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Ever wonder about the sanity of the locals around you?

You are more correct than you suspect. You are the most knowledgeable about what you enjoy. It is however the job of cigar shop employees to find out what flavors, profiles, etc you enjoy and make suggestions based upon your answers. SHAME on B&M Pushers - sometimes they are laughable in their suggestions and if I'm in the right (wrong) mood I'll throw in my $2.75!
Herfs are great to find out what other BOTLs enjoy, you'll find a particular cigar in common and take suggestions from that BOTL as to similar tastes.
Fugg the old Turd Smokers at the B&M as far as suggestons and reccommendations on sticks. You already know they have no taste buds left. Sometimes their stories are great though!

Earlier this year I wandered around a local B&M's very large Humidor where NOBODY approached me. I ended up dropping $350 (too much for me) on various singles and didn't even receive an invitation to check out their private (although it is glass enclosed on 2 sides), very snooty and not even interrested in my needs as a local herfer. I won't be going back there. By contrast En Fuego, Tobacco Road, and Two Brothers have been welcoming and knowledgeable from the get go, BEFORE I dropped some bucks.

Now for the exceptions:
1- The most expensive is not always the best, although it does help (empty your wallet) establish your presence. I have found a good $1.90 cigar that I enjoy and am proud to extend to my friends that occasionally smoke.
2 - Pre is RIGHT - go worship at his Pepin Shrine, I truly believe any decent herfer can find some stick in his line to enjoy.
3 - See you at Two Brothers and MAKE the trip to En Fuego!

Post the profiles you enjoy and solicit suggestions, you never know what you'll get. :D ???
I agree that to each his own with no qualifications. I have heard just about every preference under the sun and there is no rhyme or reason to it. There is no universal "best cigar".

People just have different tastes. End of story.

Yep, and some people enjoy shit. :)
You are more correct than you suspect. You are the most knowledgeable about what you enjoy. It is however the job of cigar shop employees to find out what flavors, profiles, etc you enjoy and make suggestions based upon your answers. SHAME on B&M Pushers - sometimes they are laughable in their suggestions and if I'm in the right (wrong) mood I'll throw in my $2.75!
Herfs are great to find out what other BOTLs enjoy, you'll find a particular cigar in common and take suggestions from that BOTL as to similar tastes.
Fugg the old Turd Smokers at the B&M as far as suggestons and reccommendations on sticks. You already know they have no taste buds left. Sometimes their stories are great though!

Earlier this year I wandered around a local B&M's very large Humidor where NOBODY approached me. I ended up dropping $350 (too much for me) on various singles and didn't even receive an invitation to check out their private (although it is glass enclosed on 2 sides), very snooty and not even interrested in my needs as a local herfer. I won't be going back there. By contrast En Fuego, Tobacco Road, and Two Brothers have been welcoming and knowledgeable from the get go, BEFORE I dropped some bucks.

Now for the exceptions:
1- The most expensive is not always the best, although it does help (empty your wallet) establish your presence. I have found a good $1.90 cigar that I enjoy and am proud to extend to my friends that occasionally smoke.
2 - Pre is RIGHT - go worship at his Pepin Shrine, I truly believe any decent herfer can find some stick in his line to enjoy.
3 - See you at Two Brothers and MAKE the trip to En Fuego!

Post the profiles you enjoy and solicit suggestions, you never know what you'll get. :D ???

Well, your B&M experiences struck a cord with me. The shop across from my house was really helpful when the owner was running it, not so much now. Both myself and the people I've introduced (personally) to the store have dropped some pretty serious money there in the last few months, yet I've never been asked to stick around and smoke something there, nor have they asked me if I would like to become a member. I did visit Two Brothers last weekend for a few minutes to check it out. They were extra helpful, they asked me to stick around to smoke and watch the game, and I didn't even spend that much there. The only downside is the drive over there, but I guess I can deal with it. Maybe it's time to switch B&Ms.....

I rarely hang around cigar shops and when I do (at JimD's shop) pretty much everyone I've ever run into there are knowledgeable cigar smokers and I never heard stupid crap from his customers like you've described here.

Maybe you should find a shop with fewer stupid people. :laugh:
I vote for a switch, when we went last time to our regular they were pretty short with us. Like you said we have spent a good deal of money there and it seems to get worse each time. Though we have only been once, for our first time at Two Brothers to be invited to stay and watch the game with them I was really impressed, and they were also quick to help when we needed it. Definitely looking foreward to the HERF down there on the 14th. Atleast this time we will actually get to stay for the game.

edited for spelling:
While I've met quite a few local guys who do not smoke the best cigars in the world, they can really be a lot of fun to talk to. In a large way, the local crowd was responsible for helping me ease into cigar smoking in the first place.


Also, the butt-seks, Al @ Puff'n'Stuff has helped my little brother with that time and time again.
Yep, to each his/her own. Most of the customers at my local B&M smoke bundles or the occasional General/Altadis cigars. I find most all the regulars to be great people without the cigar knowledge or bank roll to afford the Opus or Anejo ($10-$15.00) smokes on a everyday basis. The locals can provide alot of comic relief and some of the quotes will stay with me forever. Here are a few.

"Tastes like ass, and I am not talking about a slip of the tongue either"
"That cigar is truly uneventfull"
"I tried smoking a Opus but I met my buddy RALPH about a inch into smoking it"
"I don't know if I should flush it or smoke it" (his first perfecto shaped cigar)
"Dam that was good, reminds me of before I joined the navy. I need a roach clip" (A 70+ year old retired Navy Captain)
"I need a Oliva Gold, now that is the best cigar ever made NOT"'
"That Acid cigar smells like my ex girl friend from the 70's and that is not a good thing"

I wish I could remember more, I am sure I am forgetting some of the better phrases overheard.