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Foam is for Pussies...oh wait, I meant to say "Newbs."


OG Post-Whorer since 2008 bitches...
Feb 6, 2008
You little kids have no idea who you're dealing with. You've spanked some of my close pals and myself on this board and had the nerve to call us "FOGs" when we're just "In-Betweeners," you brought the Bomb Brothers out of retirement, and brought me back to this board out of my happy sticky wet seclusion. The only good thing you little newblets have actually done that I wholeheartedly endorse is annoying Phil. That part we're cool on. But more pressing business awaits:

The gauntlet has been thrown, and we've answered. Grab a fresh pair of panties and reap the whirlwind...REAP IT!




"Foam is for Pussies."
-CP's proud Class of 07' and 08'.
When Souldog gets his custom dildo manufacturer involved in a spat, some pussies Newbs are in for a real pounding....
You little kids have no idea who you're dealing with. You've spanked some of my close pals and myself on this board and had the nerve to call us "FOGs" when we're just "In-Betweeners," you brought the Bomb Brothers out of retirement, and brought me back to this board out of my happy sticky wet seclusion. The only good thing you little newblets have actually done that I wholeheartedly endorse is annoying Phil. That part we're cool on. But more pressing business awaits:

The gauntlet has been thrown, and we've answered. Grab a fresh pair of panties and reap the whirlwind...REAP IT!




"Foam is for Pussies."
-CP's proud Class of 07' and 08'.
You little kids have no idea who you're dealing with. You've spanked some of my close pals and myself on this board and had the nerve to call us "FOGs" when we're just "In-Betweeners," you brought the Bomb Brothers out of retirement, and brought me back to this board out of my happy sticky wet seclusion. The only good thing you little newblets have actually done that I wholeheartedly endorse is annoying Phil. That part we're cool on. But more pressing business awaits:

The gauntlet has been thrown, and we've answered. Grab a fresh pair of panties and reap the whirlwind...REAP IT!




"Foam is for Pussies."
-CP's proud Class of 07' and 08'.

Looks like my barber was pretty careless across the back.
Haha Jon! What chemical can dissolve this...not muriatic acid for sure! :D

I might not be a "safe at home reaction" but I bet something does. Jon I was told at a herf by one of our Houston Newbs, we are HOGS (half old). You can be a tween if you want though.
You have learned well Grasshopper.
[quote name='Smokin'Sims' timestamp='1334586084' post='1088909']
[quote name='siriusstoogie' timestamp='1334585899' post='1088907']
Haha Jon! What chemical can dissolve this...not muriatic acid for sure! :D

I might not be a "safe at home reaction" but I bet something does. Jon I was told at a herf by one of our Houston Newbs, we are HOGS (half old). You can be a tween if you want though.

"a Gooch?", not another one! :laugh:
When Souldog gets his custom dildo manufacturer involved in a spat, some pussies Newbs are in for a real pounding....

I takes care of my own! :laugh:

Haha Jon! What chemical can dissolve this...not muriatic acid for sure! :D

Oooh, theyre going to need a bigger gun for this one... :angry:

I think its funny how I don't see any of their "leaders" commenting on this. Must be in the bathroom cleaning up after crappping themselves! :p
I think its funny how I don't see any of their "leaders" commenting on this. Must be in the bathroom cleaning up after crappping themselves! :p

There is no designated “leaders” to this large group of newbie’s that have made attacks on you FOGs, HOGs, In betweens or whatever the hell you want to be called... :D 90% of the guys that sent out bombs are unknown by you guys so how do you know that they haven’t commented already. Plus there is just a whole lot of talk with only one hit on this newbie army. :laugh: We have been sniping down FOGs one at a time for the past month plus while you have been on vacation.
Foam is for Pussies? You couldn’t even get into a wooden box without destroying some of the contents… :laugh:
Also you are wicked good at making sparks! :thumbs: :laugh:
Looking forward to see how this plays out. :thumbs:
Also you are wicked good at making sparks! :thumbs: :laugh:

All shit-talking aside, this part cracked me up. I couldn't stop laughing bro, Reminded me of that Ben Affleck SNL skit where everything was "wicked awesome!"
Its a rule around here that you should post an introduction and fill out... oh, wait a minute. I remember a Souldog from a while back. Somebody leave the gate open?