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Bye bye Politics!


Staff member
Jan 4, 2001
For those who have been following the political forum, you now see my point as to why I do not want political discussion to reside on CP. I gave it the benefit of the doubt, however it's clear that politics will always end up being messy.

The forum is no longer active (although you may still be able to read post's for now).

Sorry it didn't work guys, I tried. I simply can't deal with all the emails, pm's, reported posts, and so on. I want CP to remain a brotherhood, no matter what your political affiliation is.

Let's get back to discussing cigars.

Still one unresolved question that needs to be answered.
Yeah, who cares about politics!

Send more cigars pleezzzzzzzzzzzzzz!!!!!!! :D
I think it would have worked out fine if a member or two who clearly went overboard wound up getting warned or banned (for a short period and on a second offense indefinately) and people knew about it, that would certainlly have kept discussions more civil.

It was really only a handful of members who basically ruined it for everyone.
Well I am sad to see it go - especially since I had just started posting again :( but you know we'll back whatever decision you make regarding CP here Rod.

Coventrycat is dead on in his assessment, but Rod predicted exactly what Ccat just posted. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted. :( :( :(

Hey CCAT, ya like my siggy? :)
SFG75 said:
Hey CCAT, ya like my siggy? :)

Scott man you are TFF :D :D :D

I need oxygen :D
No wait, this is where I'm supposed to say you "disturb" me SFG and I'll start my personal crusade to trash you :angry: :angry: :angry: since you personally attacked me and stuck your nose (in MY DISTRICT in Connecticut) where it doesn't belong ;) ;) ;)

You gonna send him money? He needs it :p

:sign: :sign:
coventrycat86 said:
OH YEAH SCOTT, well THIS is gonna be my new AVATAR :sign:
Two things: (1)I'm amazed that you figured out who my rep was; (2)How dare you!! Yes, Osbourne will be re-elected by a wide margin, he's practically the messiah in this state, though the rumor is that this will be his last campaign for district 3, he has eyes on the governor position.

No, I won't be sending money to good old Sullivan. Turns out that I blew out my back while sneezing this morning(yes, sneezing) and have to see the chiropractor more oftehn than I care too. Oh well.

Off the thread jacking now.

I'm really, really, really disappointed that the news & politics thing is gone. :( :( I was looking forward to taking conventrycat's cigars from him in his electoral contest. :D :D
Well, it ain't that tough Scott since I know you're in the styx of Nebraska AND a good friend of mine who worked on the Connecticut Governor's campaign was born and raised in Nebraska and had left here for a short time to work on a campaign (someone who's name began with a "U"?) when NE-3 opened up a few years ago. (I was just lucky that due to my friend Dave's involvement with the election in NE-3, that I knew it was your district) There was a five way Republican primary but when Osborne got in, they all knew they were

I guess we could stil have the contest in 'The Lobby", I mean it's just a contest not a political debate. OR I could just send you the cigars since you know already you'll beat my butt :p :D

YIKES :0 sorry to hear about your back :( BAck problems are not fun. Take lots of great meds and smoke one of Steve's Havanas :D
coventrycat86 said:
Well, it ain't that tough Scott since I know you're in the styx of Nebraska

He's in the mid-western rock group of Nebraska? Close but not really.

He's in one of the five rivers of Hades? Maybe.

Help me out here, which styx is it?
Rod said:
For those who have been following the political forum, you now see my point as to why I do not want political discussion to reside on CP. I gave it the benefit of the doubt, however it's clear that politics will always end up being messy.
I wasn't exactly sanguine about it to begin with; I think getting rid of it was a wise move, Rod. Shall we arrange a group buy of Advil to cure you of the headaches it has caused? ;)
Jason likes the word "sanguine" :thumbs: