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A Beautiful Day Out in London


El Cañón de Latón
Jun 1, 2008
Let me start off by saying, today was a blast.

With my wife and daughter stateside visiting her parents, I decided today would be a great day to venture on into London and check out a few things that they wouldn't miss. I rolled out of bed at 6:30 to take our Basset Hound for a nice long walk. My goal was to get her good and tired-- she doesn't like being home alone very much, and I wanted to make my day out as easy on her as I could. I finally left at 8:00 and drove to Epping, which is the northern-most stop on the London Underground. I hopped on the tube and an hour later I was at Harrod's, the gargantuan world-famous department store.

Oddly enough, the Mrs. says she doesn't want to see Harrod's. What can I say? She's a Walmart woman. After seeing the prices there, I'm counting my blessings. At any rate, it was a pleasant couple hours of walking around the massive store. I stopped for lunch at Ishbilia, Harrod's Lebanese restaurant. The food was fantastic and the humus was easily the best I've ever had.

I made my way out of Harrod's and back to the tube station, where I took the Piccadilly line east two stops, getting off at Green Park. I walked down to St. James Street, where I knew the fun was about to begin. St. James Street is an older part of London with many shops that cater to gentlemen. Not like the American "Gentleman's Club" kind of thing, but true, gentrified and urbane shops. I walked by Truefit and Hill, the well-known shaving supplier. I thought about going in for a shave and a haircut, but figured that'd take time away from my true destination. I ducked into Berry Brothers' and Rudd Wine and Spirit shop and picked up a bottle of 20 year old Tawny Port. The port was made by Pickering but bottled under the shops' label in 2007 after 20 years in casks. I felt like £23 was a steal for this, and I'm going to save it for a special occasion. I checked out everything I was curious about while saving the best for last-- J.J. Fox Cigars.

J.J. Fox was established as Richard Lewis Cigars in 1787. That's right... a B&M older than the American Constitution. This had been planned as something of a pilgrimage for me and it didn't disappoint. The shop has impressive paraphernalia you instantly recognize when you walk in-- Royal Arms indicating they are suppliers to the Royal family and many pictures of Winston Churchill, whom I would learn more about later.

I went back to the humidor and made a few selections, deciding to smoke a Vegas Robaina Famousos in the shop. J.J. Fox is one of the handful of places exempted by the UK's draconian smoking ban. The clerk rang up my order, clipped my cigar and lit it for me, asking me where I was from and noticeably taking time to provide great service. I was impressed. I sat down in the seating area to enjoy my smoke and immediately drummed up a conversation with Gary from Michigan, an avid fly fisherman who was in town visiting family and friends. He soon finished his Hoyo and had to leave, but a group of about a dozen men showed up. They seemed to be a friendly lot, and after speaking with them, I learned they were members of cigar group here in the UK and were on a Cuban Cigar walking tour of London. Nic, one of the gentlemen who put it together, does these walking tours you can download to your portable MP3 player and take at your convenience. The cigar tour is here for 10 quid, and seems very impressive. I'll try it out sometime and let you all know how it goes.

These folks were getting the red carpet treatment from the staff at Fox and were gracious enough to invite me to join them. A few fingers of whisky were supplied per patron and the manager took us downstairs to the museum.

The museum seems to be just a small room with a table, some chairs, several display cabinet humidors, and tons of memorabilia. Then the gentleman leading the tour told us what that memorabilia was: A hat that had belonged to Sir Winston himself and had originated at the hat shop a few doors down on St. James Street. Boxes of Romeo y Julietas dating back to the 40s. A worn leather chair in the corner, that Churchill left to the shop-- which he invited us to take turns sitting in. An old ledger with meticulous logs from the shop's past patrons including Oscar Wilde, who upon his death owed them £37 and Churchill, who by their estimates bought 200,000 cigars from them. Incredible.

Practically swooning from such a great experience, I went back upstairs, my whisky gone and my VR a smoldering nub, where I met another ring-leader for this tour, Deano, whom I instantly recognized. DeanoUK, who joined Cigar Pass about the same time I did and still logs in on occasion- at least as much as his busy schedule allows. I was floored at what a small world this is. I told him I would love to get in on the next cigar tour his group does if my schedule will allow it.

