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Question for Republicans

Hi Mike,

Well let’s see, I’ll try to do my best to answer your questions in the first post in this thread.

#1. I like the idea of me being able to decide what’s best me instead of someone who thinks they know what’s best telling me what to do. In my experience liberals use the Robin Hood mentality, steal from the rich to give to the poor which I don’t really like. Now realistically, of course people with money need to pay for the needs of those who have needs but cannot afford things like food and a place to live. Unfortunately in my opionion, liberals think the rich should also make sure the homeless have a new car and cable TV too. Again, in my experience liberals think they know more than people who they think are not as smart as they are. Please don’t get me wrong, this is just a conclusion drawn from many first hand experiences with debates with liberals and watching the Connecticut Legislature up front and personal 'cause I used to work there.

#2. I think that Clinton promoted a national health care act/system that would certainly promote more control over me because it would have cost me more in taxes. Democrats in my state look at budgets by saying “Okay we need to spend this much” which is very wrong in my opinion, you must look at revenue side BEFORE appropriation side and almost every Democrat I talk to does not see it this way. I think budgeting should be done just like you and me at home. You and your wife make $XX,XXX.XX dollars per year and you can’t spend more than that, you just can't.

#3. I am fully aware of the wealth distribution and I do not begrudge the wealthy in any way whatsoever. I’m glad that they are wealthy and applaud them for something I wish I could do. I do not think however that we should take huge portions of their money just because some people have a problem with the distribution of wealth. This is another thing that bothers me about liberals, they think it’s unfair that a few people have a heck of a lot of money, hey too bad, get over it.

#4. Welfare was not abolished so ya kinda lost me on that question. You make a very valid point about government welfare money that ultimately winds up back in the local economy via recipients spending it at local merchants, just like defense spending, the government pays defense contractors who pay their employees wages and those employees support the local economy. I agree with you (I think??)

#5. I know a lot about corporate welfare and I’m just as sick about it as you are. I KNOW we agree on this one!! You and I can put our heads together and really get something going on this one.

#6. Government.

#7. Yes I have.

#8. Based on the discussion I just had with you in question #4, I think just right.

#9. I don’t believe it, I suppose it depends on where you draw the line defining the “poor”

#10. Newspapers, television, the radio, and honestly just plain talking to people on the street in forums like this. I very much enjoy listening to what’s on people’s minds.

#11 Ya know Mike that is a good one and I don’t have a good answer for you, I really don’t. Maybe because they essentially work in the public sector as opposed to the private sector and people who work in the public sector depend on government spending for their jobs? I dunno, just a theory.

#12. Yes I do and I think it will make the world a safer place for all.

#13. I think it represents all Americans. I think the Republican party’s ideals, goals and objectives benefit all Americans regardless of race.

I think that the Republican party thinks that people make better decisions for themselves and that people need a hand up not a hand out. I think that Democrats think that government is the solution to all problems and that the rich need to pay “their fair share” Liberals want big government because they see it as the solution to all problems. Some Intellectuals & professors want to give hand outs because heck, it ain’t their money, they want to take it from the millionaires and spend it on government program that many times benefit them directly (a grant to a professor to study something for example).

I’ve tried to answer your questions as honestly as I can and I appreciate you asking them. Thanks for the opportunity.
for one thing,if we're going to quote"bowling for columbine" as fact,
i'm through. moorer lied through his worthless teeth in order to
sensationalize. it's as much "documentary" as a bugs bunny cartoon
he has an agenda and he made things up and purported them as
fact to put butts in the seats. that is a long way of saying:HE'S FULL
OF CRAP. don't ask where i read this because i've slept since then,
but the numbers were massaged thusly: canadian and japanese
numbers were from small provinces, not the entire countries.
u.s. numbers included police shootings, suicides, hunting accidents,
suicides, etc. he went for shock value rather than fact.

his shutting down the cia causing in part the first bombing of wtc and
eventually 9-11 is not a stretch at all. this came directly from former
operatives who were essentially "laid off" it is fact.

as far as telling a black woman she can be president, hell, if you
told me that, it would be a lie. only the rich have a prayer of
becoming leaders. the golden rule is: them that's got the gold, does all
the ruling!
Thanks for the answers. SOunds like you are kind of an individualist am I correct?
I'll respond to the other things soon, but thanks for taking the time to respond in a postive, manner. It was intended in a spirit of discussion, and I can respect your opinions.

what about me? :( i responded finally(after i got my undies out of my crack)
Hey Michael,

Sorry I forgot to address the Patriot Act. I'm not really that well informed on the finer points of that particular subject but my first reaction is not positive.

