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Bigfoot Hunter Says He Has Sasquatch's Remains


Jan 5, 2008
This should be interesting!

'Bigfoot' Trackers Claim They've Found Their Prey

PALO ALTO, Calif. -- It’s more than 7-feet tall. Weighs over 500 pounds and walked upright -- three "Bigfoot" seekers, including a Redwood City man, Wednesday claimed they have proof that they have found the body of the elusive creature in the wilds of Georgia.

And on Friday, at a news conference in Palo Alto, they say they will present DNA evidence to prove the carcass of “Rickmat” is that of a bigfoot...

Source: http://www.ktvu.com/news/17174989/detail.html

Also, here's a video with some pictures of the "remains": http://www.foxnews.com/video2/video08.html...ww.foxnews.com/

This soooooooo reminds me of that early episode of the Simpsons - it even kind of looks like Homer! :laugh:
I'm more interested in this than I likely should be. There are a few sightings each year up around here. It's all very fascinating to me for some reason.

I must add that I don't believe in it, but if they have independently confirmed evidence that would be something.
I have to admit, they have piqued my curiosity. Bigfoot, who'd a thunk it. :0
Hey...that can't be true.......Bigfoot lives in Pasadena, CA.......I've herfed with him..........

Oh, wait a minute.........that was Chewbacco........sorry, my bad.

:laugh: :laugh:
any updates on the press conference? It was supposed to break Friday.
This explains why they have never found remains in the Pacific Northwest where most of these sightings come from. How simple,,,,,they go to Georgia to die.

Next week Al Gore will hold a press conference anouncing that the creature died as a result of global warming. :sign:
I watched the press conference and it was lame. They just beat around the bush and wouldn't give any new information besides the DNA and 2 out of focus pictures. The DNA was ran 3 times; 1. Inconclusive 2. Opposum 3. Human. Honestly it felt like a scam more after watching the conference, when it should have been the other way around. They didn't bring the body it is "locked in a secret place." Actual scientist have not even seen the body, they only sent the DNA samples in an envelope. They also won't disclose the area found so they can protect an endangered species. Because there were suppose to be more there frolicking around.
I'm more interested in this than I likely should be. There are a few sightings each year up around here. It's all very fascinating to me for some reason.

I must add that I don't believe in it, but if they have independently confirmed evidence that would be something.

So Alan... what if Bigfoot was swimming in the Olympic prelims? Would you watch that? :laugh:
Man I don't know.....I'm not saying threre's not a Big Foot but after seeing it on the news the other night i'm not sure I beleive this story. :whistling: Guess we'll see.
This explains why they have never found remains in the Pacific Northwest where most of these sightings come from. How simple,,,,,they go to Georgia to die.

Next week Al Gore will hold a press conference anouncing that the creature died as a result of global warming. :sign:

Smart money is on that we will find Man Bear Pig any day now.

Anything that big is gonna leave tracks and remains. I've never met a woodsman who seriously believes in "Bigfoot".
A disappointing and pretty lame ending to an amusing story:


Bigfoot Body Revealed to Be Halloween Costume

The excitement over a supposed Bigfoot body that built all last week, culminating Friday in a circus-like press conference in Palo Alto, Calif., collapsed like a wet soufflé over the weekend as an independent investigator found out it was all fake.


In a long statement on SearchingforBigfoot.com, Kulls reveals what he found early Sunday morning Eastern time as the body thawed out.

"I extracted some [hair] from the alleged corpse and examined it and had some concerns," Kulls writes. "We burned said sample and said hair sample melted into a ball uncharacteristic of hair."

Kulls called Biscardi in California, who told him to heat the body to speed up thawing.

"Within one hour we were able to see the partially exposed head," Kulls continues. "I was able to feel that it seemed mostly firm, but unusually hollow in one small section. This was yet another ominous sign."

Then came the clincher.

"Within the next hour of thaw, a break appeared up near the feet area. ... I observed the foot which looked unnatural, reached in and confirmed it was a rubber foot."

I like the link at the bottom of the story. "Click here to start your own Bigfoot Hoax." :sign:
Life is full of disappointments...


And to answer a previous question, I would watch the first few Olympic swimming prelims if Bigfoot were swimming, but after the 4th or 5th they get a little old. :D
And to answer a previous question, I would watch the first few Olympic swimming prelims if Bigfoot were swimming, but after the 4th or 5th they get a little old. :D

LOL. What if Peyton Manning was swimming?