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Do Not Try This at Home


El Cheapo smoker
May 23, 2004
When I first found cigarbid.com one of the things I enjoyed doing was to bid a buck on almost everything, and sometimes two bucks when I was caught up in bidding. I ended up "winning" quite a few questionable cigars. My thoughts were, " its only $1.50 lost even with shipping if they aren't good."

Last night my wife had a, "What's it gonna take?" favor to ask of me and I told her I wanted permission to buy a box of some relatively inexpensive cigars in return. She said no on the grounds that I already have too many cigars and she doesn't like me smoking them at all, let alone knowing I have ~300 of them on hand. I asked what if I dispose of some first? She agreed. Today I took on the task of smoking the many potential dog rockets, all purchased at less than $1/stick to see which ones I wouldn't want to smoke again.

Over my son's 2 hour nap I drank 4 cans of Ginger ale while sampling..... 14 cigars. My tongue is sore, but I now know which cigars need to be disposed of. To prevent my fellow BOTLs from buying some of the worst cigars ever I have quickly reviewed each. My brief summary of each is colored Bold Red and the price I paid including shipping is in green. All of these cigars have been stored @ 65% in my coolidor for ~3 months except for #3. The reviews are in the order I smoked them. I will list the cigars from worst to best at the very bottom.

1) Takoma Corona Blue Box - machine made in Turkey for C.A.O. Was stinky unlight, which was the same in the form of flavor once lit. Although the flavor was not at all pleasant it was suprisingly rich. Mushy construction, fast burn. noticed chemical flavor and a bit of rotten oak. Truly nasty finish. $0.37 This is a dog rocket.
2) Takoma Corona Red Box - Very simlar to blue, lighter wrapper, a milder flavor/smell. Absent was the rotten oak but that was replaced with some metallic notes. $0.37 This is a dog rocket.

3) Burma Petit - this is a dry cured cigar so it does not need to be kept in a humidor. It came wrapped in tissue paper because looking at it nobody would ever buy such an ugly cigar. I felt the need to spit on and wipe clean then end I put in my mouth in hopes of cleaning it a bit. (both ends were open) Upon lighting it the smoke was cool and felt somewhat "chewy" in my mouth. The flavor was unique and had notes of spices to it. It was very mild bodied with moderate flavor. Physically it was firm, it burnt straight and slow. This cigar would be good to keep in your golf bag for emergencies since you don't worry about humidity. Typically I keep foil packed cheroots such as Backwoods in there for that purpose but I believe these may work better. $0.37 This cigar is worth keeping and I might even buy them again.

4) La O' Paree Corna - Flavored by a Parisian's sweaty armpits. This cigar was hard to light and mushy. For the very brief period I could stand to have it light it burnt very poorly. Flavor was acrid, soapy, and metallic. The one tiny bit of good flavor to it was burnt marshmallow. $0.37 This cigar is a biohazard. It should be saved only for use in hand to hand combat.

5) Flor De Filipinas Corona - Tight draw, spice on tongue, uneven burn. Flavor was strongly metallic $0.56
6) Flor De Filipinas Rothschild - Started off better than Corona with better burn and draw, and had a woodsy note. It very quickly turned into a stronger version of Flor de Tin Can like the Corona. $0.70 For both sizes of this cigar I would rather lick a 9 volt battery than smoke another.

7)Cuban Delights - There was nothing delightful about this cigar. I certainly hope it is not Cubanesque. The wrapper was annoyingly fragile and cracked and split constantly. Flavor was slight and insignificant, as was body. There was noticable bitterness. Feel was mushy, burn was poor, draw was acceptable.$0.67 I would pocket and trash or might fake smoking this if given

8) Don Macho Corona - Very attractive wrapper. Draws like a straw, mushy construction. Flavor was minimal with woodsy/earthy notes and a bit of spice/tingle at the back of the roof of my mouth. $0.76
9) Don Macho Robusto - Same great wrapper, noticably firmer and proper draw. Burn was straight with pleasant aroma and a nice ash. This cigar had a a richer version of the not good/not bad woodsy earthy flavor of the corona size. $0.90 For both sizes of this cigar I would smoke one if gifted if it were necessary to be polite.

