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A 'noob' gets Bombed!

drockspang1 said:
My fellow BOTL/SOTL.....
......I also took it as a welcome to CP.
                            A most recently humbled noob,
That's gotta be the best part :) Way to go Paul! Congrats Derek! You can tell your words are genuine.
broblues said:
My fellow BOTL/SOTL, I wanted to acknowledge an extreme act of kindness bestowed upon me today. This was done by an established member here on CP that you know well. As a newbie, I feel humbled by this act of generosity because it reaffirms to me what I'm starting to understand about CP. That we're all "brothers & sisters" who share a passion for the finest cigars that money can buy. And while it feels good to hunt for and buy that one you've been looking for, sometimes, just maybe, it's better to bomb the hell out of a totally unsuspecting noob, just to say "good job"! :p
In all seriousness, I want to thank our fellow BOTL "Tall Paul" for one heck of a bomb today. Paul really went above & beyond with this one, taking in to account sticks off my wishlist & some really HTF smokes. It was a gesture of congratulations for a recent contest that I participated in, but I also took it as a welcome to CP. Paul, you're a great member here on this site and hopefull one day we can share one together?  Thanks again Paul! I really owe you one!
                            A most recently humbled noob,
I am suprised at how many "smart asses" run down the brother / sister concept.  They normally don't make it here very long.  Good for you recognizing it!  Congrats on being bombed by one of the busiest brothers on the board.
Thanks! I really do mean that too. I'm not trying to be all "mushy" or anything, but I really do believe we're all in a unique "fellowship" or "brotherhood" or whatever you want to call it.
I'll give you an example. My wife knows I'm a memeber here, and we talk about it every once in awhile. For the most part, she has no problem with me smoking cigars. She knows my history with cigars and my brother, so she's cool. Now having said that, she is a little nervous as of late, because my stash has grown exponentially! :p Thanks CP! But, she also knows I work hard, and she believes that everyone needs something that they really enjoy. Something that lets them blow off steam.  For me... cigars & golf. We also have a core group of friends that all get together every couple months... So we also enjoy hanging out, dinner, drinks, etc... Now to my point
My wife couldn't believe it yesterday when I told her what happened and why. She said, "do you know this guy?". I said, "no, not personally. We've communicated a few times on CP" She asked, " you've never met the man?". I go, "nope, he lives in New Hampshire". Her, "why would this guy send someone he's never met, cigars, which I assume cost him decent money?" Me, "because that's what BOTL means. That's what's so cool about this 'hobby', you can meet a complete stranger and instantly have something in common". I said, " believe it or not, this is very common among cigar smokers." She goes," you know what? That's the coolest damn thing I ever heard of. I had no idea it was like that." Me, "yep, some pretty coll s**t!" I did tell her it was realated to my participation in a contest, but she also gets that it's also something more...
Like I said, IMHO, we share a passion for cigars, and you'd be hard pressed to find another group of people who share an interest, that express the generosity that BOTL/SOTL do on
a daily basis.
Thanks for the kind words,

Smokin'Sims said:
Good job Paul. Way to welcome a new guy.
Hey 'Sims,
I wanted to thank you too, Paul said you guys had worked this out before hand, and I wanted to ackowledge my gratitude for the thought, and also for an awesome contest!
It was a lot of fun
Take care,
Derek my friend you are very welcome for the smokes. Like I said before you and Ashes worked your asses off as new guys at a very hard contest and learned a lot about CP in the process. If you look around you would notice that we have had an influx of new guys that all qualified to participate in that contest and I was stunned that you two were the only two that made an effort at it and that shows a lot about you guys. Please tell your wife her reaction is very normal my wife did the same thing and asked the same questions! For her she was laughing and thought it was weird that I spent so much time talking to guys I never met before over the internet and then a couple boxes showed up and she was stunned. Then the giant brick of concrete hit the door during the "war" last year and she had a ton of fun following the thread with me and helping take photos. This place is great and I love showing up here everyday to see what everyone is doing. It still amazes me that you can make a real friend ship with guys that the only thing you have in common with is cigars and everything else falls into place. Age, sex, financial status, etc.... it doesn't matter we are all B/SOTL here at CP and I like most look at everyone here as family. 
I hope you have a great weekend and enjoy those smokes,
Tall Paul said:
Derek my friend you are very welcome for the smokes. Like I said before you and Ashes worked your asses off as new guys at a very hard contest and learned a lot about CP in the process. If you look around you would notice that we have had an influx of new guys that all qualified to participate in that contest and I was stunned that you two were the only two that made an effort at it and that shows a lot about you guys. Please tell your wife her reaction is very normal my wife did the same thing and asked the same questions! For her she was laughing and thought it was weird that I spent so much time talking to guys I never met before over the internet and then a couple boxes showed up and she was stunned. Then the giant brick of concrete hit the door during the "war" last year and she had a ton of fun following the thread with me and helping take photos. This place is great and I love showing up here everyday to see what everyone is doing. It still amazes me that you can make a real friend ship with guys that the only thing you have in common with is cigars and everything else falls into place. Age, sex, financial status, etc.... it doesn't matter we are all B/SOTL here at CP and I like most look at everyone here as family. 
I hope you have a great weekend and enjoy those smokes,
He said SEX
Nice job Paul.
Congrats to you guys on learning the CP history. Welcome to a wonderful community.

Awesome play Paul!
Derek, hold on to this feeling, it is what drives this place forward. I will forever live in a state of debt to Cigar Pass and the Brother/Sisterhood here.
There is no way I could ever give more than I have been blessed to recieve.
...<sniff>I love you guys <snif>