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Your First Christmas Gifts Received as a Child?


New Member
Aug 30, 2005
Holiday Greetings! Do you recall the first Christmas gifts that you received as a child? I first recall receiving Christmas gifts when I was about five years old. On that particular Christmas, I remember receiving a wind-up toy train set, and a toy cowboy pistol and holster set. This is the first Christmas that I really remember. Please tell us about your first childhood Christmas memories. Happy Holidays, knightlaird
Not the first one, but I know the most memorable.

I got this crazy battle ship game, the game board was huge. It had subs that shot out red disks, and if you hit the ships in the right spot, the top would pop off.

It came in a huge box, and they addressed it to my father. My parents knew I would wonder what it was, and knew that I would want to help him open it.

Perfect surprise, I was pretty excited.

I also remember driving home christmas eve from my grandmothers, my parents had me believing that the red light on top of the water tower, was rudolph.

My parents were pretty good at creating the 'magic' of christmas.
My all time favorite was an early version of the Electronic Vibrating Football games. My cousin and I would play for hours.

My second favorite was an Atari 2600.

WOW! These are the exact same gifts that I was going to reference.

The Electronic Vibrating Football, I got when I was 6 years old. My brother was just a baby at the time and crawled over the top of it the day after Christmas. It dented it in the middle to all the guys would just vibrate into the dented crease. I was very upset about it, I remember my Dad trying to fix it and couldn't so the next day he went and bought me another one. I think he enjoyed playing it as much as I did.
My all time favorite was an early version of the Electronic Vibrating Football games. My cousin and I would play for hours.

My second favorite was an Atari 2600.

WOW! These are the exact same gifts that I was going to reference.

The Electronic Vibrating Football, I got when I was 6 years old. My brother was just a baby at the time and crawled over the top of it the day after Christmas. It dented it in the middle to all the guys would just vibrate into the dented crease. I was very upset about it, I remember my Dad trying to fix it and couldn't so the next day he went and bought me another one. I think he enjoyed playing it as much as I did.
a red ryder, steel, pedal car that was a fire engine. had hoses, wooden ladders and a flashing light and working crank siren. yes, my dad was a firemen. there are lots of others, but that one sticks out as the first.
I got a double barrel red rider BB gun and I remember my mom saying "you'll shoot your eye.........

Wait, that wasn't me..........Nevermind!!! :blush: :whistling:
Talking Football ( oh no gadget play ) - and Rockem' Sockem' Robots - had hours and hours of fun with these two - Boy seems so longs ago -
I don't remeber my first, but I do remeber the year I got a Nintendo 64. One of the neighbor kids showed me how to open gifts and put them back without your parents knowing...

Everytime my parents would leave, we'd bust out the nintendo! :D
Though I already knew it, I was 6 years old when Santa proved to the rest of my family that he is real.

My family was what you might call ‘disadvantaged’. My father was unemployed and there were seven of us living in an abandoned hamburger place, now fondly remembered as ‘the bug house’. I was too little then to know that we were homeless and I enjoyed the big ‘back yard” (parking lot).

It was the afternoon of Christmas Eve and I, like every other six year old, eagerly awaited Santa’s visit. I was concerned that we had no tree for him to put the presents under but I knew he could figure something out.

My father was out looking for work that Christmas Eve, Mom was at ‘home’ with my sister, and my brothers and I were playing at the school a few blocks over. The schools had been closed for Christmas break and so someone had thrown two trees in the dumpster. We ran to ask Mom if we could bring them home. She said we only needed one tree not two. We should leave the other for someone else who might need it. We picked out the better of the two and carried it home. We stood it up in what must have been the dining area of the restaurant, Mom pulled Gramma’a ornaments out and we all began to decorate our Christmas tree.

When my father came home from trying to find someway to provide for us, this very proud man stepped in the door to find his family gathered around a tree having Christmas. Later, he would tell us that he stood there frozen for several minutes but knowing that there would be nothing under that tree in the morning was more than he could bear. My father couldn’t let us see him cry, so he quietly turned to step back outside but as he turned, he found a large box at his feet. This box was full of toys, goodies and presents for each of us, all tagged “from Santa”. The next morning we found those presents were under the tree.

That was the Christmas that my family realized in one way or another that Santa is real. It would be almost 30 years before I myself learned the true identity of Santa. It seems that my sister and oldest brother had collected soda bottles for two months to make sure Santa was able to visit that year. The true identity of Santa Claus all those years ago was Love.

Merry Christmas and God bless.
Not my first, but most memerable was learning the gift of giving. When I was 15 our house burned down (two days before my mother's birthday) and we lost everything. We leved in motels for over 6 months and moved back into our house just before Christmas. My father and I teamed up and replaced the Christmas tree with a plantable pine seedling and added two stone deer to teh living room. There were other things as well, all for my mother who had the roughest time in the ordeal, but the tree was planted outside with the deer placed around it (and we eventually added a flower bed) and the memory of our first Christmas after the fire grew in the yard and was a daily reminder of the gift we gave my mother than morning. We could never replace the heirlooms our family lost, but we started some new traditions for the new house and the look on my mother's face in the morning was all worth it.

Giving is the best gift of all.

wow, what a heart warming story Pre. Merry Christmas bro.
would have to be a yellow road plow. now i can't stand the things when i drive, but when a kid, was cool, think 4 yrs old.

hey KB... your making some of us look old here, Nintendo??? man, my first year of collegem MS Windows did not exist, and DOS and BASIC, was THE software. I think i had a version of Word 1.0 too, :laugh:
The first Christmas I really remember was I was about 8. It was a greenmachine bigwheel man was that the coolist thing. But now I really enjoy making people smile with gifts. The one gift that sticks in my head was about seven years ago I was able to tell my grandfather that I was going to have a son. and that was awsome because he died two weeks latter. that was a great gift for him..
I was about 5 or 6. My grandparents gave me an RC3PO and R2D2 wind up watch. I still have it and it still works. I don't know what it was about the watch that made me really take care of it. But it is only piece of jewelry I have dating back to pre-high school. Happy Holidays to everyone!!!