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Question for Republicans


New Member
Aug 8, 2003
First of all let me state that I am totally serious about this, I reall am curious about the question I am asking, and want to keep an open mind.

Please answer the following questions if you are a republican ( and lets not turn this into a war- I really am curious.)

1. Why are you a conservative? What is it about the ideology that appeals to you, and I mean the positives (don't use negative liberal statements- what is the ideology about.)
As far as I have been able to tell I can't find much other than a slight tax break here and there, most of it is a "let's keep the status quo- there are no problems.)

2. If you really believe that Democrats are interested in big government, what did clinton do that promoted more control over you? How does the patriot act fit into this???

3. Are you aware of the wealth distribution and oligarchy in this country, or do you really think we are pluralistic?

4. Do you think the oblishment of the welfare system had any negative affects on people that wern't on welfare: i.e. the local grocery store owner who accepted food stamps, or the Lanlord who lost a tenent? In other words did the welfare system have any affect on the econmic matrix (espescially when it was federal in poorer parts of the country).

5.What do you know about corperate welfare?

6. Do you think that you have more of a voice in government or in corperate america?

7. The richest .5 percent of the country controls over 75 % of the country's wealth. Do you think you know any of these people, or have even met them personally?

8. How do you feel about the amount of money we spend on Defense? too much , not enough, just right?

9. Do you believe socialogists when they say that the middle class is shrinking and more and more people are falling into the poor category? If so why is this happening, and what can be done about it?

10. Where do you get your political information?

11. I once polled 10 college professors and 9 of them were democrats, and the other was an independant. This was in california, New york (upstate very conservative) and cincinnati (even more conservative). Why do you think this is? Why do people who study politics as a career lean to the left?

12. Do you think it's a good idea to be involved in the recent wars, and how will this affect us in the future?

13. Does the Republican party represent all Americans or just affulant white males?
How do woman, Native Americans, Immigrants, Blacks, the elderly and the mentally ill or retarted benifit from conservatism?

Finally- as objectivly as you can, outline what both parties In your opinion believe. If the liberals want big government, why? If it's intelectuals or professors who have a secure job, why would they want to "give hand-outs?"

Again I am serious about this. I have argued with every one and their mother for years about this, but still can't seem to grasp the ideology, other than in the dollar we trust. Surely there is more than that. Help me out, I am keeping an open mind.

(also keep in mind that Cigars we all share in common!!!!!)

man, dude. you want a book! i don't fit neatly into any category.
i think government should leave us the hell alone. i think
if your not a felon or under restraining order, or under
psychiatric observation, you should be able to own any gun made.
i'm for "legalization" and i'm pro choice, but i'm against
affirmative action, quotas, and set asides. i think that a strong
defense industry is essential to a strong economy and that that's
what happened to put us where we are. i think welfare is a deterrant
to people finding a job. and spending begats spending, and so forth.
you'll have to give me some time to think on the others. it was a big list!

man, dude. you want a book! i don't fit neatly into any category.
i think government should leave us the hell alone.

Did the clinton administration do anything to opress you? What about the patriot act and the invasion of privacy that comes with it? Giving the current political environment, do you think you would be able to run around and screm that you were a communist, and it would be ok?

i think
if your not a felon or under restraining order, or under
psychiatric observation, you should be able to own any gun made.

Fair enough, but explain why AMerica had 11,700 Gun murder's last year and Canada had 160, Japan 38.

i'm for "legalization"
I'm not. I am anti- drug all the way.

and i'm pro choice,
I'm Pro life 100%.

but i'm against
affirmative action, quotas, and set asides.
Your'e white I take it ;)

i think that a strong
defense industry is essential to a strong economy and that that's
what happened to put us where we are.

Whats the connection between a stron military and the economy? How does it build our econonmy?

i think welfare is a deterrant
to people finding a job. and spending begats spending, and so forth.
I need more than that. How so?

I think all us cigar smokers are just crazy... not one of us fit into the category that has been laid out for us... we actually think for ourselves... WOW! I think we are all more moderate than lead on.
you don't want answers. you want to start a fight.
i'm not taking the bait. i was able to have a civil, intelligent
debate with boeman you have already proved it is not possible
with you. i answered some questions, you gave mecrap"how
did clinton opress you" so screw it. you may talk to yourself if
you wish. you are the same one who called lars a "laughing stock"
when i doubt you've ever had one. i don't know how you form
your opinions, nor do i care. good day.
Don't sweat it Luckydog...what do you expect from a liberal? ;)
How was I starting a fight because I asked for an answer that was more than one sentence? I'm not trying to provoke you. If I did, please quote me.