The group asked me to go on with them to their next stop, but at this point it was 4:00 or so and I knew I had a Basset Hound I had to get home to let out. I bid them all goodbye and headed back home to Suffolk, happy that my love of cigars had led to such a fun day.
What an awesome read about such an excellent day! Good for you to have had the chance to enjoy such a grand time and thanks for sharing it here.
I've been to all the locations you mentioned and I had a great time, as well. The first time I went to JJ Fox, my dad, brother, and I got to have a smoke in the little downstairs museum.

London is a neat place. I spent almost six months there in total. I've got to say my favorite thing to do was visit the markets on Saturday and get a nice midday buzz going on cider and ale.

FANTASTIC Barry! Sounds like the perfect day! How'd the Basset do while you were gone?

No words yet from AFPC. BAH!

16 days and counting...

That sounds fantastic! The museum room at J.J. Fox just made my list as a must see. Thanks for sharing!
I was one of the walkers! I own a UK cigar forum on the side, which I'm not going to advertise here, as it's certainly not appropriate, nor is it in competition with the brilliant cigar pass, however suffice to say that we organised a dozen of us to go on the walk, and the organiser of the walk put a bloody splendid day together for us. It was quite amazing.

I'm pretty sure this shouldn't be against the rules, it's a walk, not a source: London Cigar Walk

Utterly recommended to anyone visiting London, Nic is a brilliant host, and knows each and every vendor like an old friend.

The very very very odd thing, is that I messaged mjolnir01 about a year ago because he was based in the UK and was in the air force , and with my brother in the RAF I thought it interesting to strike up conversation. We've not said anything to each other since...

...we're in one of the stores, and I'm introduced to an American and introduce myself as Deano. He says 'Deano from Cigarpass, your brother was based in Norfolk in the RAF?'. Quite an amazing piece of coincidence!! Quite how he remembered I don't know! Obviously it was fate for us stogie lovers to meet.

We also met another American on the tour, who joined us for some Champagne in another proprietor, and was enjoying a fine puro.

If anyone's interested I'll stick up some pictures, just a bit worried they're contridict the 'source' rules in some way? I suppose we don't have to actually state where we were at the time!

FANTASTIC Barry! Sounds like the perfect day! How'd the Basset do while you were gone?

No words yet from AFPC. BAH!

16 days and counting...


Trey, I'm sure they'll get through eventually. Maybe. <still crossing fingers hoping for Mildenhall herfs> As for Daisy, she didn't fair so well yesterday... a little pee on the rug and very barky when I got home. She's mellowed out now and lying by my desk as I write this.

I was one of the walkers! I own a UK cigar forum on the side, which I'm not going to advertise here, as it's certainly not appropriate, nor is it in competition with the brilliant cigar pass, however suffice to say that we organised a dozen of us to go on the walk, and the organiser of the walk put a bloody splendid day together for us. It was quite amazing.

I'm pretty sure this shouldn't be against the rules, it's a walk, not a source: London Cigar Walk

Utterly recommended to anyone visiting London, Nic is a brilliant host, and knows each and every vendor like an old friend.

The very very very odd thing, is that I messaged mjolnir01 about a year ago because he was based in the UK and was in the air force , and with my brother in the RAF I thought it interesting to strike up conversation. We've not said anything to each other since...

...we're in one of the stores, and I'm introduced to an American and introduce myself as Deano. He says 'Deano from Cigarpass, your brother was based in Norfolk in the RAF?'. Quite an amazing piece of coincidence!! Quite how he remembered I don't know! Obviously it was fate for us stogie lovers to meet.

We also met another American on the tour, who joined us for some Champagne in another proprietor, and was enjoying a fine puro.

If anyone's interested I'll stick up some pictures, just a bit worried they're contridict the 'source' rules in some way? I suppose we don't have to actually state where we were at the time!


Deano, I don't think any of this violates the no sources policy, so I think you're good to go. Let’s see those pictures! I also linked to Nic's site in my OP, but I inadvertently buried it. I think it’s something really awesome to share with the community. You will notice, however that I do not have a link to J.J. Fox's website. I'll leave it at that.

