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Colorado Herf # 2 - Short fuse


You're unique...just like everyone else
Mar 21, 2012
This is short notice but how about another smoke fest at Delaney's Saturday December 8th?
Sat is the only day i can not make it, sorry, have a fund raiser and a dinner that day
Does anybody remember the Newb that said they wanted to be a part of the next CO herf? if so, PM them and point them in this direction.
I'll have to leave by 4:00pm, I have a Christmas event scheduled that day at 6:00pm
I'll be there this Sat at Delany's, see y'all there! Gonna have time to hang till my lady gets through with her students group at Auraria. I'm dropping her off in the am and picking her up when she's through in the afternoon.

There is an outside Chance that Delaney's won't let us in the cigar bar because they don't officially open until 4. Last time it wasn't an issue. Just in case though here is a link to an alternate locationhttp://www.palmacigars.com/location.php
Was a pleasure to meet those that made it, looking forward to the Next time.

Sorry gents, I got crazy ill last night and I just got up. My apologies brothers, I dropped the ball!
sorry I missed it, but on the bright side, i roasted the best turkey of my cooking life yesterday for our Thanksmas Dinner
Here's a pic of Palmas that I snapped.