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Gonz, you read way to much into his comment about Harley clones. Surely you can admit to that and apologize for some of your remarks?

Sportster, you made this into a big e-penis fight, seriously. Step back. This isn't a fight. If you want anyone to even consider you're right, you've got to handle yourself like an adult. You're coming off as a little child throwing a tantrum right now. Gonz doesn't decide who stays or goes, you do with your piss poor attitude.

What was the point of bringing this out in a new thread, Gonz? Why not just forward the PM directly to Rod and have him ban the guy?

This. :thumbs:

Some thoughts:

1. I'm a fargin' noob and I know it.
2. I don't have a dog in this fight. I do have a Sportster, which I built myself. '68 greaser-style bobber. I'd trade the bastige for a "Jap clone" in a heartbeat.
3. I deeply appreciate the hard line taken on racial epithets here . . . just got back from the local cigar lounge, where there was a brief flurry of Obama jokes in which the words "coon" and "spade" were both used. I felt like saying "why don't I just go home now, so you can go back to calling him a nigger?" but I wussed out and didn't. :rolleyes:
4. Posting a PM on the open board is lowhanded crap bullshit. On my own forum it gets you banned.
5. Sending shitty PMs is lowhanded crap bullshit, too. But we DO tell people to "take it to PM" here. Maybe we shouldn't burn someone at the stake because they followed directions, however peevishly they happened to have done so.

Apologies for the language, in advance. Sometimes gutterspeak seems required to convey the full connotations of one's meaning.

Practice what you preach... If you told me to take my gripe to a PM and then ratted me out 'cause of it I'd fack you up...

P.S... I'm incredibly wasted right now so I'm sorry about the punctuation or spelling errors (if any)....
Hi, ok just skimmed through this. Ray and Tony get it right again. Also in that other thread just curious about how many times you had to throw the word Jap around before it occurred to you it might be a bad idea?
BMW, I ignored your PM because quite frankly I have nothing nice to say, and I don't want to be a dick. As far as the PM goes with Gonz, I believe it's bad form to post someone elses "private" message. Having said that, what was said in the PM by Sportster was WAY over the line and in which case he deserves to be called out on his ridiculous way of handling his problems. This is quite the BS thread...
This is quite the BS thread...

Agreed. In terms of how it was handled, I believe all parties involved could have made wiser decisions. Discrepancies and misunderstandings, in general, happen simply because this is an internet forum, where at times, it can be difficult to interpret someones intentions.

I've had multiple dealings and general "chatty" conversations with Sportster since he's joined, and found him to be nothing but respectful and gentleman like. I can also say the same about Andy. Mountains were made out of molehills here, and we all just need to calm down, have a cold one, and smoke a good one.

I generally don't think PMs should be shared, but there are exceptions and this is one of them. Our own Mr. Clemmons summed up my feelings quite profoundly on the matter, "If what you have to say can't stand the light of day then don't say it."
Damn People! WTF is going on around here anymore?

1) I didn't realize that it was up to one person to decide the fate of another. No, you didn't deserve to pm you got Andy, but what do you expect when you seem to thrive off of confrontation here? (..and if anybody asks for "links" you can kiss my ass, because this is something that's fairly obvious to all of us ). You're not just going to tiptoe through here getting on peoples asses all the time without someone getting tired of it and having some unkind words for you.

2) Geoff, your pm to Andy, whether you thought it would go public or not, was completely over the edge and out of line along with some of your name calling in posts and the "butt puppet" comment. I realize your comment on Jap bikes was taken out of context and tempers start to rise when trying to defend yourself, but there's a line where you need to just stop and step away.

3) There's actually a rule that states you need to take your problem to pm before starting something on the board, which is what happened....once again, I don't condone the nature of the pm, but I agree with John that it should have been sent to Rod instead of posting it here knowing that this type of drama was exactly what was going to transpire.

4) BMW, you're nothing but a troll in this thread. Anytime someone ends a post in "flame away" or whatever it was you said, needs to have his ass handed to him.

edit for spelling
Your right Holmes....my attitiude did get piss poor, and childish is a matter of opinion, but all in all you are right and I thank you for correcting me in my errors!!!

No, childish is not a matter of opinion. Perhaps amongst children, it is a matter of opinion.

You never had a reason to post anything, you went looking for a fight with a FOG while trying to justify a derogatory remark, you insult a few more FOGs, you send a pm that could easily be foundation for getting banned (IMO)... etc. etc.

All of this would have been avoided if you had been man enough to drop the bullshit about "Jap - this" and "Harley - that".

Gonz is someone many of us have smoked with. He's someone I would go out of my way to smoke with. He's someone who goes out of his way to smoke with many of us. Who the hell are you?

Do me favor... Rather than just spitting in my direction and mentally telling me to f..k off, give it some thought. There's a small opportunity to take this a different direction, and yeah, I read the apology. I don't think that's it.
Gonz is someone many of us have smoked with. He's someone I would go out of my way to smoke with. He's someone who goes out of his way to smoke with many of us. Who the hell are you?

