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How 'bout them Packers!


Yada, Yada, Yada.
Jun 22, 2004
Offense was miserable, but we turned the ball over less times then Philly. I'm honestly surprised GB won.

1-0 baby
A wins a win!! Ugly may it be. I doubt anyone who wasn't an Eagles or Packers fan could stand that game for more than 5 minutes.

A running back would be nice :)
The best thing about GB winning was that Philly lost.....

I can't help but cheer for the Packers. Congrats on the win.
yeah you may as well have gotten a buncha drunks from the local bar to play offense but the defense was awesome, they were all over that game.
It will be nice to add another Lombardi trophy to the case!!
Nice game this week guys. Brett has really shown that he understands his team and their limitations. Keeping the ball short and underneath, which has got to be hard for him. Driver will need to step up and not drop passes like he did this week. And I know saying that Driver needs to step up kinda crazy, as He and Brett have been super as a pair. But I think he is the only guy that can stretch the field for GB, and they really will need that deep threat as the season moves on.

Great Win thought, really really great.
