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PERSON You'd Follow?..........


New Member
Nov 6, 2005
OK, I just been typing to Ham Radio Groups, and was thinking of the group here... In talking about Standing Up for yourself, and Not being a "SHEEP".. I thought of Who would I Follow and Who Would I not get near?... ( I'm trying to keep this Contemporary also, as to not show my REAL Age, or leave someone out).....


Very impressive.. And a MAN that will do what he said he'll do!.... Honor, Intregrity, Some rare stuff it seems...
WHO's Yours?....
Of Generals still alive it used to be Colin L. Powell, but GWB ruined him.

Of Generals of the past, I would have been very proud to serve under Gen. George S. Patton Jr. or Gen. Omar N. Bradley.
Wurm said:
Of Generals still alive it used to be Colin L. Powell, but GWB ruined him.

Of Generals of the past, I would have been very proud to serve under Gen. George S. Patton Jr. or Gen. Omar N. Bradley.
My father served under both during WWII. He loved Gen. Bradly; he didn't care for Patton.
As for myself, I'd have followed Chesty Puller to the depths of hell. He always had something nice to say about Corpsman.

Grandmaster Chian Ho Yin


So many great military leaders to choose from so this is just a very short list of ones off the top of my head. (Not in any order)

Allan Kellogg (Medal of Honor) who taught me more in 3 months then I learned in the next 3 years.
John Vann (read "A Bright and Shining Lie")
Irwin Rommel
Omar Bradley
Lewis Puller
David Hackworth ( 2 Distinguished Service Crosses, 10 Silver Stars, 8 Bronze Stars, 8 Purple hearts and under review for a Medal of Honor).
Joe Hooper (Medal of Honor, two Silver Stars, six Bronze Stars)
Smedley Butler (2 Medals of Honor)
AVB said:
David Hackworth ( 2 Distinguished Service Crosses, 10 Silver Stars, 8 Bronze

His Autobiography is one of my favorite books, his website is also one of my Bookmarks.

Its a shame he passed on this year.
I was in the army, but would have to say that the Navy has had some really stellar leaders in it's rank.
King Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden.
wikipedia this guy [and not just because my college is named after him]
The guy with the most money and the prettiest sex slaves......
LouieNY said:
Jerry Garcia, Oh wait did that already =)

At Least ONCE, or One Year!....
Followed the Band 1989-1990, Good Year Just wish I'd remember more of it!..
sir-smokes-a-lot said:
King Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden.
wikipedia this guy [and not just because my college is named after him]
My boss's son graduated from GA 2 years ago...

To stay on topic:

Sir Robert Baden-Powell, who founded the Scouting program.
I would have to follow Chaucer and John Milton. A literary write for those that dont know. :D