I gotta say, Mick's battin' a thousand with this statement as Gonz is one of the nicest guys I've met.
Your right Holmes....my attitiude did get piss poor, and childish is a matter of opinion, but all in all you are right and I thank you for correcting me in my errors!!!

No, childish is not a matter of opinion. Perhaps amongst children, it is a matter of opinion.

You never had a reason to post anything, you went looking for a fight with a FOG while trying to justify a derogatory remark, you insult a few more FOGs, you send a pm that could easily be foundation for getting banned (IMO)... etc. etc.

All of this would have been avoided if you had been man enough to drop the bullshit about "Jap - this" and "Harley - that".

Gonz is someone many of us have smoked with. He's someone I would go out of my way to smoke with. He's someone who goes out of his way to smoke with many of us. Who the hell are you?

Do me favor... Rather than just spitting in my direction and mentally telling me to f..k off, give it some thought. There's a small opportunity to take this a different direction, and yeah, I read the apology. I don't think that's it.

Whoa there, cowboy. Read the apology thread before you get too spun up. These boys need to avoid each other for a bit.
Racial ephithets should never be allowed, no matter what the intention is. Andy took to you task for your ignorance, good for him. If you can't understand the error of your ways and trying to belittle those supporting his view, please move on.
Well, all the injured parties have said their piece. Time to let this die quietly I reckon.

Avast, man the lighters and fire the feet of some glorious cigars. Smoke and be merry.
I've had time to mull this one over. I've been a lifelong biker, starting with a 1970 BSA Lightning 650, but all Hondas after that. I personally don't draw offense from "Jap" in a motorcycle context, but I'm sensitive to those who might. I would have passed right over Sportster's comments. That said, I grew up with "Eenie meanie miney moe, catch the (n-word) by the toe" and plenty that was a lot worse. Am I a sheet wearing racist? Of course not. I have a brain and chose not to be a racist. I AM sensitive to those who would be offended. A quick apology from Sportster should have done the trick, but that's a horse already beaten.

Andy, you crossed the line by posting a PM, despite it's contents. I consider that incredibly poor form. I'm disappointed that we haven't heard from you. (sorry Andy, I should read more) To everyone here - what you post on the Internet is pretty damned close to being chisled in granite. Be vewwwy caweful!
Damn People! WTF is going on around here anymore?

1) I didn't realize that it was up to one person to decide the fate of another. No, you didn't deserve to pm you got Andy, but what do you expect when you seem to thrive off of confrontation here? (..and if anybody asks for "links" you can kiss my ass, because this is something that's fairly obvious to all of us ). You're not just going to tiptoe through here getting on peoples asses all the time without someone getting tired of it and having some unkind words for you.

2) Geoff, your pm to Andy, whether you thought it would go public or not, was completely over the edge and out of line along with some of your name calling in posts and the "butt puppet" comment. I realize your comment on Jap bikes was taken out of context and tempers start to rise when trying to defend yourself, but there's a line where you need to just stop and step away.

3) There's actually a rule that states you need to take your problem to pm before starting something on the board, which is what happened....once again, I don't condone the nature of the pm, but I agree with John that it should have been sent to Rod instead of posting it here knowing that this type of drama was exactly what was going to transpire.

4) BMW, you're nothing but a troll in this thread. Anytime someone ends a post in "flame away" or whatever it was you said, needs to have his ass handed to him.

edit for spelling

"Take it to PM" does not now give license for someone to say anything they please, or talk like a crack whore on a bender. It is not some magical hiding place which is shrouded in secrecy. If you truly do not want your words published - don't write it in PM or e-mail. Further - if you don't want your words published - don't say something that would support your ignorance.

It seems lately an awful lot of the people are finding it awfully easy to spew curse words in support of their argument. Why? The minute anyone heads down that path - they've lost the argument and are desperately trying to support it with nothing but shock and awe. It might put the other person on notice that a fist may be coming, but it truly is not supportive of a worthy position.
3) There's actually a rule that states you need to take your problem to pm before starting something on the board, which is what happened....once again, I don't condone the nature of the pm, but I agree with John that it should have been sent to Rod instead of posting it here knowing that this type of drama was exactly what was going to transpire.

"Take it to PM" does not now give license for someone to say anything they please, or talk like a crack whore on a bender. It is not some magical hiding place which is shrouded in secrecy. If you truly do not want your words published - don't write it in PM or e-mail. Further - if you don't want your words published - don't say something that would support your ignorance.

It seems lately an awful lot of the people are finding it awfully easy to spew curse words in support of their argument. Why? The minute anyone heads down that path - they've lost the argument and are desperately trying to support it with nothing but shock and awe. It might put the other person on notice that a fist may be coming, but it truly is not supportive of a worthy position.

