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I'm going to lose 100 lbs.

No Coldstone?? Ahh fiddlesticks! :laugh:

Got down to 295 but creeped back up to 298 and I am stuck. I walked a 2.8 mile trail on Wednesday and I rode my bike to Golden Corral last night.

Is riding your bike to the buffet, counter-productive?

Blood Sugar is the real winner, 88 this morning, another reduction in medication may be looming on the horizon.
Yes... Yes it is... I understand a "reward" for riding the bike but I think Golden Corral is a little much.

I'm 24, 6' 3" 210 lbs., 14% BFP so I know a little about how to lose and maintain a healthy physique. Losing weight is a marathon like many have said. It's not going to happen overnight so don't fret if your weight fluctuates. The best thing to do is to be consistent with a set program. Don't freak out if your weight goes up a couple pounds. Just keep on trucking and don't get too discouraged.

But above all else, resist the cravings for Golden Corral, Coldstone, and Mickey D's. These types of places are a haven for unhealthy eating. One trip can set back progress a whole week. Instead, treat yourself to a low-fat snack like yogurt or a mango. Still extremely tasty and not so bad for you...

BTW... willpower is what's going to get you through this. Not us...
Got down to 295 but creeped back up to 298 and I am stuck. I walked a 2.8 mile trail on Wednesday and I rode my bike to Golden Corral last night.

Is riding your bike to the buffet, counter-productive?

Blood Sugar is the real winner, 88 this morning, another reduction in medication may be looming on the horizon.
BTW... willpower is what's going to get you through this. Not us...

It is nine miles.

Even more reason to not eat there. Do you want to throw away all that hard work you just went through just for a buffet? I understand your blood sugar may be low but there are far healthier ways to fix that.

The bold sentance says it all. Willpower is going to get you through this. Yes, you have everyone's support and encouragment as you go through this long and arduous process; but we're not with you as you live your daily life. We're not there to tell you not to eat that last bear claw or Ho-Ho. You have to believe within yourself that you can accomplish this.

(BTW...Sorry if this comes off as harsh but I stick to the tough love philosophy when it comes to weight loss)

Golden Corral is actually a very good place to eat, if you have the willpower to eat the right foods. They have lots of things to put on your salad and several different steamed vegatables. They always have baked fish.
Got down to 295 but creeped back up to 298 and I am stuck. I walked a 2.8 mile trail on Wednesday and I rode my bike to Golden Corral last night.

Is riding your bike to the buffet, counter-productive?

Blood Sugar is the real winner, 88 this morning, another reduction in medication may be looming on the horizon.
BTW... willpower is what's going to get you through this. Not us...

It is nine miles.

Even more reason to not eat there. Do you want to throw away all that hard work you just went through just for a buffet? I understand your blood sugar may be low but there are far healthier ways to fix that.

The bold sentance says it all. Willpower is going to get you through this. Yes, you have everyone's support and encouragment as you go through this long and arduous process; but we're not with you as you live your daily life. We're not there to tell you not to eat that last bear claw or Ho-Ho. You have to believe within yourself that you can accomplish this.

(BTW...Sorry if this comes off as harsh but I stick to the tough love philosophy when it comes to weight loss)

Golden Corral is actually a very good place to eat, if you have the willpower to eat the right foods. They have lots of things to put on your salad and several different steamed vegatables. They always have baked fish.

You're not trying to say you went to a all you can eat place and stuck to just fish, veggies, fruit, and salad? I agree...tough love is needed sometimes. I know a guy that is 20 years old and around 300 that just had a minor stroke. I consider any stroke a major deal and at that age, just simply wow factor. Its kept me motivated 85% of the time since I started this diet. I added a new notch to my leather belt. I've slipped this week as I am not sleeping and its been rough. I always hungry when I am not getting a good night rest. I can feel a little weight gain for my slips this week and I will have to buckle down again.

I try not to tempt myself by going to any place that is a all you can eat buffet. Just asking for trouble because you have everything there that you should be avoiding. Like when I'm in KC. I do goto the Hen House which has a buffet for fruits, veggies, and salad. I make a healthy salad to tide me over and the only things I put on there that isn't healthy for me is the bacon and green olives. Olives is good if you can exercise and that is out of the question for me. Especially now that half of my left foot stays numb a lot. Bacon is obvious. And I love bacon so it takes all my will power to just use a teaspoon of that delicious fat. LOL!!!

