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Getting a Handle on your "Handle"

Mine was because I found this site in the midst of procrastinating from registering for the next semester of school. All of the course numbers I had to register for started with "BCHEM" hence, my name. I didn't go into science cause I was creative!
First name's Jay, last name's Bayfield. People have been calling me JayBay as long as I can remember.
it's for my love of sweet, innocent Switzerland schoolgirls

Jim WINS on this thread!! I was laughing at least a full three minutes at this!!
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Mine is simple. Souldog is a clothing company I liked in Jr. High. Turns out the fuggers are still around and make cooler t-shirts. 24 is the number of times I have been in car accidents. CA stands for Charlie's Ass because I was in Vietnam and shot Charlies in their asses.

Okay, maybe not the last two things...but you can figure that out for yourself. :sign:
This is from Wikepedia:

"Lord Lister is the names of a popular fictional thief, who first appeared in a German pulp magazine entitled "Lord Lister, genannt Raffles, der Meisterdieb" published in 1908. The series was continued after a few issues as "Lord Lister, genannt Raffles, der große Unbekannte." The series became very popular and was translated, as well as continued in a number of countries and achieved such a popularity that Raffles was used in an Italian series as an opponent for Nick Carter, as Carter's European equivalent, a context in which he has been described as Europe's greatest pulp hero."

Perhaps I'll change it to "der große Unbekannte"?
Mine's kind of a long story, and it has several parts, but here goes...

A buddy of mine from college actually looks like a pink monkey. He's one of those unfortunate red haired, pink skinned and orange freckled Irish guys--less compassionate people refer to these folks as Gingers. He has big monkey-like teeth, a big head, and he behaves pretty poorly. Not above flinging poop. We came up with calling him The Pink Monkey.

In college, I never did any real work until the night before the test or the paper was due, and I'd stay up all night, chain smoking and popping ephedrine (back when you could buy it at every gas station) like it was going out of style. I'd be up all night, and then go drinking once the test was over or the paper was in. I'd wind up drinking and smoking well into the night, with plenty of energy still going from the ephedrine, and I wouldn't eat much or anything all day. Combining a lot of booze with ephedrine, no food, and a lot of smoking, occasionally I'd wind up getting a light but stupidly terrible case of nicotine poisoning, turn a nice sickly green color, and become worthless for a half an hour, crumpled somewhere with cold sweats and no motor skills. I wish I had known about the sugar remedy that someone posted about today.

In addition to the turning green trick, I was also blessed with the magnificent ability to have a cold, germs, etc., but not to let it really bother me, and I'd just pass it along to everyone else I was around who wouldn't usually fare as well. Kind of like Typhoid Mary. Anyway, it's theorized that the AIDS virus came from the green monkey in Africa. Whether some dude was putting his weiner where it didn't belong, or some aggressive monkey bit him, I don't recall. I guess both could very easily have happened at the same time. So my role as a carrier of disease and general unhealth also contributed to the name.

Plus, I like monkeys.
When I joined here on 10/22/04, I used to kayak quite frequently. I haven't kayaked in over a year now though. I'm currently looking into trading in one of my boats for a either another kayak or a canoe. Looking back I wish I'd picked better screen name, although we wouldn't have the wonderful KY-Boy, CanoeBoy, and other jokes that have escaped my memory. :D
I have been junkman since the late '80s when the internet was young and you never used your real name.

The reason is kind of boring really. The folder I use for my downloads is called junk.
Everything stays in the "junk" folder until I can look it over and properly file it away.
K stands for Kevin, my first name.

Unfortunately, all the cool names like "souldogs" was taken.
I love Jaguar motor cars which were made in Coventry, England when I signed up here five years ago. The "86" is the year of one of the Jaguars I own and my "Personal Photo" here contains a picture of that car. I also have an '87 XJ6 and a '96 XJ6 Vanden Plas a photo of which is in my gallery.

"CoventryCat" (<< click the link) is the name of the Jaguar Association of New England's monthly newsletter. JANE, is the local chapter in Massachusetts of the Jaguar Clubs of North America. I'm an associate member of that club and a regular member of the Jaguar Club of Southern New England (Connecticut).
Mine come's from my basketball days, guy I played with nicknamed me "Whopper" after former pro player Billy Paultz, who apparently I reminded him of when I played because we were both not too graceful on the court. :( :laugh:

P.S. That's Billy Paultz in my avatar.
My name's Isaac Paul, but a friend of mine a while back started calling me "Izzy Pizzy", no one calls me that IRL now, but I like it as a forum handle.