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I am now an umemployed bum....


Active Member
Oct 12, 2006
On my final shift as an airline employee. Been working here most of my adult life. Kinda sad to go, but I am looking forward to what lay ahead.

Just wish I could get in some cigars and a nice drink today, but I think the wife and kids have other plans in store for my first day of being unemployed. Going to not do much for the next few weeks then I am off to North Carolina for auctioneer school followed by a few days in Missouri for another auctioneer seminar before heading home to start down the new career path I have decided to try.

Only bad part is that it is not fishing season.
I'm sorry to hear of your job loss, but, IMHO, you are doing the right thing by moving right along. I'm a beliver in the old saying that "when one door closes another one will open".
Good luck.
I applaud your courage. Nothing like following your dreams.
Best of luck! :thumbs:
Good luck in the new endeavor!
I too have been out of work since May, best of luck to you and keep your chin up!
Best of Luck Sir in your new path! Positive thoughts for you and yours!

Auctioneer school, huh? That sounds interesting. I wouldn't mind hearing more on that...
Best of luck to you in your new endeavors. I used to work in the airline industry for years, and was sorry to leave it, at first. Now, I couldn't be any happier.
Sorry to hear about the lay-off, but everything happens for a reason. Good luck and keep your head held high.
Many of us are experiencing this these days. But things will turn around. I lost my job about 2 months ago and I had to get a food industry job to hold me over till something better comes a long. Things will get better just keep you head up.
Unemployed, yeah. Bum, never.

Best to ya' Michael.

Sounds like fun actually. Auctioneer school. Who knew??

If you get close to N. Texas on your travels, let me know.

Good luck!!

Best of luck on the new venture.

Both my parents have been in the auction business for over 30 years.

They are both auctioneers. They have sold anything you could ever imagine.