Try to stay the course and not rush the weight loss. Because one slip can double that loss and you will be worse off than what you started. he down side me is that I am smoking more cigars which has helped keep my mind off food and the urge to constantly snack when hungry. I need to find something else that keeps me busy and not smoke 3 cigars a day since I want to head to Russia next year. And in a month or two, I will have my surgery which means a 4 month recovery. :(
The biggest thing for me when I needed to lose some weight was not completely cutting anything out of my diet. Fad diets and "Cant have ANY of this" diets are bad. We are all human, if you know you cant have something, you'll want it even more. I sometimes treat myself to some snacks but when I do I make sure to put that extra 15 minutes into the gym the next day and I eat in moderation.

Like many have said, its a lifestyle change, not a diet.
The biggest thing for me when I needed to lose some weight was not completely cutting anything out of my diet. Fad diets and "Cant have ANY of this" diets are bad. We are all human, if you know you cant have something, you'll want it even more. I sometimes treat myself to some snacks but when I do I make sure to put that extra 15 minutes into the gym the next day and I eat in moderation.

Like many have said, its a lifestyle change, not a diet.


It's all about the discipline. My weakness is cheeseburgers, but I know not to get fries and to make sure I put the extra time in exercising. Life is too short to deprive yourself of the things you love, but a little bit of will power goes a long way.

Today I am down to 282, and my favorite pair of jeans are getting to be too big for me to wear. Tomorrow I start me new weight program to target the areas where I store all of my fat (stomach and chest) and to build my weakest muscle group (arms).
Got down to 295 but creeped back up to 298 and I am stuck. I walked a 2.8 mile trail on Wednesday and I rode my bike to Golden Corral last night.

Is riding your bike to the buffet, counter-productive?

Blood Sugar is the real winner, 88 this morning, another reduction in medication may be looming on the horizon.
BTW... willpower is what's going to get you through this. Not us...

It is nine miles.

Even more reason to not eat there. Do you want to throw away all that hard work you just went through just for a buffet? I understand your blood sugar may be low but there are far healthier ways to fix that.

The bold sentance says it all. Willpower is going to get you through this. Yes, you have everyone's support and encouragment as you go through this long and arduous process; but we're not with you as you live your daily life. We're not there to tell you not to eat that last bear claw or Ho-Ho. You have to believe within yourself that you can accomplish this.

(BTW...Sorry if this comes off as harsh but I stick to the tough love philosophy when it comes to weight loss)

Golden Corral is actually a very good place to eat, if you have the willpower to eat the right foods. They have lots of things to put on your salad and several different steamed vegatables. They always have baked fish.

You're not trying to say you went to a all you can eat place and stuck to just fish, veggies, fruit, and salad? I agree...tough love is needed sometimes. I know a guy that is 20 years old and around 300 that just had a minor stroke. I consider any stroke a major deal and at that age, just simply wow factor. Its kept me motivated 85% of the time since I started this diet. I added a new notch to my leather belt. I've slipped this week as I am not sleeping and its been rough. I always hungry when I am not getting a good night rest. I can feel a little weight gain for my slips this week and I will have to buckle down again.

I try not to tempt myself by going to any place that is a all you can eat buffet. Just asking for trouble because you have everything there that you should be avoiding. Like when I'm in KC. I do goto the Hen House which has a buffet for fruits, veggies, and salad. I make a healthy salad to tide me over and the only things I put on there that isn't healthy for me is the bacon and green olives. Olives is good if you can exercise and that is out of the question for me. Especially now that half of my left foot stays numb a lot. Bacon is obvious. And I love bacon so it takes all my will power to just use a teaspoon of that delicious fat. LOL!!!

Try to stay the course and not rush the weight loss. Because one slip can double that loss and you will be worse off than what you started. he down side me is that I am smoking more cigars which has helped keep my mind off food and the urge to constantly snack when hungry. I need to find something else that keeps me busy and not smoke 3 cigars a day since I want to head to Russia next year. And in a month or two, I will have my surgery which means a 4 month recovery. :(

Every few weeks, I splurge and eat something I really want and this trip to Golden Corral was my splurge. They have seafood for Lent and I wanted to give it a try, so I rode my bicycle the nine mile round trip and I ate what I wanted. I went right back on the straight and narrow. I am have absolutely no guilt about my decision and nobody is going to lay a guilt trip on me.

