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Smoked an Opus on New Years Eve. and the room wouldn't quit spinning for quite some time.
I recently smoked a Cohiba Siglo IV. About half way through and I was buzzing. Great smoke though. I would smoke another given the chance. I met up with an ASC'er from Panama City and we had a little mini-herf, smoking, swapping, telling tales. Lots-o-fun.JerryG
This happened to me once, however I can't remember the name of the cigar (darn!). It's amazing how you can just puff on a cigar without inhaling, and still get a really good nicotine kick.
Sam, when the first batch of VSG's came out, they were STRONG. The last couple I had were not as strong. To make sure it was not me, I pulled out a belicoso that was from when they first came out. BAM! The newer editions have been toned down in the strength department. IMHO.The new Bolivar Fuertes will give you a kick, but I think it's because they have not been aged that long. The older they get the roughness seems to smooth out. Still a strong smoke.
The only cigar that has affected me like that was an Opus X xXx. For a small cigar, that baby had a major kick to it.
Most recent one for me was a power packed little Bolivar Corona Junior...those babies really pack a punch!PaulMac
You know, I had a HDM Excalibur non-island that flat out wore my head out one night!!! I couldn't beleive the buzz I had after about 1/2 of it and I was driving too!!!! A real buzz-maker IMHO.
i got some santa rosa's with banda oscurro wrappers 8.5" long even stonger than my mexican puros blue dragons! God i love oscurro wrappers
Blue Dragons, Yummmmmmmmmmmm!
Toboada rolled robusto. Wasn't the "strength" that got me. Instead, it was the complexity of flavors and the shear delight I got out of smoking it.
For me it was my first VSG. Man that baby WAS strong. I love them though.
Oh Yes I have had my butt kicked a time or two by some good sticks..The first time was by a small Opus X and as much as I enjoy these they seem to consistantly get me ..Most recently I have been done in by a Florida made LGC and a La Luna Maduro Furte..Guess I am a glutton for punishment though as I will keep going back for more.
Hey Mel, Santa Rosa cigars is now owned by an American company. Before that they were owned by a close friend's uncle. When I went to Honduras (for the last 2 summers), I stayed at the his house...lets just say you can tell the cigar industry is a profitable business!!! Holy COW!!!
When I started smoking the first time 4 or 5 years ago I remember getting my hands on an El Rico Habano that sent me into a head spin. Too bad they went away. Since taking it back up again in the past few months I really haven't been knocked down yet, hopefully it's coming!Jay
Unfortunately, nothing yet. If I'm not smoking, I'm using smokeless. I think I'm a walking nicotine stick.
Unfortunately, nothing yet. If I'm not smoking, I'm using smokeless. I think I'm a walking nicotine stick.
Perdomo Reserve #4 Ros wrapper. Let me set this up...I'm sitting on my front porch, in a chair with my feet propped up. My wife and "FreeFall" (my Blue/Gold Macaw) are hangin' out also. I comment on how I'm having a difficult time getting the thing to stay lit, having to toke repeatedly. Then a 1/4 of the way through, it stays lit. I keep hitting it the same way ( now about 1/2 to 2/3 way through)when all of a sudden, "WHAM!!!!" my head starts spinning like I just swallowed a mouth full of RedMan. I'm buzzin' ;)~ I sit up in the chair and take a couple of deep breaths and ain't nothing happening. Then sweat starts pouring off of me. I mean drippin' off. In I went and was down for the count. After a couple of hours it wore off. Man, I believe I learned a lesson. SKYDIVNEKD
Sam, This gives me an idea... A new type of diet... The Cigar Diet. :) Smoke alot of cigars and lose weight lol :)I've smoked a few ISOM Bolivar's, however the nicotine didn't effect me at all. I guess I need something stronger. I also don't inhale cigar smoke, but I don't think that would matter.- Rod
I too share about my first Cigar.
As a Youngster my parents discovered I was also looking into tobacco a bit to much for thier happiness.
Dad came home sporting this circus looking thing had to be a 90 ringsize It even was green and just HUGE.
I think it was the circus joke cigar sold at smokeshops back then. We, my brother and I each earned one of these monsters. As we sat in the living room at the little table the old man fired up our smokes, and one puff at a time we had to finish every last bit.
But It wasn't bad enough that we had these donkey rockets - we had to swallow each puff of this nasty disqusting thing. I thought I was dying right then and there. Not only where we greener than the cigars, we where quite dizzy and sick.
But Dad wanted to 'learn us good' so if we puked we had to start over, as he whipped out 2 more of these things. It was about an hour later we where alsmost finished when we had to "finish the butts" as in eat um.
It was quite the experiance,
but come to think about it some more those darned circus smokes burned even all the way down. Here I am later in life still enjoying smokes, yeah I agree thanks Dad for the great time.
Of course try that now for kids and some group would put you in Jail.....