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Second Smoke Study Looks Bad for Casinos...


Clueless Noob
Mar 14, 2005
I saw this news story down in the CP "Cigar News" section.

Nevada Study Links Casino Smoke to DNA Damage

If you read the story you see that there's an "expert witness" from second-hand smoke lawsuits already going through the data.

#1: I'd say it's only a matter of time before the casinos and pretty much everyone else shuts down smoking

#2: I'd sell my shares in Harrah's if I had any

#3: This lady quoted in the article is annoying:

"If I walk past a smoker, within minutes, I can't breathe. I have to use an inhaler," she said.
Then get out of the smoke filled, OXYGEN PUMPED, casinos. I mean really what else goes on in a casino besides booze, broads, losing and smoke? Get real people!
I really doubt that Nevada will ever ban smoking in casino's. Las Vegas gets a TON of high rollers from out of the country (Japan especially) who go there to gamble away large sums of money. They smoke as well. If people can't sit at the poker table and smoke, they won't play poker. At least not for very long. They'll just have to find a way to better purify the air, or perhaps setup no smoking sections in the casino.
The only place you can smoke in Vegas is inside. The heat and low humidity always turns my wrapper to pieces. I guess Casa will have to move to Chicago, a little closer to home. :p :laugh: If you can't stand the smoke get the #$%@ out the casino. Bitch bitch bitch, I go there to get away from my problems. :D