I have tried the extreme route in the past where I could never eat any of my favorite stuff and if I slipped just a little then I was devestated. While this method is more efficient for taking the weight off, it seems to fail on a regular basis. I am trying to build a lifestyle that I can actually live and a lifestyle that includes never ever eating any fried seafood again, would be pretty much destined to fail. A plan that says your maximum intake of fried seafood is once a month or once a quarter has a much higher chance of succeeding.

Where I made my mistake in this thread was trying to make a funny about the Golden Corral. My funny was a complete fail.
If tough love equals guilt trip then so be it. Whatever works. My methods have been proven time and again with overweight Marines. Stay on 'em and the weight drops like a rock. When they slip I work them ten times as hard. After the first few slips they learn their lesson and listen to me. No matter how good that Ho-Ho is they won't eat it after I'm done with them. But, that's just my approach. It works for me and them so I'm happy...
If tough love equals guilt trip then so be it. Whatever works. My methods have been proven time and again with overweight Marines. Stay on 'em and the weight drops like a rock. When they slip I work them ten times as hard. After the first few slips they learn their lesson and listen to me. No matter how good that Ho-Ho is they won't eat it after I'm done with them. But, that's just my approach. It works for me and them so I'm happy...

Yes, but what happens to them when their tour is over and they return to civillian life? I understand this is a very effctive method but is it a twenty year fix or does it just work as long as you are there to stay on them?
If tough love equals guilt trip then so be it. Whatever works. My methods have been proven time and again with overweight Marines. Stay on 'em and the weight drops like a rock. When they slip I work them ten times as hard. After the first few slips they learn their lesson and listen to me. No matter how good that Ho-Ho is they won't eat it after I'm done with them. But, that's just my approach. It works for me and them so I'm happy...

Yes, but what happens to them when their tour is over and they return to civillian life? I understand this is a very effctive method but is it a twenty year fix or does it just work as long as you are there to stay on them?

I was in the Fat boy program when I was in the Army. I was on a diet. I ran 10 miles a day/4 times a week and did an average of 4 hours of different push up's and sit ups 4 times a week. This excluding the gym work and what not. I stayed a rock solid 215 lbs and the Army said I was fat. It didn't matter that I had nearly a 20" neck and could leg press 1500+ lbs with just 1 leg.

So this approach doesn't always work. For some, the extra PT is a way to get them on the right track and works wonders. But for someone like me when I was in the Army, it didn't work at all. After I had my hip smashed into a turret lock on a hummer at 30+ mph, my PT ability went out the window. I still maintained the 215lbs without really being able to exercise.

I'd love to be able to go jog 3 miles again. It would make losing weight so much easier. But this isn't the case for me and thus I pushed the VA Hospital to get me into a Nutritionist. She had everything prepared for me and I got to chat with her for 45 minutes. She even said to reward yourself. Lucky for me, I had already taken a Foods and Nutrition course at University of Utah so I was better prepared with my questions I needed answers for.

The question is this...Are you seeing a Doctor to lose the weight or just doing it on your own?

Dieting sucks...I know I will be on something like this for the rest of my life but if I can slow down the progress of being in a wheel chair, its something I can live with. :thumbs:
If tough love equals guilt trip then so be it. Whatever works. My methods have been proven time and again with overweight Marines. Stay on 'em and the weight drops like a rock. When they slip I work them ten times as hard. After the first few slips they learn their lesson and listen to me. No matter how good that Ho-Ho is they won't eat it after I'm done with them. But, that's just my approach. It works for me and them so I'm happy...

Yes, but what happens to them when their tour is over and they return to civillian life? I understand this is a very effctive method but is it a twenty year fix or does it just work as long as you are there to stay on them?

I was in the Fat boy program when I was in the Army. I was on a diet. I ran 10 miles a day/4 times a week and did an average of 4 hours of different push up's and sit ups 4 times a week. This excluding the gym work and what not. I stayed a rock solid 215 lbs and the Army said I was fat. It didn't matter that I had nearly a 20" neck and could leg press 1500+ lbs with just 1 leg.

So this approach doesn't always work. For some, the extra PT is a way to get them on the right track and works wonders. But for someone like me when I was in the Army, it didn't work at all. After I had my hip smashed into a turret lock on a hummer at 30+ mph, my PT ability went out the window. I still maintained the 215lbs without really being able to exercise.

