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Swine Flu


WTB Bratalias
Despite my strong viewpoint about the media's ability to distort the public's perception of the severity of an issue like swine flu - I am not immuned to influence. So, having a few cold symptoms today - I felt concerned enough to go look up the symptoms of swine flu. I found the following - written by Vincent Iannelli, M.D., who is a board certified pediatrician and Fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics.


Although the name 'swine flu' brings up a lot of extra fear and worry, it is important to note that swine flu is just an influenza A H1N1 virus.

That means that it is just another type of flu virus, just like that causes our typical seasonal flu symptoms. The big difference is that the current swine influenza A (H1N1) virus new and most of us don't have any immunity to it. That is what made it so easy for it to become a pandemic virus (have the ability to cause a global outbreak), because it could easily spread from person-to-person.

After a summer of declining flu cases, swine flu cases are on the rise as kids are going to back to school.


My...what the media can do with "just another type of flu virus."

Edit: grammatical correction
I had taken my daughter to the ER around July because she had two consecutive days of high fever, roughly 102-103 degrees. Both my kids at least once a year get high fever like that. Always on the second day I take them to the ER just as a precaution. This last trip, they immediately said Swine Flu right after checking the vitals. I asked them if I could borrow the invisible microbiological specs they were using to diagnose her with Swine Flu because there is no way in hell anyone can tell who has Swine Flu just by checking the vitals. They wanted to run all these tests, inject her with some "antibiotics," to which I told them politely to beat it. I took my daughter home and that very night, she sweated out the fever.

Lipton soup, plenty fluids, especially Pedialyte for kids, Motrin here and there, and some rest is what made the fever go away. Swine Flu my ass.
I had taken my daughter to the ER around July because she had two consecutive days of high fever, roughly 102-103 degrees. Both my kids at least once a year get high fever like that. Always on the second day I take them to the ER just as a precaution. This last trip, they immediately said Swine Flu right after checking the vitals. I asked them if I could borrow the invisible microbiological specs they were using to diagnose her with Swine Flu because there is no way in hell anyone can tell who has Swine Flu just by checking the vitals. They wanted to run all these tests, inject her with some "antibiotics," to which I told them politely to beat it. I took my daughter home and that very night, she sweated out the fever.

Lipton soup, plenty fluids, especially Pedialyte for kids, Motrin here and there, and some rest is what made the fever go away. Swine Flu my ass.

I went to my doctor earlier this week with some flu symptoms, mostly because I needed a doctors note for the classes I missed. He said pretty much every case of influenza A is being considered swine flu, but they aren't testing for swine flu specifically unless you're over 65 or already in the hospital for something. I got flu tested and it turns out I didn't even have influenza at all, so that was kind of a let down.

BTW, the test for flu is having a swab stuck up your nose, and is by far the most uncomfortable medical procedure I've ever had.
The real question is, what's worse, the Swine Flu, or the vaccine they released for it?

My GF's a nurse, so she's mandated by the hospital to get the vaccination, I for one would sooner take my chances of getting the flu before letting them inject me with a vaccine that has unknown sides.
From the American Medical Association Website:

Seasonal Influenza vs. 2009 H1N1 Influenza
What is the difference between seasonal influenza and the H1N1 flu?
Seasonal influenza is caused by viruses that have been interacting with humans for many generations. The human immune system is able to mount a quick immune response when encountering the same seasonal strain(s) again. The new 2009 H1N1 influenza, (formerly known as swine flu) emerged in the spring of 2009. Because humans have never been infected with this strain of the influenza virus, the immune system often cannot react as quickly or effectively as it can with familiar viruses.

While seasonal influenza is most threatening to those with weak immune systems, such as the very young and old, the 2009 H1N1 virus appears to be a threat to healthy, young adults, children and pregnant women. Although the populations most affected differ, the symptoms of seasonal and H1N1 influenza are very similar and can only be distinguished by a medical professional.

Important note about vaccines
The seasonal influenza vaccine will not protect against H1N1 influenza. An H1N1 influenza vaccine has been developed, and was recently approved by the Food and Drug Administration. It is expected to be available in mid-October.

The AMA recommends that you receive both the seasonal influenza vaccine and 2009 H1N1 influenza vaccine as soon as they are available.

We're concentrating on the seasonal flu shots. Most of our population is over 60 and aren't the primary target of the swine vaccine. Doesn't mean we haven't fielded a ton of questions. Most people don't understand why the young are more vulnerable to this one.
Which pharmaceutical company owns the right to this vaccine? Or is it even owned by a pharmaceutical?
BTW, the test for flu is having a swab stuck up your nose, and is by far the most uncomfortable medical procedure I've ever had.

You've obviously never had the clap... Cotton swab up the nose sounds like a dream after that one. *cough* not that I'd know anything about that *cough* This friend of mine told me about it, yeah that's it.
I get a flu shot every year cause uncle sammy says so. Quit your whinning and get the flu shot and 30 days later the H1N1. The goverment purchased all the HiN1 vaccine.
What a strange (and sad) coincidence:

Friends of our family lost their little boy last night to swine flu. He was otherwise a healthy little 1st grader. They're doing an autopsy to determine why it might have hit him as hard and as quickly as it did.

I'm not one to panic and I'm not pulling my little girl out of school but I'm praying for the family and starting to think the vaccine might not be a bad idea. I had originally told my wife not to bother with the H1N1 vaccine and just get the regular seasonal flu shot which we had done last week anyway.

