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B&M selling yellow banded Cohibas

I'm not sure I'd feel comfortable contacting a team of attorneys/investigators directly. ???

I'd feel much more comfortable contacting the manufacturers directly. BTW, your organization and credentials would pull a lot more weight if guys like Pete Johnson, Lew Rothman, the Olivas, the RTDA, etc. could or would vouch for you. If what you are doing or the way you are doing it is not fully endorsed by the entities you purport to serve, then I see no reason to bring you or your organization into the loop.


His previous post infers that he is working with General.

He stated that by reporting it to them, he will get the info also.

Not that I believe him at this point.


Yet he sits and watches the thread....

8 User(s) are reading this topic (0 Guests and 1 Anonymous Users)
7 Members: CigarAl, gtadroptop, garrettbuckeye, grateful1, Ginseng, MrJerry, StopCounterfeitCigars
That's fine. It is what he says. All I know is that unless someone from these companies or an industry trade group says his organization is kosher, I don't cooperate. No offense to the attorneys in our community, but what if his group works for some sort of bounty? Maybe by working with, maybe it really means the producers tolerate a mercenary approach to enforcement. Who knows? We don't because he hasn't told us squat and that means credibility = nada. The BSA you ain't.

Professionals tend to proof read before they post information. If he is real, go get'em. I was almost fooled by some sites when I started this great hobby.

I would say that the B&M selling these is not quite on the up and up, or they would have tossed them along time ago, actually they never would have put them on the shelf, IMHO. Pick up your sticks else where.

Who are you?

By the way, here's the link to contact them.
There you go.


My bad...that should read.... "By the way, here's a link to contact General Cigar."
I don't know who the other fellow really is....just that he's popped up on a couple boards recently.

Heck, he may even be with the counterfeit ring! :angry:

While I appreciate the conspiracy theories, I assure you that I am not with a counterfeit ring! I am a fellow cigar consumer and former cigar store manager (back in the boom days). I and a team of attorneys/investigators currently work with an number of cigar companies assisting them in dealing with counterfeiting and infringement issues. To the extent you are comfortable sharing information regarding cigar counterfeiters, it is appreciated. If you do not, that is your right! As for the link to General Cigar's website, I encourage you to report counterfeiters or any related information through that link as I will receive it that way also!

Then fill in your profile or let people know who you are.

Posting that kind of info with a screen name like makes you look very suspicious.

Most here are on your side and would like to help you out.

However your tatics are suspect at best.

You last sentence infers you are in a partnership with General Cigar. If thats the case why hide?


Wow, this is a jaded group! As Freud once said - "Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar." I actually stumbled upon this posting regarding counterfeit COHIBA after reading a post about the reported Pepin/Padilla spilt. In short, I was reading posts on the site for personal enjoyment.

I understand that some of you might have suspicions, but think that a few of you are being intentionally unpleasant. In the past 6 years, I have communicated with countless cigar consumers regarding counterfeiting on various discussion boards and have never received such a response. I requested anonymous information about a source of illegal counterfeit cigars, nothing more or less. Contrary to one post, I receive no "bounty" for information. Regardless, feel free to refrain from providing the requested information. I would, however, encourage you to notify the manufacturers directly via email with specific information regarding sources of counterfeits (anonymously, if you prefer). A few links to certain companies are provided below for your convenience:

Altadis - http://www.altadisusa.com/contact.asp

Arturo Fuente - karl@cigarfamily.com

General Cigar - http://www.cigarworld.com/about/contactus.aspx

Padron - e-mail info@padron.com or call 800-453-5635

Thankfully, cigar retailers and consumers regularly provide information which helps cigar companies protect their interests, not to mention less knowledgeable cigar consumers. I encourage you all to do the same.


PS As for some of your requests that I post specific information about my identity, I am not inclined to provide my name on any discussion boards. I did so a couple of years ago and discovered that it (1) interfered with the investigation and (2) resulted in my having to change my home telephone number after an industrious counterfeiter began leaving unpleasant voice mails for me and my wife to retrieve. This issue was dealt with through the authorities, but I learned a lesson the hard way.
They have these at CC, Wilkey. Not counterfeit but very misleading.

Of course, Gary gives the customers the old wink-wink nudge-nudge. :D
Wow, this is a jaded group! As Freud once said - "Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar." I actually stumbled upon this posting regarding counterfeit COHIBA after reading a post about the reported Pepin/Padilla spilt. In short, I was reading posts on the site for personal enjoyment.

I understand that some of you might have suspicions, but think that a few of you are being intentionally unpleasant. In the past 6 years, I have communicated with countless cigar consumers regarding counterfeiting on various discussion boards and have never received such a response. I requested anonymous information about a source of illegal counterfeit cigars, nothing more or less. Contrary to one post, I receive no "bounty" for information. Regardless, feel free to refrain from providing the requested information. I would, however, encourage you to notify the manufacturers directly via email with specific information regarding sources of counterfeits (anonymously, if you prefer). A few links to certain companies are provided below for your convenience:

Altadis - http://www.altadisusa.com/contact.asp

Arturo Fuente - karl@cigarfamily.com

General Cigar - http://www.cigarworld.com/about/contactus.aspx

Padron - e-mail info@padron.com or call 800-453-5635

Thankfully, cigar retailers and consumers regularly provide information which helps cigar companies protect their interests, not to mention less knowledgeable cigar consumers. I encourage you all to do the same.