10) Regalos Robusto - This was very similar to the Don Macho Robusto. It was a bit uglier to look at, but richer, spicier, and fuller bodied. It was also noticably harsher. $0.98 I would smoke one if gifted to be polite.

11) Regalos Cigarillo - These come in nifty little slide top boxes of 10 about the same size of cigarillo tins. Strangely richer than the robusto size, a bit hotter but not too hot. It was also less harsh. It had added cedary flavor presumably from the box. It burned amazingly well with beautiful symmetric rings in the dark ash. They cigar produced a suprising amount of thick smoke. This would be a decent cigar for ~5-10 puffs or 5 - 10 minutes when you really want a cigar but don't have time for even a PC. $0.25 This cigar is worth keeping and I might even buy them again.

12) Sacuba Corona - The flavor was suprisingly complex although too mild. Faint sweetness and woodsy notes were present. The smoke was slightly creamy and presented a bit of spice on the tip of my tongue. $0.77 I will keep and smoke or even give these away but its too mild for me to purchase again.

13) Don Felo Petit (Felitos) - very mellow and mild with a tiny bit of spice. Rich but one dimensional flavor. Very good burn. $0.25 I will keep and smoke these but would not purchase again.

14) 1 Plus Robusto - The return of.. I reviewed this in early June with the topic title "the fugliest cigar I have ever loved". I must have been hard up for cigars at the time because "like" is the best I could say about it now. It is a very ugly cigar. My opinion of the flavor now is that it is still very smooth, has mild body and medium flavor. It packs a lot of pleasant cedary flavor with a nice finish. It still burns quite sloppily and would have required frequent touchups had I smoked it all. $0.49 This cigar is worth keeping and I might even buy them again.

14) La O'Paree Corona
13) Takoma Corona Blue
12) Takoma Corona Red
11) Flor De Filipinas Corona
10) Flor De Filipinas Robusto
9) Cuban Delights Robusto
8) Don Macho Corona
7) Regalos Robusto
6) Don Macho Rothschild
5) Don Felo Petit (Felito)
4) Sacuba Corona
3) Regalos Cigarillo
2) 1 Plus Robusto
1) Burma Petit

Hope my suffering proves useful to you. ;)
Out of all those I only suffered through the Flor De Filipinas. Gave them away to the farmer down the road. He still talks to me so I guess he didn't think they were that bad. :p
That was a very informative and thoughtful gesture you've done.
Taking one for the team, now that's a true BOTL.
Thanks :)
LOL...Why don't you quit buying the dog rockets and just save the money for some good cigars???

And thanks for taking one for the team! :sign:

Thats a lot of cigars man. You at least should have topped them off with a Party PSD 4 or a Short to get the nasty taste out of your mouth!

Thanks for the reviews on what not to smoke.
AVB said:
Out of all those I only suffered through the Flor De Filipinas.  Gave them away to the farmer down the road.  He still talks to me so I guess he didn't think they were that bad. :p
Let me tell you its a good thing you didn't give him La O''Paree or he wouldn't be talking to you anymore. Believe it or not I am holding onto the remaining 4 of them... Next time Gamelover BustyGirl or a similar person shows up here I will slap some new bands on them and send them out. :sign:

That was a post I really enjoyed reading. I have often wondered about some of those....shall we say....less popular brands. I have only gone there once or twice with the Purisco and Pirates something or other. You have indeed gone beyond the call of duty and confirmed the belief. Applause!
Wow Matt, great job :thumbs: I would not have survived :p At least you got them for rock-bottom prices.