I'm sure it's just like any other flu and that in most cases things will ride out just fine but I can't fathom the regret I'd feel if one of my 3 little ones got it and I had shrugged off the vaccine. I dunno. Just saying. It just sucks anyway you look at it. That's life sometimes.

Thank God for faith and the promise of something better.

What a strange (and sad) coincidence:

Friends of our family lost their little boy last night to swine flu. He was otherwise a healthy little 1st grader. They're doing an autopsy to determine why it might have hit him as hard and as quickly as it did.

I'm not one to panic and I'm not pulling my little girl out of school but I'm praying for the family and starting to think the vaccine might not be a bad idea. I had originally told my wife not to bother with the H1N1 vaccine and just get the regular seasonal flu shot which we had done last week anyway.

I'm sure it's just like any other flu and that in most cases things will ride out just fine but I can't fathom the regret I'd feel if one of my 3 little ones got it and I had shrugged off the vaccine. I dunno. Just saying. It just sucks anyway you look at it. That's life sometimes.

Thank God for faith and the promise of something better.


I'm sorry to hear this.

Bottom line get your children inoculated!

Prayers go out to that family!
What a strange (and sad) coincidence:

Friends of our family lost their little boy last night to swine flu. He was otherwise a healthy little 1st grader. They're doing an autopsy to determine why it might have hit him as hard and as quickly as it did.

I'm not one to panic and I'm not pulling my little girl out of school but I'm praying for the family and starting to think the vaccine might not be a bad idea. I had originally told my wife not to bother with the H1N1 vaccine and just get the regular seasonal flu shot which we had done last week anyway.

I'm sure it's just like any other flu and that in most cases things will ride out just fine but I can't fathom the regret I'd feel if one of my 3 little ones got it and I had shrugged off the vaccine. I dunno. Just saying. It just sucks anyway you look at it. That's life sometimes.

Thank God for faith and the promise of something better.


That's tragic, my heart goes out to their family. Sometimes, as this case exemplifies, "just the flu" shouldn't be taken so lightly.

As we all know, the media is a powerful manipulator of public opinion. At one point, I remember seeing reports the equivalent of "Everybody is going to get swine flu, panic!!!" to "Ah, as it turns out, the swine flu ain't all it's cracked up to be. Take it easy folks." At the end of the day, I am not going to trust media outlets, that have a vested interest to milk a story for all it's worth in order to fill a perceived need for constant coverage, with medical advice. Consult your doctor.

I, personally, stopped watching the news over a year ago.

As we all know, the media is a powerful manipulator of public opinion. At one point, I remember seeing reports the equivalent of "Everybody is going to get swine flu, panic!!!" to "Ah, as it turns out, the swine flu ain't all it's cracked up to be. Take it easy folks." At the end of the day, I am not going to trust media outlets, that have a vested interest to milk a story for all it's worth in order to fill a perceived need for constant coverage, with medical advice. Consult your doctor.

I, personally, stopped watching the news over a year ago.


Too true. Media needs to find a factual balance. I try not to watch them either. It's usually the same old. Some of our local weather people are nuts. "RAIN! Run for your lives!" Turns out to be just a sprinkle.
As we all know, the media is a powerful manipulator of public opinion. At one point, I remember seeing reports the equivalent of "Everybody is going to get swine flu, panic!!!" to "Ah, as it turns out, the swine flu ain't all it's cracked up to be. Take it easy folks." At the end of the day, I am not going to trust media outlets, that have a vested interest to milk a story for all it's worth in order to fill a perceived need for constant coverage, with medical advice. Consult your doctor.

I, personally, stopped watching the news over a year ago.


Too true. Media needs to find a factual balance. I try not to watch them either. It's usually the same old. Some of our local weather people are nuts. "RAIN! Run for your lives!" Turns out to be just a sprinkle.

Sounds like my mother-in-law. She believes and exaggerates everything the media says..
Let me start by saying I've never had the flu shot. This year will be different. I'm an obstetrician and women that are pregnant are especially vulnerable - I've already had two patients in the ICU.
My wife is an executive for a blood center. Her company and the medical people they are in contact with are worried by the info they have seen.

Here's what worries me:

In 1979 there was a swine flue outbreak. Vaccines were rushed into production and not thoroughly tested. People died from vaccine complications and many others were affected to some extent. My wife actually works with one of the victims, and suffice to say, he is not leading the quality of life he had expected to.

Now, with that in mind, how many of you have heard through the media that the Obama administration immunity from all actions to the vaccine makers? Hospital workers, doctors and first responders are being told to take the vaccine or sign a waiver. Chances are, you get the vaccine and you're fine. If you react badly, tough shit! Our government has taken away your right to be compensated for any complications arising from this. I don't care who's in the White House (well actually I do) this is wrong.


More main stream article
What a strange (and sad) coincidence:

Friends of our family lost their little boy last night to swine flu. He was otherwise a healthy little 1st grader. They're doing an autopsy to determine why it might have hit him as hard and as quickly as it did.

I'm not one to panic and I'm not pulling my little girl out of school but I'm praying for the family and starting to think the vaccine might not be a bad idea. I had originally told my wife not to bother with the H1N1 vaccine and just get the regular seasonal flu shot which we had done last week anyway.

I'm sure it's just like any other flu and that in most cases things will ride out just fine but I can't fathom the regret I'd feel if one of my 3 little ones got it and I had shrugged off the vaccine. I dunno. Just saying. It just sucks anyway you look at it. That's life sometimes.

Thank God for faith and the promise of something better.


I'm sorry to hear this.

Bottom line get your children inoculated!

Prayers go out to that family!

Absolutely, that's terrible to hear...