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Cigar Box Bird Houses For Sale


Corresponding authority
Jun 18, 2003
Here’s my latest brainstorm, I’ve been thinking about combining three of my interests (woodworking, bird watching and cigars) all into one neat product that I can make a little money on the side in order to afford keeping my English cars on the road and buy heating oil to keep my ass warm.


Here are some photos of my prototype:


An extra $5.00 option is to have your favorite business card above the entrance to advertise your favorite cigar shop or your own business!!:


This is a small bird house most suitable for chickadees, nuthatches, titmice, and wrens. The bottom is hinged so that you can clean it out if need be. I figure a fair price is $35.00 and I can “side” them with any type of cigar box you’d like.

Whadda think?
Are you gauging interest or gouging those interested?
Use some good weatherproof varnish, that's all I see that is missing! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

This is a small bird house most suitable for chickadees, nuthatches, titmice, and wrens.

Whadda think?

I think you're ready for the "nuthatch" (with all due respect)! :rolleyes:

Then I don't even wanna know what "titmice" conjures up in your mind..... :whistling:

Tufted or Plain?

Tufted. C'mon Gary, BUY ONE, your chipmunk will love it! :laugh:

Are these dovetailed?

Also, can you deliver in person?

Self-quoting...a new low.

But, I forgot something.

Do you take eGold?

Nope, no fancy dovetailing and sorry, gas costs to damn much for me to deliver them, it will cut into my unemployment and I can't have that.

As far as eGold, sorry I can't do that either. My Jaguar parts guy and ABC Fuel won't let me pay them in eGold. :(
Since we're talking about titmice, maybe boobyhatch would be more appropriate than nuthatch. :thumbs: