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Graycliff Espresso


Non-active but active and lurking!
Apr 22, 2005
Reaction score
14217 Ballycastle Trail, Austin Texas 78717
I liked it! Ta-Daaaaa! :laugh:

This was one interesting cigar (thanks again Insight!). It started out with the sweet spice that one would expect from any AF sun-grown product (which this is not :whistling: ). But the sweetness that I feel this cigar was meant to impart upon the smoker was very nice. It had nice earthy notes to it throughout the experience, these all made for a mighty fine Friday evening out in the back with a good beer (Stella Artois) and a good book (Stephen King's "Everything's Eventual").

I really liked this smoke, but for the price that these are sold at you would think that there was some Cuban tobacoo thrown into the thing, after all, they are made in the Bahamas!

Burn was good. Draw was good. No touch-ups needed. Yadda- Yadda!


Send me more!!! :whistling:
This one's on a short list of mine. Seems like the general opinion is they are good, and possibly the only Graycliff that is worth the price tag.
Glad to hear you liked the stick John. I think I will be toasting one tomorrow night after I turn in a rough draft of my M.A. thesis.
I did not enjoy the first one I smoked, the second was great
and now I'm on the "tending to reach for one" phase.

Moral of the story - don't judge a stick on one smoke.

A great premium smoke!! The price does not bother me because I know that I will be getting a great smoke. I really like the blue label too.
I had one last night after the blue label I grabbed for had a dead beetle in the celo :angry:

But on the upside the espresso was great! It had a pretty unique flavor and definitely held strong down to the nub
Hey Fetter, nice review.

I totally agree with the unique sweetness. For me, the amazing cocoa/coffee character was the real signature of this cigar.

Rather than start a new thread, I thought I would add my review to this one...hope you don't mind.

I smoked a GC Espresso a couple of nights ago. I had purchased a 5-er from CBID a while ago but hadn't smoked one. The time never seemed right...they are reputed to be a strong cigar and I wanted to make sure I could "take it" ... having a full stomach seemed a requirement.

We had a nice dinner and had opened a bottle of Cabernet that we like (Sterling). Since we had the day off, we had eaten a little earlier than usual....the weather outside was good for smoking, the chores were all done and I had a nice glass of after-dinner Cab to go with my cigar. I rooted around in the humi looking for just the right cigar. The GC Espresso caught my eye....I was a bit reluctant to use up the perfect moment on an untested cigar...but I figured it was now or never.

The cigar must be trimmed to length with the celo on because there is no folded celophane foot on the cigar. I got it out of the celophane and gave it the once-over. Great smell and good feel (not too soft...GC cigars are generally on the soft side as far as I am concerned). There was a bit of a chocolate/coffee smell and I got the same notes on the pre-light draw after I clipped it. The draw was just a little easier than "deliberate" ... almost perfect.

I took my time, toasted the foot and gave it a few easy puffs. Really nice. Rich tasting, just like you might expect from the description and the hype (kind of surprising that it measured up to the hype actually....). Definite hints of espresso/coffee/chocolate - the dark kind! Not too spicey, but it went real well with the Sterling Cab.

I monitored myself for that queasy feeling (I am fairly sensitive to nicotine), but never had a trace of it. About 1/2 through I felt a little nic buzz that was not unpleasant. I smoked it down to the 1/3 mark before letting it go out in the ashtray.

I have smoked a few other GC's and have found them way overpriced for what you get (they were ok, not great). This cigar was very good and given that I scored a fiver on Cbid, the cost was reasonable for a premium cigar. I trolled Cbid this morning and bought 2 more 5-packs.

Of all the Graycliffs that I've smoked, this is the only one that I would smoke again. For reviews on CP, I've smoked the GC Emerald (this same line with a candela wrapper and milder mix) and also the CI Legend Purple...both were not good cigars. The Espresso was a big surprise.

Definitely the best Graycliff imo, I just wish the elegantes (lanceros) were regular production.
Of all the Graycliffs that I've smoked, this is the only one that I would smoke again. For reviews on CP, I've smoked the GC Emerald (this same line with a candela wrapper and milder mix) and also the CI Legend Purple...both were not good cigars. The Espresso was a big surprise.


I concur... especially the Espresso lanceros ("Elegantes")
A few weeks ago I smoked my first Espresso, a robusto. That cigar opened a serious can of whoop-ass on me. Strong as hell, but I still enjoyed it.

Short story to accompany my .02: I smoked this at a local B&M and struck a conversation with another guy seated in the lounge area. He was a restaurant owner, nice enough guy, and happened to be smoking a Cohiba. I asked him what year it was and he replied 2006. He asks if I enjoy Cohibas and I tell him I've never tried one, but the guys I smoke with weekly rave about them. He goes to the back and a minute later hands one to me. I thank him profusely, talk some more b.s. and head for the car (trying to keep this short). As the car is warming up, I turn on the interior light and start to examine the Cohiba. The wrapper seemed dark. There was no floral smell at the foot. The bunching had a confused pattern, and was real tight to the pinch. The label fell off. I called fake. Later in the week, the MPLS crew confirmed my suspicion.

That was my first known experience with a fake CC. I don't think there was any ill intent on the restaurant owner's part and I don't really care anyway, but nevertheless it's not a cigar I'll be passing along to any BOTL's. Don't know what I'll do with it. Perhaps throw it in the air and see if I can pierce it with a .22 round.