moderator? ;)

I already knew I was an asshole... I just prefer to keep the name calling inside my house and not on the forums. :)
Matt R said:
See why I resigned myself from being a moderator?  ;)

I already knew I was an asshole... I just prefer to keep the name calling inside my house and not on the forums. :)
Bwahaha... I was thinking the same...Not that there is anything wrong with our assho....errrr.... moderators.... :p j/k :p

1. Is this how you think the board is?
Yes, we are very friendly and flexible community...Sometimes to a fault. But this is better than being over moderated like othe boards.

2. Is this what you expect from this community?
In no way do I condone the alleged posts in the chatroom, I expect a lot more from its members than the comments in Beasties post. But at the same time I would like to see the bend, bon't break keep on going. It is a good trait to have.

3. Do you want members to "seek out" trouble"? and do you find this a positive position here in the community?
Uhhh, no. At the same time I don't mind people to poke fun at others, as long as it isn't malicious.

4. Can you find anything acceptable in these comments?
No. If these were truely made by PB, then I think that sums up everything. What say you PB?

It's too bad all of this is coming to a point for the whole cigar community to read. I always thought of this board as a standard to which other boards would look to as a "wholesome" cigar community. Our self moderation without the need for moderators to step in has always been a good thing. Apparently I was not the only one to PM PB about his attitude/troubles. I expect he pointed the blame to others as he did in his reply to me.

That is very interesting indeed....

I can't say it surprises me though. PB seems to enjoy what he stirs up in here if he is making a joke about it.

The asshole comment is classic PB, playing the victim for be called out on his behavior.

Let's hear it folks!

1. Is this how you think the board is? NOT AT ALL! ???

2. Is this what you expect from this community?Again! NOT AT ALL ???

3. Do you want members to "seek out" trouble"? and do you find this a positive position here in the community?This has been the greatest cigar BB I have ever had the pleasure of being part of, for the last year or so I have had nothing but fun! I have made many friends, many brothers and gained a wealth of knowledge. I am sure, like everyone else, before I became a member I read through as many threads as I could. I saw the type of people that were here and new that this was the type of BB I wanted to be part of. It seems that Things have taken a turn; Heavy post padding, flame wars and bickering have become the norm. My .02$ If your not here to play nice {newbie’s & FOG'S} FIND A NEW PLACE TO PLAY!

4. Can you find anything acceptable in these comments? ???
As someone who is in the chat room everyday to talk to people who come in and spend some time with my other half while we are at work I do have to make one comment in regards to the conversation Beast mentions. Somebody is coming in there and trying to push his buttons. Now while I must admit I do find some amusement in this and even have fun trying to trip the person up (I am convinced it is one of my other friends here though still trying to decipher which one LOL), I do have to comment that in his own way PB is simply casting back his own bait. Now, NOT taking sides in this BS, quite frankly some of the baiting that has been going on by both sides in the chat room is getting old and counter productive. Some of the newbies who hang out in there have gotten hung up in the bait, which is usully when I come along and let it known that this is ball busting going on. Some of these newbies that have been in there though haven't realized that until I clue them in. Also as I told PB today - he needs to stop lashing out on every little thing he takes personal and then wondering why he gets slammed in return. Bryan Fellows and Ladies Man though are more than welcomed though - they add pure entertainment value :p

To answer the questions though presented by Beast:

1. Is this how you think the board is? (In reference to trouble making allowed on here) Nope. It is rare that I have seen any real flaming going on or heavy debate, or any other PC way of putting it. When it does happen there is usually a warning for the person that is about to be flamed to back off. Sadly they never do, so as far as I am concerned they get what's coming to them. This board however over the last couple of months has become "sensitive". Everyone wants to get or be offended by something or another. In my way of looking at things, this is America - your going to get offended and your going to end up being offended. This happens one of two ways: First someone is deliberately disrespectful to you - in which case I am for bitch slapping them to the moon. Second way though is not from any direct disrespect - it is a matter of social customs, cultural background, simple personality conflict, etc. in which case my philosophy is get the hell over it - if your not used to this happening to you all the time between online, work, social, tv ews, etc. then I suggest you learn how to deal with it, because the way this country is going it will become even more common place to be "offended".

All that to say "no" I don;t see this board as tolerant to trouble making. I do see this board much more accepting than other boards though and that is a good thing. I would point out, especially to those new to this site, that when you see one of the FOG's getting hot under the collar that there is a reason and a history behind it. These guys are GOOD GUYS. I can not stress that enough and so when of them goes into attack mode, trust me they have their reasons and more than justified in my opinion.

2. Is this what you expect from this community?

Nope. I expect to be able to come here and talk about cigars and such. What's going on in our lives. Develop friendships. Find cigars. Bomb the hell out of people while talking smack to them :p and good natured ball busting each other.

3. Do you want members to "seek out" trouble"? and do you find this a positive position here in the community?

I think we all have enough drama in our regular real life lives to go ahead and skip the BS here. Of course things happen in our lives where we want support and such and I know I have. But that's what friends are for. They are not here for causing trouble for the sake of needing drama in their lives and sorry but there are some people here (just like anywhere else really) that I really suspect that they live for nothing better than the next drama session.

