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Things you do while smokin


New Member
Jul 9, 2009
So I did a search and the only thread I came up with was one that was over two years old so instead of bumping an old thread I figured I would start a new one. To make this thread better than just a couple of one sentence replies, if you respond you need to be more specific than just listen to music or sit in a chair. For example if you listen to music give us a genre and a favorite album or something to make it more personal.

I will start and say that I like to talk to my girlfriend while I smoke, its a time when there aren't any distractions so we always have really good conversations that last the entire time of the smoke. Also on occasion I will study if I am smoking since its a time when I am relaxed and focused.

If there was a more recent version of this thread I am sorry I didn't do an exhaustive search but I did look over the first page.
You didn't specify what you talk about, or what you study. If you want us to be specific you might want to do the same.

I contemplate while drinking something.

That's what I do, and that is about as specific as I can get as what I think about and what I drink varies.
So I did a search and the only thread I came up with was one that was over two years old so instead of bumping an old thread I figured I would start a new one. To make this thread better than just a couple of one sentence replies, if you respond you need to be more specific than just listen to music or sit in a chair. For example if you listen to music give us a genre and a favorite album or something to make it more personal.

I will start and say that I like to talk to my girlfriend while I smoke, its a time when there aren't any distractions so we always have really good conversations that last the entire time of the smoke. Also on occasion I will study if I am smoking since its a time when I am relaxed and focused.

If there was a more recent version of this thread I am sorry I didn't do an exhaustive search but I did look over the first page.

I used to study a lot while smoking. I think the cigar slowed my studying down, but helped me to focus in on what I did get studied. I happend to study for my last couple of Property Insurance exams with a cigar in my mouth and aced every single one of them. :)

Now that I graduated and am living with my smoke nazi parents, when I do smoke, I'm usually outside at my local Starbucks talking to a buddy of mine. On the rare occasion that I can sneak out for a smoke on my patio, I like to search cigar websites (read: CP and auction sites) for information and nice steals! I also like to listen to Pandora.com using my Red Jumpsuit Apparatus station or my 311 station. :thumbs:
Hmm I would have to agree H311oLHD on a few things...

Mom is a cigar hater, and I must wait until she leaves the house to enjoy a smoke. I take my computer outside with me, and put the iTunes on shuffle. The usual artists to pop up are Led Zeppelin, Pepper, Pink Floyd, and O.A.R. I also enjoy writing my review of the cigar as I smoke it, it helps me relax and focus on the cigar in my hand.

If Im not doing that, I am usually smoking at a party, enjoying a go to stick. Thanks to CP Im now known as the kid who always shows up to a party with a lighter and real cigar (considering most other people my age think swishers and black & milds are cigars :laugh: ). I enjoy smoking with other friends who I have tried to convert, and like seeing the amusing reactions that some people give to the "horrible smell" (thats a usual comment :D ).
My ritual varies upon the time of day and situation I'm presented with. If my daughter wants to swim or play outside then I'll light one up. If it's a little later in the evening and I have studying to do I'll sit in the enclosed patio with my shoes off, enjoying the pleasent Virginia night time enviornment with whichever cigar fits my fancy at the time. Or, sometimes I'll bring out the laptop and surf CP or Bungie.net for the newest Halo news.

Specific enough?
My most enjoyable moments are just sitting in my hammock chair in the backyard, often with a little music in the background, while contemplating about something in my life. However, as will be the case tonight, I also like to enjoy a good 'ole cigar with a few brews while watching a movie. :)
I like having sex while smoking a cigar. Unfortunately, my wife doesn't
For me it is being out on the ocean. I generally go out fishing with my dad and there is something very relaxing about being out on the water with him, cigars in hand, bouncing a "bunker chunk" off the bottom for stripers & blues. Until of course your fingers smell like oily bait and your cigar has miscellaneous bits of fish parts on it.

Watching a good movie or reading a good book for the most part. For outdoors, especially on a nice summer day, nothing like just finding a spot near the water and just relaxing with a good cigar. And trying to think of nothing. Just enjoying the experience and the (hopefully!) tranquility!
Honestly, I try to do as little as possible while smoking. I usually smoke out on my back porch and I'm checking the yard out for projects that need to be done. But that is about it.
Drink bourbon & contemplate life. :)

When the weather's nice, anyway. Right now it's too hot to smoke outside, so I put the exhaust fan in the mancave window and drink bourbon and surf the internet, or watch old shows (Highlander, Babylon 5) on Hulu.

The only other thing I really do regularly while smoking a cigar is yardwork.

Nothing better than sitting out on my patio listening to a baseball game on the radio while enjoying a cigar.
During the nice weather months I am always out on our back deck. For the morning smoke, it is always drinking coffee and browsing the internet while smoking. The afternoon/evening smoke usually involves reading whatever book I'm working my way through.

During the rainy season(s), I smoke in the garage/mancave. During that time I choose a series I haven't seen (The Unit, Jericho, etc), and follow it from beginning to end on Amazon Unbox or DVD rentals.
My cigar smoking mainly is done in one of two places: back patio or boat.

On the back patio with a cigar is where my wife and I discuss the direction of our life, things like business goals, life goals, etc. To me a good cigar encourages a good meaningful conversation. Some of the deepest conversations I have ever had were over cigars. If I'm alone I'll do some reading. Usually drinking bourbon or scotch.

On the boat, a cigar is a perfect ending to a day of wakeboarding. We talk about how we shredded that day, and nurse sore joints with energy drinks and Tecate.

Good thread!
I'm usually ashing all over myself... Typically, that's done on the deck or in the garage. Beverage is coffee or chai in the morning and some sort of adult beverage in the evening. Pandora while I CP.

I usually set up shop in the back yard at the picnic table or in my garage. I try to think about the cigar. I take notes on the flavors I'm experiencing (especially if it is something I haven't tried yet). Sometimes I experiment with pictures.

Other things I do while smoking a cigar, drive, go for walks, and grill out. Now that I finally got my wireless router hooked up I will occasionally take my computer with me to the garage and surf the web.