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Chicago Bears


'From man's sweat and God's love, beer came to be.
May 11, 2005
Man they sure stunk up the joint yesterday. I understand the quarterback situation but i'm starting to believe that Lovie isn't the man for the job. Sticking to Grossman through all the baloney and never giving anyone else a chance is like when the Bears would get a lead and then play a guard the lead offense instead of play to win. :0
Hey Calvin Johnson is doing pretty well. He's from GA you know and I actually got to hang out with him at a few Hawks games. One fo my sales Reps used to tutor him in College.
I heard they are deep into contract talks with Matt Milan......
They could be a Milwaukee team. I've never thought Lovie was the right guy. Their defense was great before he came and remained solid because of the personnel, not because of his defensive schemes. For the past 20 years the problem has been the offense which has largely been hampered by a lack of a solid running back (though Forte is probably the best we've had since Payton) and quarterback, especially the latter.

The only decent thing Lovie has done, until yesterday, was beat Green Fudge Packers Bay.
Lovie Smith is not the problem... it is the GM. No QB, no decent wide recievers. Heck, the Packers 5th wide out is better than whoever is the Bears 1. The Bears have a decent O line and RB.. but you can't be one dimensional.

Today was by far the best game the Pack played this year... and the Bears D just had a bad game... they are better than they showed.
I agree that they are not as bad as they look, they didn't look bad against the Titans, it just gets frustrating waiting for the '85 team to return.
I agree that they are not as bad as they look, they didn't look bad against the Titans, it just gets frustrating waiting for the '85 team to return.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Try waiting for the 1953 team to return!
Quit yer cryin'.... just be grateful you got rid of that d-bag Jauron and be even more grateful you don't have a team like the Buffalo Bills!
I agree that they are not as bad as they look, they didn't look bad against the Titans, it just gets frustrating waiting for the '85 team to return.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Try waiting for the 1953 team to return!

Quit yer cryin'.... just be grateful you got rid of that d-bag Jauron and be even more grateful you don't have a team like the Buffalo Bills!
Check out the Coasters, in unison no less. :laugh:
Look at it this way Claudio...at least they are up front about their suckiness. Rather than wait until the playoffs and reveal their true identity like another team in the town :p

P.S. You're making it too easy for me bro.
The Bears have had quite a group of WRs. Look around the league. Ex-Bears are #1 of 2 option at quite a few teams. A solid QB would have done wonders. If one of many RBs drafted would have panned out, that would have changed a lot.

Lovie Smith is not the problem... it is the GM. No QB, no decent wide recievers. Heck, the Packers 5th wide out is better than whoever is the Bears 1. The Bears have a decent O line and RB.. but you can't be one dimensional.

Today was by far the best game the Pack played this year... and the Bears D just had a bad game... they are better than they showed.
Don't know if they can....however since I have joined I have converted to a Cubs fan after staring at JLAudio's avatar every day!
Don't know if they can....however since I have joined I have converted to a Cubs fan after staring at JLAudio's avatar every day!
You should see them out on the bleachers, SMOKIN' :thumbs:
Well..Damn! Did you see how incredibly bad the Bills looked against the Browns on Monday night? The Browns! Can it get any more degrading than to lose to the Browns for gosh sakes? I'd be thrilled to have the Bears anyday over these fuggin' Bills! Blah! :angry:
Well..Damn! Did you see how incredibly bad the Bills looked against the Browns on Monday night? The Browns! Can it get any more degrading than to lose to the Browns for gosh sakes? I'd be thrilled to have the Bears anyday over these fuggin' Bills! Blah! :angry:
You're a laugh a minute. :laugh: