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When does a $5 bag Spanish Cedar Chips cost $10?


Oh My!
Feb 6, 2006


I'm sorry to say, but the only thing I could think of would be to sand it down. I sell bags of Spanish Cedar shavings for 5 bucks to add the aroma but it most likely won't get rid of a chemical smell. It could always be modified into a jewelry box for your significant other. Then you'll have an excuse to get a new one.

Gee I thought it was $10 also least thats what the email ya sent me was plus ship/handling.




<I edited the OR quote due to non-essential info?>
You gotta remember Gary, all this stuff has to be hard to keep up with! First, it can't be easy to remember who got charged for the boards these shavings came off of. Second, it probably depends on who gathers up the chips! If it's the one selling the chips, it's probably only $5, if it was a helper that gets an hourly wage, it's probably $10. Could be, the $10 bag is filled with super-premium chips while the $5 bag has some "filler" amongst the cedar chips.

Disclaimer: This post is answering Gary's topic question only and not implying anything about anyone...pure speculation and brainstorming!
It's amazing how quickly his "hobby" turned into a full fledged business. He's even selling the garbage. :rolleyes:
I've got some cigar box clocks I'll sell to the board for $50.00 each. Shipping will run you $15.00. LMK!
I've got some cigar box clocks I'll sell to the board for $50.00 each. Shipping will run you $15.00. LMK!

LOL I have one of Wade's clocks and I like it (tells good time too)... but yes this does remind me of that a bit. And they were only $35 dollars and that included the shipping.
Are these 10# bags we're talking about? These aren't little sachets of floor sweepings are they?

I can't believe anyone would pay that for a little sachet of floor sweepings. It's just Spanish Cedar, for Pete's sake.

Anybody want to buy a 50g tin of pipe dottle? I usually just dump it, but I can start saving it for people that want to add the "aroma" to their smoking room or for Sherlock Holmes enthusiasts. Hell, I'll even put it in the toe of an old slipper.
The young fellas here were warned about this guy a long time ago, but many of them were so impressed with his ability to set up a machine that we who knew better were ignored. Well, here we go again.

The young fellas here were warned about this guy a long time ago, but many of them were so impressed with his ability to set up a machine that we who knew better were ignored. Well, here we go again.


What's sad about this statement Doc, is that this is one of the main points for some people to have left, or become a whole lot less active here. Maybe they'll poke their heads in here long enough to give those "young fellas" an "I told you so" and turn around and walk back out with a grin on their faces.
It's a shame certain "members" are here only to benefit themselves, and do nothing to support this community. HM presented himself as a person who had a passion for cigars and wood-working. It's unfortunate his "passion for cigars" has turned into a business, and he now nickel and dimes people for floor sweep. What's most amazing are members like HM who benefit from CP (weather it be financially or through networking), and do nothing to support this community.

Jonesy - If the members who left CP only left over such minor issues such as this, probably best they remain at bay. CP doesn't need guard dogs, rather we need true members who care about this community opposed to those who are only out looking for drama. There are many long time members who are still active and very good at participating in a positive manner, and also look out for the community at the same time. No need for a special task force. ;)

It's always easy to say "I told you so...", however many times in the past new members were pushed out of CP for no good reason other than to allow certain members more control then they should have been allowed. Some people thrive off drama and find some sort of strange enjoyment by having a big e-penis, no need for those types here.

I'd say our track record is impeccable for keeping CP a safe place. Nothing is perfect, however the community here is amongst the safest around.
Yep gotta agree with Rod, we do have a pretty good track record.
For those confused about the history here, read these:
Jonesy - If the members who left CP only left over such minor issues such as this, probably best they remain at bay. CP doesn't need guard dogs, rather we need true members who care about this community opposed to those who are only out looking for drama. There are many long time members who are still active and very good at participating in a positive manner, and also look out for the community at the same time. No need for a special task force.

It's always easy to say "I told you so...", however many times in the past new members were pushed out of CP for no good reason other than to allow certain members more control then they should have been allowed. Some people thrive off drama and find some sort of strange enjoyment by having a big e-penis, no need for those types here.

I'd say our track record is impeccable for keeping CP a safe place. Nothing is perfect, however the community here is amongst the safest around.

I didn't mean for my post to come off as needing guard dogs or saying that this was the only reason certain people left (or validating their leaving).The point I was trying to make was that there was a group that questioned H.M. up front with his motives here when he started out. There were some that thrived on drama and were controlling so to speak, but some of those guys had a knack for sniffing out the bullshit kind of quickly also, as seems to be the case here. My post was supposed to come off as "hey, these guys got it right with Humidor Minister" instead of advocating the way they acted or seeming like I supported them beyond when they left CP. It was purely a point being made to show some that there were some that thought H.M. has been using CP as his business platform right off the bat more so that being a member of the community...whereas it's taken over a year for the truth to seemingly come out on him.
It's a shame certain "members" are here only to benefit themselves, and do nothing to support this community. HM presented himself as a person who had a passion for cigars and wood-working. It's unfortunate his "passion for cigars" has turned into a business, and he now nickel and dimes people for floor sweep. What's most amazing are members like HM who benefit from CP (weather it be financially or through networking), and do nothing to support this community.

Could not have said this any better Rod. Nice to see Mr. HM turn his "hobby" into a fledgling business off of CP's hospitality. :rolleyes:

12 hours later, and still no reply from him? Guess you're too busy profiteering off of the scraps you're sweeping off the floor. Oh, and I forgot about the flawless craftsmanship he toted as his own that Devil Doc debunked as machine made. It's okay buddy, not everybody can make those handcrafted wooden hinges the way you do, and only you can seem to break them when you get too frazzled about being called out as a fraud. Maybe next year you'll enter another contest and link us all to it so we can have the freedom to vote for who we think is "the best."
If you like, for 10 bucks+ shipping I'll send you a bag of Spanish Cedar shavings.
I save the shavings when I run SC through my planer. It will at least give you the aroma.

I have to ask....do you charge your clients for materials and labor, or just for the finished product? I feel it's safe to say that materials have to be included in the price of the humi. So basically what you're doing is charging someone for Spanish Cedar boards, making their humi, cleaning up the shavings, and offering us bags of cedar shavings for $10 + s&h for something that's already been paid for by someone else??

No wonder you turned your hobby into a business!
Care to answer the question?
I'm sorry to say, but the only thing I could think of would be to sand it down. I sell bags of Spanish Cedar shavings for 5 bucks to add the aroma but it most likely won't get rid of a chemical smell. It could always be modified into a jewelry box for your significant other. Then you'll have an excuse to get a new one.

I thought it was $10 plus shipping?

Smaller bags.
+ shipping. About the size of a sock.
Here's your answer Gary....before he edited it.