I've always been a firm believer in a person's rights and the whole innocent until proven guilty mentality so I think it's fair to say I have some reservations with provisions of the Patriot Act.

Okay, here's one for you, now I know you said you're pro-life but what completely amazes me is when my party, who claims we don't like government telling us what we can do, advocates passing laws doing exactly just that, telling a woman what she can or cannot do with her body. This is a real tough issue and personally I don't really feel strongly one way or the other (pro-life vs. pro-choice) but again, I really don't like government interfering with people's business.
coventrycat86 said:
Okay, here's one for you, now I know you said you're pro-life but what completely amazes me is when my party, who claims we don't like government telling us what we can do, advocates passing laws doing exactly just that, telling a woman what she can or cannot do with her body. This is a real tough issue and personally I don't really feel strongly one way or the other (pro-life vs. pro-choice) but again, I really don't like government interfering with people's business.
Yeah... finally someone from the right who says the EXACT thing I have been telling a few right wingers at work.
"More Americans are killed in gun homicides in one day than in an entire year in Japan."-

Sounds like an argument to outlaw guns. I don't think that would work. I'll give you the famous NRA line "If you outlaw guns, only the outlaws will have guns." You're never going to convince me of anything different. I think that if we had identical guns laws as Japan, that statistic would not change much due to a variety of reasons well beyond gun control.

Okay, that was a pretty civil response, wasn't it Michael?

Ya see, I'm getting better :D
coventrycat86 said:
"More Americans are killed in gun homicides in one day than in an entire year in Japan."-

Sounds like an argument to outlaw guns. I don't think that would work. I'll give you the famous NRA line "If you outlaw guns, only the outlaws will have guns." You're never going to convince me of anything different. I think that if we had identical guns laws as Japan, that statistic would not change much due to a variety of reasons well beyond gun control.

Okay, that was a pretty civil response, wasn't it Michael?

Ya see, I'm getting better :D
I agree, we can't outlaw guns, but we can control who gets them legally...
Yeah... finally someone from the right who says the EXACT thing I have been telling a few right wingers at work.


Thanks Boe, ya know believe it or not, I do appreciate that one!!!!

That right wing philosophy completely contradicts itself, doesn't it?
coventrycat86 said:
Yeah... finally someone from the right who says the EXACT thing I have been telling a few right wingers at work.


Thanks Boe, ya know believe it or not, I do appreciate that one!!!!

That right wing philosophy completely contradicts itself, doesn't it?
Yes it does. I just can't figure it out.
Mr Boeman, I can tell by your response to my statement that you are young...... slow down and take a deep breath...... take note of the smilie faces at the end of sentences. They're put there for a reason.

My life experinces have told me that you can argue to you're blue in the face on most of these subjects.....you're not changing anyone's opinions......I'd rather watch paint dry.

Now, just to add a little flame to the fire, ;) Adding more gun laws to the books is nothing more than a "fuzzy feel good". Try enforcing the laws we already have. Guns don't kill people, people kill people. Eliminate the people! :)
Well ok, I tink I can put down some of my thoughts and opinions into words. Just for the record though I am answering these questions (and putting in a couple of other thoughts as well) since you have asked for our opions and answers on the subject of "why" I am Republican. I am not entering this foray to add fuel to a fire, or debate per se.

I should explain that I wasn't always a Republican, nor do I expect that I will always be one. What's important to me now politically was not what was important 15 years ago to me nor I doubt will be what is important to me 15 years from now. So who knows where I will be? In the late 80's despite support for Reagan that I had, I considered myself Democratic. Throughout the 90's I found myself to be Independent. Since about 2000 I have considered myself to be Republican. A "liberal" Republican actually.

Those that know me and such can attest, that I am not what you would consider a "conservative" type person. Though I work in a conservative, white collar career, my very nature bucks against it. I am also a very contrast person. Examples:

I am not religous at all, but I think I find it offensive that people complain about Christianity in the US (the removal of a statue from a public building, the firing of a teacher who wears a cross, etc.) but we are supposed to have freedom of relgion in this country. That said, I am also against AFA and other conservative christian groups who get into the private business of others.