PS As for some of your requests that I post specific information about my identity, I am not inclined to provide my name on any discussion boards. I did so a couple of years ago and discovered that it (1) interfered with the investigation and (2) resulted in my having to change my home telephone number after an industrious counterfeiter began leaving unpleasant voice mails for me and my wife to retrieve. This issue was dealt with through the authorities, but I learned a lesson the hard way.

Why dont you post your law offices email address?

As you well know this all comes down to credibility. And posting the way you did gives you very little (at this time). Anyone can hide behind the internet and a gmail account.

Tell you what, why dont you to provide your information, and contacts at the cigar companies you respresent, to the administrator of this board and allow him to verify your story.

If your story is true, then I am sure you will get lots of help from the members of this board.

Just my $.02
Wow, this is a jaded group! As Freud once said - "Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar."........I understand that some of you might have suspicions, but think that a few of you are being intentionally unpleasant.

< snip >

PS As for some of your requests that I post specific information about my identity, I am not inclined to provide my name on any discussion boards. I did so a couple of years ago and discovered that it (1) interfered with the investigation and (2) resulted in my having to change my home telephone number after an industrious counterfeiter began leaving unpleasant voice mails for me and my wife to retrieve. This issue was dealt with through the authorities, but I learned a lesson the hard way.
No my friend, this group is far, far from jaded. Pragmatic and cautious would be more like it. Your comments could be perceived as a bit of an insult to the group but I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt for now. Had you spent any time reading this forum at all, you'd realize you are dealing with a rather select group of folks that aggressively self police the boards watching out for moochers, fakers, and con men. They show up here all the time and are usually rudely run off the pages. I'm not saying you are, but just because you show up with a nice screen name, an interesting story, and a Google mail account hardly lends any credibility to your story.

Perhaps you are who you say you are, perhaps not. How do we know? If you are indeed who you say you are you'll find some folks here that are absolute experts in the field of detecting counterfeits. We have one member that runs what is likely the best on line reference on cigars there is. Many other members are very experienced, avid cigar smokers with many, many years of experience in both the enjoyment of and the industry surrounding cigars.

Following the standard "new guy" protocol would have been a good start; post an introduction and perhaps the contact info for your law firm. This would allow the skeptical to verify that you are who you say you are and your "welcome" would have been far different. Had you spent any time at all reading these pages up front, you'd have realized this.

You can find allies or adversaries here; that choice is your hands. Calling the group "jaded" is a pretty lousy way to get started and build trust.

My $00.02 - B.B.S.
Well said, my friend Tom.

The point this fellow makes about communicating "with countless cigar consumers regarding counterfeiting on various discussion boards and have never received such a response" just doesn't hold water. CigarPass is one of the preeminent cigar forums on the internet and has been around since 2000. What about Cigarweekly? CigarFamily? ClubStogie? CigarAficianado? Those are large forums which many of us are aware and unless you can point to a history of public communications on those sites, your claim simply holds no water.

Furthermore, had you spent any time interacting in those communities you would have developed a sense for how these sites work with respect to establishing credibility and accomplishing things. Instead, you've come in here snorting like a bull and trying to assert authority you do not have and then whining and pouting when you did not receive the reception you believed you were entitled to.

CigarAl has given you great advice as has B.B.S. If your goal of stopping counterfeiters is really as important to you as you make it out to be, then these are the steps you need to take to establish credibility and enlist our aid. If not, you are welcome to take your rhetoric and your stories elsewhere.

Well said, my friend Tom.

The point this fellow makes about communicating "with countless cigar consumers regarding counterfeiting on various discussion boards and have never received such a response" just doesn't hold water. CigarPass is one of the preeminent cigar forums on the internet and has been around since 2000. What about Cigarweekly? CigarFamily? ClubStogie? CigarAficianado? Those are large forums which many of us are aware and unless you can point to a history of public communications on those sites, your claim simply holds no water.

Furthermore, had you spent any time interacting in those communities you would have developed a sense for how these sites work with respect to establishing credibility and accomplishing things. Instead, you've come in here snorting like a bull and trying to assert authority you do not have and then whining and pouting when you did not receive the reception you believed you were entitled to.

CigarAl has given you great advice as has B.B.S. If your goal of stopping counterfeiters is really as important to you as you make it out to be, then these are the steps you need to take to establish credibility and enlist our aid. If not, you are welcome to take your rhetoric and your stories elsewhere.


I thought you were going to be spending way less time here. :sign:
Wow, this is a jaded group! As Freud once said - "Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar." I actually stumbled upon this posting regarding counterfeit COHIBA after reading a post about the reported Pepin/Padilla spilt. In short, I was reading posts on the site for personal enjoyment.