4. Can you find anything acceptable in these comments?

Going to leave this one alone as I think I pretty much said what I have to say about it in my opening paragraph. On the outside, yes there is a lot wrong with those comments, but on the other side the context of when that conversation was going on was nothing but bantering back and forth and (in my opinion) bad casts (trolls, bait, whatever you want to use in reference to stirring to proverbial pot) and that was done on both sides. As I said before I am in there because it is the only place Melly and I can live chat with our firewalls (well at least mine) and I do enjoy talking with my friends in there - Phill, Fast, Stew, etc. and I are becoming friends through getting to know each other in there. That's why I am there - not to see the BS (if I want that I go to another board we all know about and enjoy it over there :thumbs: ). And btw, yes I said similar things to PB this morning in chat, including telling him to chill.

Now for my final comments on all this.

PB - no offense intended here but stop trying to play the victim, you start more than your share of crap. Now, I don't fault you per se for this - I have been known to do the same thing elsewhere. But playing the victim afterwards is well a little too much IMO. If your going to stir the pot, then expect blow back and stand up to it.

"guest" - you know who you are though I still have to narrow it down LOL. I know I actually like you under your regular nick - but c'mon, come to chat with me and the others who like you instead of capping on PB all the time. It was funny the first few times but is getting a little old. At least slow it down to say a visit a day? :p

"can't we all get along" card - doesn't wash - is nothing but pure BS, no we can't all get along. While very Utopian in concept is simply not possible. So if you know you don;t like somebody, then avoid them, don't talk to them, ignore them. It is easyily done - just yesterday I shared with a couple buds in chat room the name of someone I didn't like here on CP and they were suprised - as they would of never guessed. Why? Because I simply ignore the person now and avoid him (though that is rather easy as he hasn't posted in awhile :sign: ).

Anyway that was .25 cents worth. If, I offended anyone, it wasn't deliberate, refer to my above rant about the two ways of being offended, it would fall in the second catergory ;)

Leebo8-9-8 said:
Lumberg, I will respectfully disagree with your post above. I hope that in retrospect, you saw this post in the thread you posted a link to above:

: Nov 1 2003, 01:11 AM  

Super Member

Group: MePostedmbers
Posts: 2157
Member No.: 384
Joined: 2-April 02

Actually, I spent the day smoking Cigars and driving different vehicles around a road track at the speedway. It is amazing what a Z06 Vette will do for the adrenilin (sp)  Might do it again tomorrow so I can come start more fights  .

This is the kind of passive agressive bull**** that has been going on for almost 2 years here with this guy.

When you've been here a little longer and have experienced what I have here, then I'll consider your opinions. Honestly, you have no merit that warrants an opinion on this topic.
You very perspicaciously pointed that out to me Leebo and you are right. PB did play the passive aggressive card. That did not escape my notice but perhaps I should have placed more emphasis on that point.

As far as my opinion I expressed them precisely because I HAVEN'T been here long and thus I felt I could be more objective than some of you.
EdGar said:
IF you look around there are no FOG's left other than Shadow , MattR and Dawn (I don't know how she got in there but she did ;) ). Look at the membership list by date and then all of you newbes light up a cigar and shut the hell up.
Now hang on a second - if you remember, this is the second CigarPass.com. Something happened to the original and the entire member list was lost. Everyone had to re-register. That's why you see so many registrations in the first couple weeks. If you look, I re-registered only 12 days after CP re-appeared. Initially, when the old site went down, I thought CP was gone for good, and it was only when I was doing some housecleaning of my Favorites a couple weeks later that I found the "new" CP to be up and running. I did change handles in the switch. On the old board I was "Smokin Dave", but for some reason I used my "used on every other board" handle "DaveWF". Not that I was here much before the old one went down. But, it seems that you're basing the status of FOG's on those that were here from "The Beginning" of this board. So, although it scares me to think of myself this way, I hereby claim the title of FOG, and think I at least deserve to be included with Dawn in that list. I still feel very outclassed by Shadow and well.... All Hail Matt! All Hail Matt! You know how it is.

:0 :0 :0 :0 :0 :0 :0 :0
Oh hell, I just did something in my browser and lost about 40 minutes of typing!
:0 :0 :0 :0 :0 :0 :0 :0

Ok, I had spelled everything out very elequently, responded to Beasts questions, and pretty tried to play the part of the peacemaker. To put it all in a nutshell...
Rod own's Cigarpass
He's been very leniant on any censorship so far, considering he can do whatever the heck he wants here, and no one can do anything about it other then leave. We can't vote him out - CP is his! What Rod says is the gospel around here.
If you don't like that, you can leave. I'll give you a good deal on some webspace and you can install the same bulletin board system (Invision Board) and make your own site. But you'll have to find your own members.
Here's where it get's important...
Rod gave PB "One Last Warning" - we need to respect that
PB now knows if he causes trouble just one more time, he's booted. No explanation necessary. He's been warned.
It would not be right for any of us to taunt of goad PB into having to defend himself in such a fashion as to be conceived as "causing trouble" and getting booted because of it.
PB has been given an opportunity here, we need to respect that - even if it means not getting to have "the last word" with him. Just let it go.
If, however, PB does (or since I started typing (again!) already has) "open mouth and insert foot" , then it's over. He was given one warning, and blew it - he'll be gone forever just like Henry.
Not to repeat myself or anything, but the bottom line is this:
You have one more chance - what happens from here is up to you, PuroBrat. Good Luck.

Now I can't wait to see what's been happening since Matt's post at 10:26!
Dave ;)