When I say "how did clinton opress you," I am asking just that. It wasn't rhetorical, I really am curious about what people (espescially conservatives) believe.

I'm not sure why you took it so personally??????
It wasn't meant that way.

Allofus123 said:
Don't sweat it Luckydog...what do you expect from a liberal? ;)
What's that supposed to mean?

I'm a bit tired of hearing people label me!
mikedevilsfan said:
I think that was directed at me not you.

Doesn't matter... I'm a liberal... I don't go around saying that "Conservatives can't argue without spewing personal attacks" because I know it isn't always true, and it was proven to me once again that not all conservatives act this way tonight with my conversation with LD.

I find it a bit immature to even say anything like that remark!
ok, patriot act: scares the HELL out of me. i don't like
giving the government carteblanche no matter why

i would like to know where you got your "gun murder" numbers

what happened to put us where we are is clinton dismantling a good
portion of the military and drastically cutting defense spending it
almost destroyed the texas economy completely when coupled with
base closures

his admin. all but shut down the cia and was greatly responsible for 9-11

when someone does not have to work for their check, GNP goes down
it just simply does. that's why socialism has failed everywhere it has
been tried. if you receive what you work for, you work more. it snowballs.
LuckyDawg said:
ok, patriot act: scares the HELL out of me. i don't like
giving the government carteblanche no matter why

i would like to know where you got your "gun murder" numbers

what happened to put us where we are is clinton dismantling a good
portion of the military and drastically cutting defense spending it
almost destroyed the texas economy completely when coupled with
base closures

his admin. all but shut down the cia and was greatly responsible for 9-11

when someone does not have to work for their check, GNP goes down
it just simply does. that's why socialism has failed everywhere it has
been tried. if you receive what you work for, you work more. it snowballs.
No joke. I'm even more scared of the person they have enforcing it...
He's got a lot of pent up aggression after losing the senate seat to a dead man (the first in the USA BTW)
the patriot act is the most frightening thing to come from
our government in my memory. sounds like mccarthyism.
well, i know what a certain democrat keeps his cigars in! :0

a little too humid in there though!
LuckyDawg said:
well, i know what a certain democrat keeps his cigars in! :0

a little too humid in there though!
well... He smokes Portifino's... so I would hope that he left it in the tube :D
ok, patriot act: scares the HELL out of me. i don't like
giving the government carteblanche no matter why

Ok well, it was a conservative administration that come up with that.

i would like to know where you got your "gun murder" numbers

Bowling for columbine. But you can do a google search.

what happened to put us where we are is clinton dismantling a good
portion of the military and drastically cutting defense spending it
almost destroyed the texas economy completely when coupled with
base closures

It's true he cut defense, prbably because we had a very large military. When I was younger, I remember hearing that the United States had the ability to blow up the glob 8 times over. WHy not just have enough for one time over????
Do you think in thirty years when China is the superpower, we will be able to be as militant?

his admin. all but shut down the cia and was greatly responsible for 9-11

That's kind of a stretch isn't it? where do you get that info? All the info I have heard regarding this, was that the FBI and CIA simply wasn't prepared, but I never heard it was a monetary issue. Consequently making the FBI and CIA and local ahorities cooperate in a federal pedogogy is a Democratic ideal not a conservative one.

when someone does not have to work for their check, GNP goes down
it just simply does. But what about the guy who had to close down his grocery store because he lived in part of the country that was poor? The federal funding helped him out. How much do people on welfare get, and for that matter, who is on welfare? Is it abled bodied working males, or is it single mothers, the elderly??

that's why socialism has failed everywhere it has
been tried.
I don't think you will find one socialist anywhere that will agree that the communism in Russia had much to do with "Socialism." Just like "democracy" in this country is a far cry from pluralism.

if you receive what you work for, you work more. it snowballs.
You really believe that? My dad (who is a conservative) says "the harder you work, the luckier you get." But he is 62 and is in the printing buisness, and can't retire because cooperation keep buying out printing companies and eliminating departments at random. So his theory is BS. It's like telling a black woman work hard and you too can be president. It's a lie.