I'm sure the couple of Guinnesses and the few fingers of Mac 12 didn't help my clarity last night when I wrote the OP, so after sleeping on it, I have a few more observations/reflections:

--After reading the Shaving Thread (linky), walking by Truefit & Hill was very cool. I wouldn't have appreciated as much it without that thread. Next time I'm down there, I plan on getting a shave and a haircut... and maybe some new shaving equipment...

--On my way to the tube station to head home I also popped into the Davidoff shop, which is only a few doors down from J.J. Fox. They were also very friendly folks and made it a point to say that they are friends with the gentlemen at Fox and vice versa. I admire that gentility and found it refreshing. As expected from Davidoff, all the men working there wore fine suits and spoke very highly of how St. James Street is a "Man's Street" with all the fine shops that cater to us. They also complimented my Doc Martens Wingtips, which will always solidly land you in the good people column in my book. :D

--The Vegas Robaina I had yesterday was INCREDIBLE. I think it might be my favorite Cuban now. The construction was top notch and the flavors just did not quit. I would have nubbed it on principle alone yesterday, but it continued to perform flawlessly until I set it down for good.

--In addition to the CCs, J.J. Fox had a HUGE number of Dominican and Nicaraguan smokes: Padron x000s, Padron '64s and 26s, Ashtons, Ashton VSGs, Fuentes, God of Fire, Opus Xs, Olivas, and Nubs. The selection was very good and I now see why God of Fire is so hard to find-- Fox had TONS of them. They also had specially made Opus X BBMFs in a box of 4 along with the DVD-- I think I remember a CPer buying that set over the internet and posting the porn-- good stuff. The Oliva Serie Vs were plentiful as well, along with the Nubs. The gentlemen at the shop were politely describing the Nubs as best as they could without calling them dog rockets, but they were very excited to point out that the Olivas are making an appearance there in a few weeks.

--I was surprised to learn that the whisky we had been given was Cutty Sark. A special Berry Bros & Rudd blend, but Cutty Sark nevertheless. I always thought it was a rot-gut scotch, but this was smooth and tasty. Next time I'm there I'll pick up a bottle.

--When I do get around to doing the full Cigar Walk in London on my own, I will most definitely include the Churchill Museum and Cabinet War Rooms. Many friends have told me it's one of the best museums in London and worth the trip.

--I'm further floored by the unseen influence of Cigar Pass. Allow me to elaborate. Deano isn't a tremendously active member of our community, but he has taken what he's learned here and really run with it. He got his start here and this place helped him along to the point where he is now-- helping to organize this awesome event he and his friends had yesterday. Even though their service is stellar, I don't think the Davidoff or J.J. Fox owners give out champagne, scotch, or goodie bags to just any patrons. This walk yesterday had to be organized, and it was Deano who did the legwork. Had it not been for the happy coincidence of me running into them, nobody from CP would have ever known, even though I think indirectly CP had a role.

--Introduction Threads matter. I know some CPers blast others for using them as post padding, but when I joined those welcomes meant something to me. Yesterday I got to prove that-- Deano had taken the time to post in my intro thread and it had stayed with me. Now we have a cool story to tell about that.

That's it for now. Thanks for reading guys, and if you ever get to London, check into these places.
Thanks for sharing. I'll be sure to look this thread up again should I get to head across the pond for anything.
Ah the majority of the leg work for the walk was performed by the organizer; Nic. Credit where credit's due, he was superb, as was the walk.

And yes. The brandy we had at Davidoff (Bourdon House) followed by the Champagne at the Davidoff store (and accompanying goodie bag) and the subsequent Cutty Sark (which I might add, I thought was rather good too!) at JJ Fox (anddd accompanying goodie bag) was primarily for the patrons of my forums. However, I think Nic can pretty much organise that kind of treatment for large cigar-smoking groups, espeically a Cigarpass one for example.

We'll all be doing it all over again in a couple of months!
This was a very enjoyable thread. I am planning to visit Londan in the near future and hope I can hook up with guys like you. Thanks for sharing!