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The green fairy


New Member
Nov 14, 2004
well now that Absinthe has been legal here for a bit anyone have any experiances with or maybe a good brand to try? My first purchase was Kublar and it was good stuff. I wont buy another brand until i here good word. The other brands to have it here so far are Lucid, Artemisia (clandestine absinthe), also heard but not seen the french Edouard Pernot is fairly easy to get.
Wow, I've been interested in trying it for a long time but I didn't know it had become legal. When did that happen? ???
>Here< is an article on it. Seems a loophole allows some Absinthe to be produced so long as the thujone is less than 10mg per liter.
Yes its actually full quality green fairy thats sold here in the states and it has to be less than 10 parts per million worm wood. Well they found out that all of it was less than that even the original releases that they still sell now (see the web site they sell original bottles from a collection there VERY pricey) can be imported so any absinthe really can be imported. Heres a linky to the best Sight around. http://www.wormwoodsociety.org/ you can order thru links here and get the lowdown on how to drink it correctly. From my overseas experiance we used three parts water over a sugar cube into one part absinthe. It takes on a milky color. By the way you can get good absinthe thats more white creamy looking than it is green. The site explains that they are not real fond of the Czech absinthes.

Preembargo the link i posted shows all the laws and when they changed also. The entire concept that wormwood rots your brain is bullsh!t. Its no worse than a hard grain alcohol. For heavy drinkers worm wood is the least of your worries. For light drinkers it does not make a differance except that absinthe is going to kick your arse... :cool:
Just added this to my wish list - now I just need to pick the brand.
When I was a kid in France my Great Aunt used to tell me about a woman at the end of the street that lost her husband in WWI, very tragic story, who had a stash of The Green Fairy and drank it several times a week, she was in her late 90's! It had been illegal in France since the early 1900's I think. I've read some great annecdotes from writers and painters of the late 19th century. I've always wanted to try the real stuff.
Mike, sounds like we have a project!
I've been offering the real deal in my Scotch buys for a few years now.
Kublar is one thats made here. In fact they started with the legal part and thats how it came here. It was a good drink when i mixed it up correctly. Just make sure your not an emergency worker or anything. Its not like haveing a jack and coke and rolling on scene as usual. lol
The general rule is that the French and Swiss ones are the best and are REAL absinthe, made in the style that was popular during the Belle Epoche. 99% of Czech absinth (note the lack of an "e" at the end) is almost an entirely different drink, made a different way, usually lacking the strong anise and fennel flavors that characterize real absinthe, and (in my opinion at least) is piss-water that only sells because of their extremely gimmicky marketting. Some absinthes are made in Germany, Austria, and Spain, but they really vary between brands in quality.

Absinthe won't make you trip or see crazy stuff...it just gets you really drunk because most of it's bottle at around 120 proof :laugh: Only thing I've noticed about it that's different from other alcohols is that it creeps up on and makes for a very lucid, clear-headed intoxication if you drink too much...you won't even know you're drunk until you stand up and your knees start wobbling.

Most modern studies have determined that it's probably the fennel and other botanicals that might give you that strange intoxication, not the wormwood or thujone it contains. The reasons it was made illegal (and note that it's banned under FDA rules as a poisonous substance sold as a beverage, NOT the drug scheduling that stuff like cocaine and heroin are contraband under) in the first place are pretty much bogus...you'll die of alcohol poisoning LONG before the thujone will have any negative effect on you...and plus, sage and tarragon have high levels of thujone as well, and nobody's died from eating Italian food. :laugh:

If you like strong, anise/liquorice flavored beverages like Jagermeister, raki, ouzo, or pastis (which is basically absinthe without the wormwood to make it legal), then absinthe is worth a shot. Just don't light your sugar cube on fire, because that's another invention of the Czech absinth marketting machine.

Some good brands to look for are: Clandestine, the Jade line of absinthes (made by Ted Breaux, a really cool guy from New Orleans who moved to France to make authentic, old French-style absinthe), Montmarte, Fougerolles, and (believe it or not) Marilyn Manson's Mansinthe.

Stay the hell away from Hill's and King of Spirits! (BARF)

Here's a good website for info and guides to picking a good bottle: La Fee Verte
Haven't been a fan of the stuff since I had an incident with it overseas. He's right guys. The real deal will kick your arse...Experienced drinkers or not, take this stuff with caution. Lol.
Is anyone's local liquor store carrying any absinthes now?

I'd love to pick up a bottle. All I have now is an OK Spanish-made one that I mostly only use for mixing old classic cocktails (Sazeracs and the like).