I fully agree with you George, thus the entire statement you put in red. This is an adult community where you should at least respect the others here. It doesn't matter how infuriated you are at something or someone, what was said in the pm, should not have been said. Rod has stated that you go to pm before you bring your beef out in public, but that doesn't give anyone the right to treat someone else like crap and talk to them in that matter. I just didn't agree with the pm being brought out into public, it should have been forwarded to Rod to take care of instead of Andy handling business on his own. If he felt as strongly as he did, then he should have known Rod would end up taking the necessary steps to handle the situation.
3) There's actually a rule that states you need to take your problem to pm before starting something on the board, which is what happened....once again, I don't condone the nature of the pm, but I agree with John that it should have been sent to Rod instead of posting it here knowing that this type of drama was exactly what was going to transpire.

"Take it to PM" does not now give license for someone to say anything they please, or talk like a crack whore on a bender. It is not some magical hiding place which is shrouded in secrecy. If you truly do not want your words published - don't write it in PM or e-mail. Further - if you don't want your words published - don't say something that would support your ignorance.

It seems lately an awful lot of the people are finding it awfully easy to spew curse words in support of their argument. Why? The minute anyone heads down that path - they've lost the argument and are desperately trying to support it with nothing but shock and awe. It might put the other person on notice that a fist may be coming, but it truly is not supportive of a worthy position.

I fully agree with you George, thus the entire statement you put in red. This is an adult community where you should at least respect the others here. It doesn't matter how infuriated you are at something or someone, what was said in the pm, should not have been said. Rod has stated that you go to pm before you bring your beef out in public, but that doesn't give anyone the right to treat someone else like crap and talk to them in that matter. I just didn't agree with the pm being brought out into public, it should have been forwarded to Rod to take care of instead of Andy handling business on his own. If he felt as strongly as he did, then he should have known Rod would end up taking the necessary steps to handle the situation.

What difference would it make if the PM were left in the PM box, forwarded to Rod or posted on this site? In all three instances - what was said behind closed doors should not have been said. If the "private" message was intended to be private - forwarding it to Rod would be no different than posting it publicly. The only other choice would have been to leave it behind the Private Message "shroud of secrecy", "cone of silence" - whatever you want to call that taboo area where PM's are PM's, and not ever intended to see the light of day...

Personally - I am very much appreciative of Andy posting the PM. And, quite frankly, I might be so inclined as well. I'm also quite certain that anything I write in PM or e-mail can be forwarded on to others - so I'm as guarded about what I say in private and I am publically posting on this website. Truly - there is no expectation of privacy. It's in this community's best interest.

I know you said it, but regardless of the feelings around posting vs. not posting - what was said in that PM should never had have been by anyone that is civilized. There was no need for it The fact that anyone would have said such nonsense only demonstrates character flaws that are in desperate need of readjustment. It may be accepted in a "1%" community - but it is not acceptable in this community. Sporster should either be able to publically stand up and justify to the satisfaction of this community his need to fire off such diatribe - or - be very self reflective about what's truly important to him and how he acts within the CP community.

Sportster - you've apologized. I hope you're remorseful as well. An apology without remose is nothing but verbage. If you're remoseful, I sincerely doubt you'll be so inclined to shoot from the hip again. ...and that's a good thing - for you and everyone else... ;)
I can't say I agree George. PM's are posted to elicit support for one's position. "Ohh....look what this bad man sent me." If it is across the line there is only one arbitrator of that and it is "the man" Rod. Forwarding the PM to him would have eliminated almost all of this and the other thread and we wouldn't be having this discussion now. We had one apology where two are needed, one decided to take his ball and go home since things didn't go his way. I'm more wary of that then someone who admits their mistake.
I can't say I agree George. PM's are posted to elicit support for one's position. "Ohh....look what this bad man sent me." If it is across the line there is only one arbitrator of that and it is "the man" Rod. Forwarding the PM to him would have eliminated almost all of this and the other thread and we wouldn't be having this discussion now. We had one apology where two are needed, one decided to take his ball and go home since things didn't go his way. I'm more wary of that then someone who admits their mistake.

I'm sorry, Ray - I disagree. It's a doggone shame that Andy didn't write his original post with lollipops and sugar canes, but his message was no less valid. Sportsters response in PM was extremely out of scale to that lack of sweet talk. Sugar withdrawal perhaps?

Rod is constantly flooded with post reports and PM's over nonsense - and it's getting worse as the community grows. The man can't even enjoy himself with all the whining he's constantly subjected to. Can't the guy catch a break from anyone???

Andy posted the PM publically for all to see. If Sportster is able to defend what he said in that PM - more power to him! If not - he needs to (and did) provide an appropriate apology. Banning him under these circumstances seems pretty innapropriate as well. Perhaps he didn't know how to act in this community - he's now been directed down the right path. Time will tell whether he's sincere.
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