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Hockey masks?


Professional Poker Tournament Loser
Feb 20, 2008
So I'm looking at the forums via my iPad. I'm seeing at the very top in the background, hockey masks? I'm not using tapatalk or the mobile version and the theme I have up is best described as plain....it's the light blue basic theme.

Not that hockey masks aren't cool...just seems out of place.

Hmmm. Must be something I did, because changing from ip.board to the cigar pass theme and back seems to have fixed it. The cp skin does not render correctly at all on my iPad though.
There now we all see "Hockey Masks"
Sorry, I blame apple. Dunno what happened but it has to be their fault!
Batman: "I'm not wearing hockey pads!!!"
I thought I was the only one, except I had a picture of member Cmontoya's avatar in the top left corner!
I had Punk Lawyer's avatar plastered all over my screen. Weird.
Funny, it did it again today until I changed themes back and forth. Now at the bottom of the screen it looks like a couple of random avatars.

It's odd and I still blame apple but at least instead of hockey masks its two chicks, one paddling the other lol.
Funny, it did it again today until I changed themes back and forth. Now at the bottom of the screen it looks like a couple of random avatars.

It's odd and I still blame apple but at least instead of hockey masks its two chicks, one paddling the other lol.

I saw it last night on my ipad also. It wasn't a mask it was someone else's avatar but I did see it :)