I understand that some of you might have suspicions, but think that a few of you are being intentionally unpleasant. In the past 6 years, I have communicated with countless cigar consumers regarding counterfeiting on various discussion boards and have never received such a response. I requested anonymous information about a source of illegal counterfeit cigars, nothing more or less. Contrary to one post, I receive no "bounty" for information. Regardless, feel free to refrain from providing the requested information. I would, however, encourage you to notify the manufacturers directly via email with specific information regarding sources of counterfeits (anonymously, if you prefer). A few links to certain companies are provided below for your convenience:

Altadis - http://www.altadisusa.com/contact.asp

Arturo Fuente - karl@cigarfamily.com

General Cigar - http://www.cigarworld.com/about/contactus.aspx

Padron - e-mail info@padron.com or call 800-453-5635

Thankfully, cigar retailers and consumers regularly provide information which helps cigar companies protect their interests, not to mention less knowledgeable cigar consumers. I encourage you all to do the same.


PS As for some of your requests that I post specific information about my identity, I am not inclined to provide my name on any discussion boards. I did so a couple of years ago and discovered that it (1) interfered with the investigation and (2) resulted in my having to change my home telephone number after an industrious counterfeiter began leaving unpleasant voice mails for me and my wife to retrieve. This issue was dealt with through the authorities, but I learned a lesson the hard way.

1) No - we are naturally unpleasant. (feel the sarcasm)
2) Why on earth would you use your entire name. Reference your company instead.
3) Did you get my email form General Cigar, yet? I filled out the form and requested to find out if your gmail email was a valid contact for referring counterfeit cigar information....do let me know if you get it.

Wilkey - his .gmail info only shows up on CL.


Oh my....from cigarworld(aka General Cigar)....


No that is not an email related to our company. If you have something
to send, you can send to this address and I will forward it on.

I thought you were going to be spending way less time here. :sign:

I'm kind of responsible for this one. I solicited his advice yesterday concerning this guy.

But I won't be held responsible for his addictions. If it wasn't me... it would be some other guy/girl/dealer.
I think when some of you are saying that you've seen these cigars you may be mistakenly referring to another brand that is a clear ripoff of the Cohiba colors and font, however is a totally different name. Besides being really crappy cigars, there is nothing illegal about them.

If someone recalls the name on these let me know, I can't think of it right now.
I think when some of you are saying that you've seen these cigars you may be mistakenly referring to another brand that is a clear ripoff of the Cohiba colors and font, however is a totally different name. Besides being really crappy cigars, there is nothing illegal about them.

If someone recalls the name on these let me know, I can't think of it right now.

Caribbean's Finest ?
I think when some of you are saying that you've seen these cigars you may be mistakenly referring to another brand that is a clear ripoff of the Cohiba colors and font, however is a totally different name. Besides being really crappy cigars, there is nothing illegal about them.

If someone recalls the name on these let me know, I can't think of it right now.

Possibly some of them are confusing the bands. But, I know for a fact that I have seen the knock-off yellow and black banded "Cohiba" cigars for sale in a local B&M. It's been quite some time since I've been there, But I remember laughing my a$$ off when I saw them.

Edit: Kind of like this:

Wow, this is a jaded group! As Freud once said - "Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar." I actually stumbled upon this posting regarding counterfeit COHIBA after reading a post about the reported Pepin/Padilla spilt. In short, I was reading posts on the site for personal enjoyment.

I understand that some of you might have suspicions, but think that a few of you are being intentionally unpleasant. In the past 6 years, I have communicated with countless cigar consumers regarding counterfeiting on various discussion boards and have never received such a response. I requested anonymous information about a source of illegal counterfeit cigars, nothing more or less. Contrary to one post, I receive no "bounty" for information. Regardless, feel free to refrain from providing the requested information. I would, however, encourage you to notify the manufacturers directly via email with specific information regarding sources of counterfeits (anonymously, if you prefer). A few links to certain companies are provided below for your convenience:

Altadis - http://www.altadisusa.com/contact.asp

Arturo Fuente - karl@cigarfamily.com

General Cigar - http://www.cigarworld.com/about/contactus.aspx

Padron - e-mail info@padron.com or call 800-453-5635

Thankfully, cigar retailers and consumers regularly provide information which helps cigar companies protect their interests, not to mention less knowledgeable cigar consumers. I encourage you all to do the same.


PS As for some of your requests that I post specific information about my identity, I am not inclined to provide my name on any discussion boards. I did so a couple of years ago and discovered that it (1) interfered with the investigation and (2) resulted in my having to change my home telephone number after an industrious counterfeiter began leaving unpleasant voice mails for me and my wife to retrieve. This issue was dealt with through the authorities, but I learned a lesson the hard way.

1) No - we are naturally unpleasant. (feel the sarcasm)
2) Why on earth would you use your entire name. Reference your company instead.
3) Did you get my email form General Cigar, yet? I filled out the form and requested to find out if your gmail email was a valid contact for referring counterfeit cigar information....do let me know if you get it.

Wilkey - his .gmail info only shows up on CL.


Oh my....from cigarworld(aka General Cigar)....


No that is not an email related to our company. If you have something
to send, you can send to this address and I will forward it on.


Nice work! This is why I like CP, everyone gets defended and the members find out the truth, on there own! Good work Grateful1! This is all I needed!