I'd love to be able to go jog 3 miles again. It would make losing weight so much easier. But this isn't the case for me and thus I pushed the VA Hospital to get me into a Nutritionist. She had everything prepared for me and I got to chat with her for 45 minutes. She even said to reward yourself. Lucky for me, I had already taken a Foods and Nutrition course at University of Utah so I was better prepared with my questions I needed answers for.

The question is this...Are you seeing a Doctor to lose the weight or just doing it on your own?

Dieting sucks...I know I will be on something like this for the rest of my life but if I can slow down the progress of being in a wheel chair, its something I can live with. :thumbs:

I see me Doctor every three months for my Diabetes.

I told him on my last visit, that I was going to lose 100 lbs. He gave me a really strange look and said "Good luck, its tough." This might sound unprofessional to the outsider but the doc and I have pretty good relationship and it is possible this was not the first time he heard that statement.

I didn't ask for any diet pills because it is the same deal as above, what happens when I stop taking the pills?
What happens is that they see the results. Once the weight falls and their bodies transform from Silly Putty to fucking Stone there's no way they'll go back to their old ways. Trust me man.... I've helped well over 20 Marines lose weight and I've got a 100% success rate. My trick is to never give up on them. If I waver in the least then they'll cave; but if I show tenacity and a cool, calm demenor there's no way they'll give up.

Maybe the "cheating every once and awhile" method works for you. If so, more power to you. But I know what works for me and for plenty of other overweight individuals.
I rode my bicycle to J.Gumbo's on Frankfort Ave and had a half order of Shrimp Étouffée for lunch. 17.7 mile round trip, I had to take a nap afterwards.
Didn't lose any weight last month at all. I can ride my bike twenty miles or walk pretty much anywhere I choose but I am at a dead stop losing weight. I think my portion size crept back up on me.
I know what you mean. I gained back maybe 6-8 pounds this month. Now in my defense, I had the flu diet for three weeks which helped me loose weight. But my body said "hey we just had the flu and we lost weight maybe we should gain." My eating habits after the flu didn't change but yet I gained. I don't think it was all fluids I gained back as I had lost before getting the flu.

I weigh in tomorrow for the third and last time at the local biggest looser (4) person team competition. I lost alright ;)
Losing weight is a tough one, but I think everyone needs to find their own method. Find what works and stick to it and be honest. The formula is simple, eat less and exercise more.
weight loss is at a complete standstill. 299 lbs, blood sugar 99.

I walked about three miles yesterday, two and a half +- a little the day before and I ride my bike most days if I don't walk.

My health is significantly improved, Sugar is good and th Doc reduced my dosage for Diabetes again but no love from the bathroom scale.
Stay with the program, you will get past this sticking point. Look on the bright side, you are getting heathier.

I am down 8 lbs, to 242. I have cut out the alcohol and ice cream(my biggest weakness) and try to hold my calorie intake to 500 - 600 calories per meal.

I have also started working out everyday except for Sundays. I walk every other day and workout on an elliptical on the off days. You might consider increasing your walks or rides just a bit everyday. I increased my walks by a hundred yards a day until I increased the walk to 5 miles. Now I also carry (2) 5 lb weights (it doesn't seem like much, but it does increase the difficulty).

Still, the weight is coming off slowly, whereas ten years ago, I could lose 5 lbs a week. I keep reminding myself that I did not gain the weight over a short period of time, so I won't be able to lose it over a short period of time.

Hey Steamboat, check out this site for some great information on eating, working out, and life style changes. This particular page is pretty helpful. Also, look around Marks site. I think you will find some great information. I know I do.

I have no affiliation with this site, just some good information that has helped me.

Well Guys the wife and I decided a few days ago that we were both unhappy about the weight we have put on. We both admitted that we have gained weight since we have been together and think that it's time to do something about it. I know I have gained about 40lbs in the 2.5 years we've been together, from 275 to 315. My job keeps me active when I'm there (i'm a correctional officer) my only problem is my work schedule, 7 days on 7 days off. The 7 days off kills me, I try to keep myself entertained and active but it gets hard sometimes. Since we have started changing our eating habits and drinking only water I must say that I do feel better already. I'm able to get full on what I eat, but I don't feel bogged down. I would love to be around what I was in high school (240-250) with a good amount of muscle tone. I know for my height (6 ft) I should be less than that but i would be happy in that wieght range. Maybe once I get there I will know for sure. I have an upcomming hernia surgery so i'm trying to get in better shape for the doctor's benefit as well as my own. Just wanted to say congrats to everyone who has been doing so well and I hope to be catching up to yall soon!