You can send the rest to gamelover2004. I have his address if you need it :sign:

I too did the CBid newbie thing, bidding on all and any cigar lots, and ended up with quite a bit 'o $hit. ;)

I asked if anyone was interested in any of them, after warning them they were dog rockets, and sent them out.

I believe I mailed out about 300 turds over the course of a month. Moki even got some for his great dog toss review, still waiting for some of them to be reviewed. :sign:

Lesson learned while bidding on CBid...

Quantity is NEVER a substitute for quality. ;)

They do have some deals on CBid, if you take the time to bid correctly. I will set my max bid to 75% of what I can get the same thing for on-line somewhere. I do win a few auctions this way and come away with a deal.

if anyone ever tells you to eat sh_t, I guess you can reply, "Been there, done that!"


So, were 12-14 really decent enough to keep or were you just so numb by then that you couldn't tell anymore?
Muley said:

if anyone ever tells you to eat sh_t, I guess you can reply, "Been there, done that!"


So, were 12-14 really decent enough to keep or were you just so numb by then that you couldn't tell anymore?
As I mentioned, I had smoked #14 before and liked it so I suspect yes.

Now that you mentioned numb; these all tasted mild, moreso than I remember for #14 in particular. Perhaps #12's flavor would not have been soo mild if I hadn't preceded it with 11 cigars.

I will be destroying the Cuban Delights, Don Macho, Flor de Filipinas, Takoma Corona, and Regalos Robustos tonight. The La O'Paree will be saved for use as a WMD. I added them up and it was 48 sticks. I will destroy the first 25 now to satisfy the terms of the agreement with my wife. I will save the other 23 (and find 2 others by then) for the next time she has a "lets make a deal" favor to ask.

I ordered my box of Cupido Knuckes last night. I am glad my suffering was useful to many of you, although I did have the alterior motive of getting the box of Knuckles out of it. :D YUMMY

I completely understand about CBid. I'm personally on a twelve step program and I'm coming to terms with not winning every bid that I want. I was really excited about it for awhile, but the novelty of it just wore off.

Of the fourteen that you tried, I've only had the Sacuba. You see two bundles of 25 going for roughly $40.00 on CBid & in the Thompson's catalog. It was the very first cigar that I ever smoked. Not only that, I still have it in a tube. Of course it's crap compared to my current collection, but we all have to start somewhere I guess.
I think everyone goes this route at first Quanity over quality. One item I'll throw in here is that many of your lesser smokes can be sent to the guys overseas in the military. You would think I don't want to send these but from what I can gather something is better than nothing. So if you haven't destroyed the smokes drop me a PM and I'll get you or anyone in touch with a few guys handling overseas shipping to the military.

On a side note sometimes buying the cheap cigar can find you the diamond in the ruff. If that happens the few dollars you spent sampling can pay off.

Just how you look at things.
What I was wondering the other day is if there are factories in Nic/Hon/DR that do nothing but produce these wonder dogs and just slap different bands on them for the vendors (CBid, Factory Direct, Thompson's, et al) to apply fantasyland ad copy to?

The other thought that just occured to me: Are these examples of decent leaf being blended poorly that could otherwise go into decent smokes? Or is it just crap tobacco that finds its way into these?

Just woolgathering, I guess. :lookup:

Oh, and an award for going beyond the call of duty for Matt! :)
I just had to say thanks. This was truly an enjoyable thread. Sometimes though, you gotta know that you can only expect somethings are gonna taste like sh*t brother. :) In those cases, I hope in the future, you can save yourself the headache in adavance. :)

Thanks again for taking one (or 14) for the team. ;)
psyktek said:
What I was wondering the other day is if there are factories in Nic/Hon/DR that do nothing but produce these wonder dogs and just slap different bands on them for the vendors (CBid, Factory Direct, Thompson's, et al) to apply fantasyland ad copy to?
ALL factories have tobacco that doesn't make the grade for their name brands. This is the tobacco you find in the off brand labels. They have to do something with it, might as well let the newer rollers pratice and who knows, might even sell some. :p :sign: