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Show your Ashtray!

Tiki eyes are watcing you.... remind me of "The Brady Bunch go to Hawaii".

Is it cursed?

The point is that it still has to be DL'd before CP resizes it. We have more then a few members who have dial-up and this kills them. What's the problem of making it a reasonable size to start with?

Don't you folks know how to resize pics?

All the pics i see are automatically re-sized, assumed it is the CP Site doing that?
The point is that it still has to be DL'd before CP resizes it. We have more then a few members who have dial-up and this kills them. What's the problem of making it a reasonable size to start with?


This is my garage ashtray.

It is a hand made job. From an old bell and some old motorcycle gears welded to the bottom.
The holder is a piece of chrome molly tube cut in half and ground down and welded to the rim.
I also added a piece of chrome molly 3/8 rod to assist ime with " ash management"

Wyatt's contest reminded me that I've been meaning to post these. My buddy Scott (scottymac) found these at an antique store and picked up the first one for me, and the second for himself. The cigar is a LG Small Batch No. 1, to give you an idea of the size of the ashtray. The one on the stand isn't as big, but still really cool I IMO.




I used to show apartments for a living. I found this ashtray in an empty apartment. The tenants must've moved to a non-smoking building and left this behind! :-)