I am pro-choice, but I can't stand most people who are also that way - especially people who are militant advocates for animal rights, save-the-whales, type people - why? Because humans should come first before animals and when someone says it's "ok" to abort a human fetus but it's not "ok" to kill an animal whether for food, for sport or for product testing to make humans lives better, I think they are trying to put them all on even playing field and that is wrong IMO. (We're not talking puppy farms here folks, I can agree that is wrong but some people take animal rights to whole level of stupidity.)

I am pro-homosexual rights. I think it is morally wrong to want to have the right to live as you want behind the privacy of your own home and not give that same right to the person next dorr - whether you agree or not in their lifestyle choices.

I find it odd that that ACLU will defend everyone but smokers and christians. That said, I have to be somewhat for them, since I practice BDSM and they protect my rights to do that - however for the most part, I think they go over board with most things.

So I am not your "typical" Republican. But then as I stated before, it narrows down to what I find to be important in my political views and what is important to "me" politically. So what is important to me politically?

1) The right to govern myself with as little involvement from the government as possible. I detest someone trying to tell me what I "can" and "can not" do or how I should think. Now in this ALL political parties do to some degree. In my opinion, the Republican party does it the least. They say - "you want to succeed in life, that's up to you" - hey I can support that type of attitude. They say - "people need help? Ok, I will help with a hand-up not a hand-out". I am fully behind that - and allow me to share. I was homeless once. It was a humiliating time in my life. It took me 3 days and 2 nights to get off the streets. I found out something really remarkable during that time - most people who were homeless that I met and ran into made the choice to be there and was content to be there. When I was younger, parts of my family and even myself at one time was involved in the Welfare program. Again, most people were there by chopice and a refusal to get off it. So I firmly believe in hand-ups, not hands out. Why? Because most people in those scenarios want a hand-put, not "help".

2) The rights of the US as a soveriegn power to decide for themselves what we "can" and "can not" do without some third or second world country trying to tell us what to do or have control over what we do. While I believe the UN does SOME good in the world, as far I think they have absolutely too much control over independent governments and one of the biggest things I like about our administration right now is that they told them to sit on it and rotate - we will do as we will. I know that will grate on some nerves, but I also feel that our government knows better than WE do an definately more than THEY do, on what is the best possible course of action our country should move in on individual sitiuations. This doesn't mean I am blind to the "bad" things, but as my sign tag somewhat reads, I take the good, leave the bad and keep on going. I simply think the government for the most part does more good than bad under Republican rule.

3) The rights of businesses to compete in a capital marketplace. The whole "fair and balanced" BS stinks of comunism to me or at the very best socialism. If company "A" makes a product that outsells company "B" and they market themselves so they put out company "B"? That means company "A" wins and the ones who made that detemrination was us, the consumer.

4) We have the right to PERSUE happiness. That means we have to actually go out and find it. We actually have to work at being successful. In that type of system that means some people are going to make it, some people aren;t. While I am aware there are social-economic formula's out there that affect the whole scheme, I am also aware of government programs designed to equalize that. This means that we are all responsible for ourselves and "we" are in control of whether we make it or not (which by the way my own definition depresses me sometimes since I don't feel I am "successful" by a very very long shot). Under Republican politics, I feel that their platforms echo that philosphy, where I view Democratics as trying to put everyone on an even playing field - nice thought, but why should someone extrememly successful be downplayed and someone who is a complete loser (and let's face it there are MANY out there) be elevated to some imaginary middle ground?

5) The War on terrorism. Let me be very blunt. I think we should of taken action like we have been doing back in the 90;s when Somalia happened. Latter on when the first attack against the WTC happened. Again when our embassies abroad were bombed and the then the US Cole. Needless to say I am 150% behind it. In a related issue, I am 150% behind the War on Iraq. There is NO doubt that Saddam had a lot of ties with terrorist organizations and paid a lot of money to these organizations and allowed them to train on their soil. I am all for not only going after the terrorist themselves but the governments that would aid them. So needless to say, the Republicans are the only ones behind this fully to the degree I think we should be.

Now, with all that, hopefully I have painted a partial picture of my viewpoints and what I feel is important (and there is a lot that I haven't mentioned but this post is already fairly long).

You asked:

1. Why are you a conservative? What is it about the ideology that appeals to you, and I mean the positives (don't use negative liberal statements- what is the ideology about.) As far as I have been able to tell I can't find much other than a slight tax break here and there, most of it is a "let's keep the status quo- there are no problems.)

