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Mental Health Day


I Love It When A Plan Comes Together!
So I got home from work tonight and wanted to make some dinner. My boss' wife gave me a bunch of peppers out of their garden and a couple pounds of ground beef "fresh" from a cow they had named Lucky of all things! So the menu was stuffed peppers. Problem is that I haven't got a working kitchen right now, but I've got a Foreman grill, a great big toaster oven (will cook 2 DiGiorno size pizzas at once) and a microwave. Well, I just started to get ultra frustrated with things and was on the verge of putting my fist through a wall. Some days the smallest things can set me off and this was just one of them.

Anyway, to the topic of the post. Has anyone here ever called in sick with some excuse when it was actually a "Mental Health day", a day off to regain some sanity and get some stuff done?

I am really tempted to tomorrow, especially since there isn't really much going on at work for once. I've got that annoying work ethic thing going on too, which makes it difficult for me to play hooky. So what are your thoughts?
You bet - I've called in "well" before. Never had to lie about it, though....great employer I have.... :thumbs:

My thoughts are if you think you need a day off, a break....you probably do. Unless it happens more than once a week....

Cheers - B.B.S.
I can call in for you! and you call my boss for me and then we can smoke all day!! That should clear up our shared issues of not wanting to go to work and as some can tell you...Im kinda mental so we are covered!
got mental health?

take a look at my avatar, then look away, take a look at it again, then look away, now proceed to get some lubricant, some tissue paper and some porn then walk over to the bathroom or bedroom and rub one out, then call me in the morning.


but to answer your question, yes i've had those days and yes i've called in sick on those days :D
I've called in sick 3 times in the 7 years I've been with my current employer, and once was "just because".
oh, hell YEAH! In fact, my employer even has 3 "floating holidays" for just such a reason. I don't ask why and my team do not have to give a reason when calling in. I trust them not to screw the team by calling in on a day when they're really needed. In 7 years, it has yet to be a problem.
Sometimes you just have to take a day off during the week, even if it is just to do nothing but relax and breath.
I was able to do it, but have taken a new job at the same employeer which has to be manned 24/7 and we have just enough people to do it, we have to go to work even if you're sick. :(
Man...back in the days I worked at the Hospital, I had to go in 5 West aka the lock down mental ward. My philosophy on life and work was to make the best of every situation so I had fun when I had to go in there. I found out from a Co-worker later on that they didnt want me out cuz they thought I was crazy. Damn..who would have known. :whistling:

Just remember...you have to have a day for yourself once in awhile or you will one day wake up and may go Postal. :p
Well, I called in the moment my alarm clocks went off this morning. Then I went back to bed until about 12:45. I tooled around for a few hours, drinking coffee and what not. Then I continued tearing into my kitchen cabinets and then ripped the paneling off the walls. Oh what fun! I think I'll go back to work tomorrow, but I have to do a family thing Friday in KC, so no work then!
absolutely- not very often, but sicne I hit my 15 year anni at work, I now have an occasional 'EYE' problem... I just can't see myself going into work.

Well, I called in the moment my alarm clocks went off this morning. Then I went back to bed until about 12:45. I tooled around for a few hours, drinking coffee and what not. Then I continued tearing into my kitchen cabinets and then ripped the paneling off the walls. Oh what fun! I think I'll go back to work tomorrow, but I have to do a family thing Friday in KC, so no work then!
So, I see how it is. You're heading to KC and don't even give me the heads up. Well to hell with you too then :laugh: . Oh, and the whole kitchen thing, well just, BURN THAT MOTHERF@CKER DOWN!
Well, I called in the moment my alarm clocks went off this morning. Then I went back to bed until about 12:45. I tooled around for a few hours, drinking coffee and what not. Then I continued tearing into my kitchen cabinets and then ripped the paneling off the walls. Oh what fun! I think I'll go back to work tomorrow, but I have to do a family thing Friday in KC, so no work then!
So, I see how it is. You're heading to KC and don't even give me the heads up. Well to hell with you too then :laugh: . Oh, and the whole kitchen thing, well just, BURN THAT MOTHERF@CKER DOWN!
