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The Winter Blues


Feb 19, 2008
Normally I like winter time, at least a short winter. Here in Michigan we are expecting yet ANOTHER big fall. I am starting to wish spring was here. I cant wait till spring and summer. Sitting out on the deck with a cold beer in one hand and a tasty cigar in the other, watching over the steaks thats are on the grill. God I cant wait. Anyone else have the Winter Blues?
You have no idea. We have record snowfall this year. 6 feet of snow or more surrounding the house. Nowhere to put the snow when it storms cause there is no space. Only good thing is it's amazing snowboarding. So for now I'll have to live by my heater in the garage like I'm doing right now and freezing my fingers off. Oh well what can ya do.
I can't stand winter. Every night I think about golfing and grilling before I fall asleep. Daylight savings coming up this weekend though so we are one step closer.
I can't stand winter. Every night I think about golfing and grilling before I fall asleep. Daylight savings coming up this weekend though so we are one step closer.

Ahh golf. I golfed for the first time last year. It was fun even though I sucked at it. My father inlaw bought me a driver and a golf bag for Christmas. I am assuming he wants me to go golfing with him, if thats true he better get me the rest of my clubs. Its calm. Thats what I liked about it.
I can't stand winter. Every night I think about golfing and grilling before I fall asleep. Daylight savings coming up this weekend though so we are one step closer.

No need to stop 'cause it's cold. Get a parka, an industrial heater, and some black golf balls. You can golf and grill straight through the winter! :laugh:
You know the winter has been bad when you get overly excited over a 45 degree day (today in CT) and underdress for the weather just for it to feel a bit more like spring.
Yeah this is the time of year that I start catching cabin fever. Golf season is so close that I can taste it, but it's not here yet. And we're supposed to get hit with the storm sometime late tomorrow afternoon.
You know the winter has been bad when you get overly excited over a 45 degree day (today in CT) and underdress for the weather just for it to feel a bit more like spring.

You said it. I get the winter blues bad every year. I'm usually ok until about the beginning of Feb., then I start to get antsy. By the end of Feb. I'm in bad shape. This is so ironic because I was really thinking about this a lot today. Glad I'm not the only one.

But winter should not, I repeat NOT, impact grilling! Nothing should!

edit: spelling
I feel your pain brothers!

Better than an Australian Summer. We have a hole in the ozone layer right above us, and when it gets hot... everything that is not under shade dies.

The grass goes brown, all your herbs cook in the garden, you cannot go outside (unless you are insane), your car overheats in any amount of traffic because the wind is HOT. It is seriously horrible. We get heat waves that last weeks. If you go to the beach in the middle of summer, you will fry, and possibly get heat-stroke.

I look forward to winter, because it is not really that cold here. Autumn is perfect weather.
I'm movin' out of winter in 2 weeks. Going fromthe snow and ice about of Utah to nice and generally warm Mississippi. Of course there I think the humidor will be to keep sticks form getting too wet.
I'm getting there. We experienced a couple days of 60 degrees weather but that was just a tease. I am working on a humidor but that always depends on the weather. Common Spring!
Let's just say, I'm tapping the trees a bit higher than usual.