I think I answered this fairly enough above, but I would disagree with you on the status-quo. As I have said I am for hand-ups not hand-outs. If, people who are in lower class economic positions for example wanted to actually USE the systems in place to help them out they could. It is THEIR decision they have not, not the governments. As I said before, I have been there, so your not going to BS me about it being impossible or nearly so to remove yourself frm those circumstances. It IS possible and it is easy (if you call willing to get off your butt and work hard to accomplish it easy).

2. If you really believe that Democrats are interested in big government, what did clinton do that promoted more control over you? How does the patriot act fit into this???

I am against the majority here. I am for the Patriot Act. Yes, it is possible that people will use the system wrong. When that happens I am sure more secure measures will be enacted. Thats how things work. But people are claiming this and that about how it will be mis-managed when there isn't any evidence of this happening yet. Furthermore, I doubt that any of us have anything to worry about. I mean really, do you honestly believe with ALL that is going in the world and the US, the government has the man power, or the inclination to come in and bug ALL of our ocmputers? Do you honestly think they care about our porn selection on our computers (provided it has nothing to do with children)? I even have doubts whether they really care al that much (despite the warning that came out not long ago) about our ISOM collections? Personally I don't see this Act affecting "me" personally or anyone I currently know. I do see it affecting those who are involved in illegal activities of a major consequence such as terrorism.

3. Are you aware of the wealth distribution and oligarchy in this country, or do you really think we are pluralistic?

In case you have missed my point before. No one is responsible about where my finances are except me. Yes, that means I have to accept the fact that I am lower-end middle class at best (though sure feels like poor class if you ask me). "I" am responsible for that. Am I proud of it? No, I should be better. But it is ME who keeps me where I am at, not the government. That goes for eveyone as far as I am concerned. If, you want to make more money, then go back to school and become someone who MAKES a lot of money. Or, teach yourself about investing and go do that. But blaming your finances on the government is pretty sad in my opinion. I didn;t get my job because of the government, I got it because I took the iniative to apply to this company and for this position.

4. Do you think the oblishment of the welfare system had any negative affects on people that wern't on welfare: i.e. the local grocery store owner who accepted food stamps, or the Lanlord who lost a tenent? In other words did the welfare system have any affect on the econmic matrix (espescially when it was federal in poorer parts of the country).

Guess I missed something... When was welfare abolished? Sorry, I think we give too much to people who aren't willing to help themselves as it is and believe in cutbacks. Yes, welfare has the potential to help out those in need of it. I just don't see too many people taking advantage of that aspect, but rather the free hand out. Again, been there, done that, seen that, KNOW that and am damn proud I am not part of it anymore. As far as it's effects on local economic structure. How is the fact that someone has to actually pay cash money instead of food stamps hurting a business? How is the fact that a landlord loses a tennant because they have no money a bad thing? In other words, the responsibility for local economy in my opinion is the locals to that area. If, a person opens a business then take on a degree of risk, and if they open such a business in a low economic area, then that risk is higher and the reposnibility for taking that risk is on the businessman, NOT the government.

5.What do you know about corperate welfare?

Not much, just recently read an article on it as it is affecting homeless in NYC. Quite frankly from what I saw it offended me. Couple examples real quick. In this article, people were getting free meals from McDonalds. Now I make a pretty good living - at least enough that a trip to McDonlds doesn't break the bank for me. However, I had to work to make the money to go spend at McDonalds. Now they GIVE food to these people who by their OWN admission is on the streets by choice? Who make as MUCH money as I do by panhandling?????? Sorry, no-go as far as I am concerned.

6. Do you think that you have more of a voice in government or in corperate america?

Government. That said though, doesn't mean "we" don't have a voice in corporate America. We do. As consumers. As employees. I think it is just a matter of time until we learn how to make our voices heard better. ;)

7. The richest .5 percent of the country controls over 75 % of the country's wealth. Do you think you know any of these people, or have even met them personally?

Not that I know of, but then again I could care less. I am not after "their" money, I would rather make my own - whether I can do this or not is on "me" not that .5% or the other 99.5% either. The question I have, if this is an accurate statistic, then name names, political party, etc. etc. in other words, show me the proof of how this has anything to do with being Republican or not.

8. How do you feel about the amount of money we spend on Defense? too much , not enough, just right?

Not enough. Especially right now when I understand that some cutbacks are coming in manpower. A friend in the AF told me just yesterday that they are cutting back by 13,000.

9. Do you believe socialogists when they say that the middle class is shrinking and more and more people are falling into the poor category? If so why is this happening, and what can be done about it?

This economics, not politics. Unlike some, I don't equate the 2 and believe they have very little to do with each other, than trying to put together false claims (goes for both sides).

10. Where do you get your political information?

I check CNN, MSNBC and Foxs News daily. From there I explore links that will lead me to party homepages, or campaign pages for example. I also follow links that I find and get form other political debaters (on both sides) and if all else fails and I want to know something I actually look them up in a search on Google and go where it leads me. I also listen to a couple talk radio shows, that while they aren't completely political in nature do try to keep updates of major happenings going on and occassionally will watch Hanity or one of the other political shows on tv. This last week alone I have been to at least 6 different newspaper sites form around the country (including the Seatlle PI, NY Times, Houston something), all 4 network news pages, CNN, the campaign homepage for that Wesley Clark (who wonlt be getting my vote), Snopes.com and a wide varity of other sites.

11. I once polled 10 college professors and 9 of them were democrats, and the other was an independant. This was in california, New york (upstate very conservative) and cincinnati (even more conservative). Why do you think this is? Why do people who study politics as a career lean to the left?

I wouldn't call that a very accurate poll. When you can present me with information from 1,000 or more professors who come to you in blind format, then I might pay attention ;-) So I am not going to comment, since I dont believe your stats presents an accurate decorum and thus your observation is not true or unbiased. No offense intended.

12. Do you think it's a good idea to be involved in the recent wars, and how will this affect us in the future?

Yep. waiting for us to get into the next one, which I am hoping will be Syria. As far as how it will affect us? I think that small countries will learn that you don;t harbor terrorist. Period. I also think that some countries might get the message that they aren't going to dictate to us our foriegn policy or our role in the world. We are not warmongers that many try to paint us and we have given more support for peace, correcting economic situations, etc. than the rest of the world. There comes a time though when diplmacy and hand-outs to the rest of the world is not enough and we have to take action.

13. Does the Republican party represent all Americans or just affulant white males?
How do woman, Native Americans, Immigrants, Blacks, the elderly and the mentally ill or retarted benifit from conservatism?

I don't know but I think it's pretty weak to try and make the Republicans or insinuate that it is a racist thing for political convience.

You state at the end of your post:

"Again I am serious about this. I have argued with every one and their mother for years about this, but still can't seem to grasp the ideology, other than in the dollar we trust. Surely there is more than that. Help me out, I am keeping an open mind."

Sorry but I am going to call you on this Mike ;) You know damn well your not going to get it no matter what "we" say. Nor am I going to buy into your ideaology. You just like to argue/debate over these things. I have invited you to CF before, where this type of conversation is welcomed and encouraged. Right now 6 debates going on, each of them near or over 50 posts and all under 24 hours. So come play with the big dogs over there and let's leave CP alone to talk about cello on or off ok?

And no, it has nothing to do with the fact I disagree with you politically, it has everything to do with respect, this site never talked politics until you came here and reacted the way you did on that thread. So show some respect and let's take our political debate elswhere ok?

Oh, and I am going to try very very hard to make this my last political post here on CP - I am sure that it won't but I will try. So, please come to CF and let us debate each other there? We won;t even have to keep gloves on over there :thumbs:


PS I think this might be the longest post in CP history, if it is do I win a prize?
hey, sam, i think we were seperated at birth dude.
almost identical viewpoints. we must get together
and herf at some point. we would get along famously!
good post sam.
I am out of town so I don't have time to respond to such a juicy post but I will.

Swnd me a link to the boards you are talking about. I am a grad student and am really busy, and I can't even remember you inviting me, (it's hard enough keeping up with the cigar stuff.)

Why does everyone find it so hard to believe that I am sincere about learning what you guys believe? I have been pegged as someone who likes to argue and bait etc.... why? Sure I believe strogley in my political views, b ut how many times do I have to write "I really am trying to keep an open mind, or I want to learn etc..." before you guys believe me.
I think you guys are just threatend by the idea of a debate like this. I'm not getting my panties in a bunch over it so don't you either.
Again for the 100th time I respect you guys no matter what you believe :love:
By the way mr. liberal i.e. me is also against homosexual marriage, but for other rights, am a christian, and am pro-life.
I'll respond to your post when I can give it some time.


PS did you say you were into BDSM???? LOL